Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 275 Capturing The Black Demon World

Chapter 275 Capturing the Black Demon World

Neither the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor nor Shaying expected that they would end up making wedding clothes for others. The most depressing one among them should be the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The things that I had worked so hard to create were first used as wedding dresses for others, and finally made wedding dresses for others. In the end, I even lost my soul, and my whole soul was swallowed up by Zhou Tianfeng.

Of course, he has completely disappeared between heaven and earth now, so there is no need to be depressed anymore.

"You, who are you? You are not a creature of this world, and you are just like me. Why do you want to stop my clan's plan?" The evil shadow whose entire soul was controlled looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked with a fierce expression. .

He really died before he left the army! I really didn’t expect that there was an oriole hiding here at the end. Where did this guy come from?

Being able to control himself so easily and destroy the soul of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor with a wave of his hand, this guy's strength is simply terrifying.

and. He couldn't see it wrong. What he had just used was the almighty power of this body. This body seemed to be tailor-made for him. He seemed to be the real owner of this body.

No wonder, no wonder the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor was suppressed by him at that time.

what to do? The task assigned to him by the Lord of Darkness has not been completed yet, it has not even started yet. Damn it, how can I be worthy of my family, how can I be worthy of my eldest brother?

"You don't need to worry about who I am. You just need to know that you will have to stay with me for a long time in the future." Zhou Tianfeng showed a sneer and sent it directly to the virus space, and then came Got a sealed package.

Why are I telling you so much? I am too lazy to explain to you. The time you came is really too timely.

I just need to know the information about the upper world. Although several Heavenly Venerables and Yun Tianshuang will explain it to me, it is all said by others. Zhou Tianfeng has no idea about the real thing. .

He was just hearing about it. If he wanted to truly understand something, he had to see it for himself.

And if he doesn't Ascension to the upper realm, then Zhou Tianfeng can only use the soul-searching technique to know about the upper realm.

The two guys locked up in his virus space are extremely powerful, and Zhou Tianfeng has no idea at all.

The same is true for the other Heavenly Venerables. As for Yun Tianshuang, haha, this girl is much stronger than herself now.

This guy named Shaying sent him here like a help in times of need.

The strength of this guy's soul is only a little stronger than that of the Immortal Emperor. After he completes the repair of the original Immortal World and gathers the original energy, and then swallows his soul, he can know everything about him.

The information I got will be correct then. After dealing with these two souls, Zhou Tianfeng's soul successfully took over the body.

The ten combinations of external blood demons, the original body of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, the new body of the Integrated Union slowly opened its eyes, and its face began to change, gradually becoming the appearance of Zhou Tianfeng's original body, becoming Zhou Tianfeng's External Incarnation.

After moving his body, Zhou Tianfeng carefully felt the current strength.

"Hahaha! I really didn't expect that things would develop like this. I would somehow get the body that the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor worked so hard for me." Zhou Tianfeng laughed.

Not long ago, he was in retreat in the Luo Heavenly World palace. Suddenly, the virus space sensed something. The body of the ancestor of the blood demon that had disappeared was somehow connected to the virus space.

When this body was just created by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, Zhou Tianfeng planned to seize this body to become his own clone, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that he would spend 200 years in seclusion as soon as he arrived in the Black Demon World.

After the results came out, that guy Sha Tian ran out and took the body, and then he lost contact with the virus space.

I thought that the body of the blood demon ancestor was lost like this, but I didn't expect that at this point in time, it would be connected to the virus space again.

With the blessing of the power of the virus space, Zhou Tianfeng's soul could be said to be extremely powerful, so he entered the body without any hesitation, and then saw what the two Monster Emperors had done. good thing.

Zhou Tianfeng never expected that Sha Tian, ​​who was giving him a huge headache, would actually receive the lunch box in this way and happily go to keep company with Queen Ruoxi.

Zhou Tianfeng chose to watch what happened next. It was not until the souls of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and Shaying entered the body of the Blood Demon Ancestor that Zhou Tianfeng took action. He even waited for the two of them just to be on the safe side. The souls fought hard and both sides suffered losses.

In fact, with the terrifying power of the virus space, even if you are bolder, you can easily take away the souls of two people.

However, for what reason did this body regain contact with the virus space? Zhou Tianfeng is quite curious about this.

