Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 277 Soul-Eating Server, Original Immortal World Plan

Chapter 277 Soul-Eating Server, Original Immortal World Plan

The Soul-eating Monster Emperor never expected that the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor would mess up on his own and try to seize someone else's body. As a result, this body actually developed self-awareness. Was there any mistake? Even if you become self-aware.

But when faced with a demonic Emperor Level being trying to seize your body, you should die without any chance of rebirth!

How could he still kill the other party? This is a bit too outrageous!

"It's impossible, you, you're not. If you become conscious, you can't practice cultivation at all. This is a contradictory thing. From the moment you are created, it is impossible for you to have self-consciousness. Who are you? ?" Soul-eating Monster Emperor stared at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"Sometimes I tell the truth, but you don't believe it. The first owner of this body is me, the second is Sha Tian, ​​and the third is the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and another guy from the Dark Clan. Only But they fought to the death, and ended up taking advantage of me. Tongtong made a wedding dress for me, which not only allowed me to inherit everything from both of them, but also naturally accepted the Black Demon World." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Anyway, all the people here, or all the demons, will die today. Zhou Tianfeng doesn't mind saying anything. Anyway, you will keep your mouths shut tightly.

"Hmph! Now that you have obtained everything from the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, what is your attitude? You don't want to join the Dark Clan, do you?" The Soul-Eating Demon King looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

To be honest, he doesn't care much about the life or death of Emperor Black Heavenly Demon. He only cares about the cooperation between the two of them. Only when the two of them stick together for warmth and become the master of a world together.

They have the capital to settle down, otherwise what they have done will definitely be lost on everyone.

"So you want to form an alliance with me?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at the soul-eating Monster Emperor playfully and asked.

"Yes, I do want to form an alliance with you, and an alliance between the two of us is the most advantageous. What is your current status? It doesn't matter what you eat. The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor was the first to defect. If you kill him, you will be a great hero. Now You are the Lord of the Black Demon World, and I will soon become the Lord of the Heavenly Beast World. Only then can you and I join forces to avoid being killed by those guys from the Ancient Immortal Domain, Flying Immortal World, and Luo Heavenly World.

If you inherit everything from the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, then you should have his memory. You should know this very well. Only by staying together can we win. "The soul-eating Monster Emperor said.

"To be honest, you are quite interesting. After knowing that the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor was killed, he quickly chose to form an alliance with me and wanted to use my power to fight against other realms. But there is one thing you did not consider, becoming the master of one realm. It's indeed powerful, but wouldn't it be even more powerful to be the master of two realms?

I am now the Lord of the Black Demon World, why should I share this with you? Wouldn't it be better if I captured the Black Demon World and Sky Beast World by myself? Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! You are quite ambitious. I like it. Only ambitious people can achieve success. But you have to think clearly. Facing them alone is completely different from facing them with two people. Now the Dark Clan It has been completely wiped out.

The era of unanimously speaking to the outside world is over. Now is the time for all walks of life to compete for hegemony. Without any ally, no matter how strong your own fighting power is, you will only end in defeat. No matter how powerful you are, can you be stronger than the evil sky? What happened to him? You should have seen it, right? "The soul-eating Monster Emperor stared at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

To be honest, this soul-eating Monster Emperor is quite courageous. He first proposed a sneak attack to kill Sha Tian, ​​and then quickly came up with a way to integrate the two realms, if Zhou Tianfeng and those from the Dark Clan hadn't intervened.

His plan will be 100% successful. When the time comes, he and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor will become the masters of a realm and can indeed compete with others.

This guy is a talent. If he sincerely relies on himself, he will indeed be a strong help, but therein lies the problem.

The soul-eating Monster Emperor wants to seize control of the entire Heavenly Beast World, and Zhou Tianfeng is bound to gain control of the Heavenly Beast World. He cannot interfere with the ancient Immortal Domain, the new Heavenly World, and the prehistoric domain.

Therefore, it is necessary to capture Fei Immortal World and Luo Heavenly World. With the original energy from the four realms of Black Demon World and Heavenly Beast World, plus the two original sources of energy from the new Immortal World, he can steadily occupy 60%.

Only after the original Immortal World is successfully restored can you become the World Lord, so I won't let you.

Zhou Tianfeng had no intention of talking nonsense with the soul-eating Monster Emperor. The gravitational magnetic field was activated, instantly sealing all the Monster Race members present, and then the gravitational magnetic field was applied to the soul-eating Monster Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Blood Demon Ancestor transformed into a sky full of blood mist, appeared next to the soul-eating Monster Emperor, and started fighting with him.

If you call on the power of the source, or push the gravitational magnetic field with all your strength. Zhou Tianfeng could kill the Soul-Eating Demon King instantly, but he had just obtained a new body and wanted to test its power anyway, so Zhou Tianfeng decided to fight with the opponent first.

Zhou Tianfeng was still a little uncomfortable with controlling another body to fight for the first time, and could only barely suppress the soul-eating Monster Emperor.

The Blood Demon Ancestor, relying on his extremely powerful abilities and the extremely destructive Blood Demon Qi, can easily suppress him at the same level