Lord Taoist: The body of the previous Blood Demon Ancestor has not completely lost contact with the virus space. Just being. The powerful power of darkness has just been suppressed.

Originally, when your cultivation level exceeded that of the suppressor, you could regain control of that body, but the suppressor died, so now you can easily control the body.

Virus Space immediately gave Zhou Tianfeng an answer.

"You mean, this body was not taken away by others before, but was suppressed? With this kind of suppression, as long as my cultivation level exceeds his, I can regain the initiative, or like now, he is suppressed Kill them." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Lord Taoist: Once you are bound by the virus space, you can only suppress it unless the opponent's strength far exceeds yours. You were just a Golden Immortal before, so you were suppressed.

After your cultivation breakthrough reaches the Immortal Emperor, this suppression has gradually begun to weaken. It is not until the owner of this body dies that you can completely regain control of this body.

Now, this body is back in your arms.

"I understand." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

This body may be able to perform some operations in the future, or it may be a huge temptation for some upper-world races. After all, this body is very perfect!

He can even use this body to carry out fishing and law enforcement, and then lure those beings from the dark clan to take the bait.

But the most urgent task now is to test the combat effectiveness of this body.

Zhou Tianfeng squeezed his fist. Then. It took me a while to get used to the new Immortal World.

This body does not have the Kirin Law Manifestation that I am familiar with, nor the blessing of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, nor even the burst of adrenaline. It is a body that is conceived from this world by combining some of my own powers.

But the strength of this body far exceeds Zhou Tianfeng's imagination. First of all, the black jade Demon Race and the original zombie attributes of the Blood Demon Ancestor gave this body an extremely powerful body, which is not much worse than the real divine beast Fire Kirin, or even more powerful.

You know, the mythical beast Fire Qilin is very powerful, their physical strength is even stronger than the enlightened ones of Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Although this body does not have that many explosions, its original physical strength can even match the dual blessings of the Kirin Law Manifestation and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Moreover, this body also possesses a very terrifying ability, that is, immortality, which is even more terrifying than the blood demon ancestors, even if only a little bit of flesh and blood is left after being beaten. This body can regenerate itself, and Zhou Tianfeng’s soul is protected by the virus space.

Strictly speaking, even if a Divine King comes down, he cannot kill this body and can only seal it.

Moreover, Zhou Tianfeng got far more than that. What is the biggest bug in the blood demon clan? It's their terrifying fecundity that can transform other races into their own race through blood.

Back then, the four Blood Demon Ancestors used this bug-level ability to suddenly become a race rivaling the Demon Spirit Tribe, and even used it to dominate the Demon Realm space.

If Zhou Tianfeng hadn't come out of nowhere, he would have wiped out these four people. Now I’m not sure how far these four guys have developed!

The blood demon race is very, very terrifying, not to mention the current ancestor of the blood demon, with 14 body parts and the ancestor of blood pressure, combined into one, and then refined by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Zhou Tianfeng couldn't even imagine how powerful the descendants he would develop were, but there was one thing that Zhou Tianfeng could be sure of. The descendants that develop will definitely not be much worse than the previous blood demon ancestors.

The blood demon race has very terrifying potential, but before the four blood demon ancestors had time to explore their potential, they were eliminated by Zhou Tianfeng in advance.

"Your body's fighting ability and special abilities are absolutely unparalleled. And now you can take the opportunity to seize the origin of the entire Black Demon World, thus becoming the master of the New Immortal World, Luo Heavenly World and Black Demon World." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Not only did he get this physical body, he captured the soul of a dark clan, killed the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, and solved the threat of Evil Sky, he even gave himself a Black Demon World as a gift.

This time, we are really sitting at home, and blessings come from heaven! And that soul-eating Monster Emperor guy, haha.

I won't let you become the master of the Heavenly Beast World. Wait until I finish the Black Demon World, and I'll go find you right away.

How big a wave can a little Monster Emperor make?

Zhou Tianfeng sat cross-legged on the ground, and his mind began to communicate with the original energy of the Black Demon World. Without the existence of other Emperor Levels, or even the existence of King Level, Zhou Tianfeng easily gained control of all the original energy, and then began to transfer these original energy All the energy was inhaled into his body.

With the experience of Luo Heavenly World, this time Zhou Tianfeng absorbed this dark Demon World and became familiar with it.

(End of chapter)

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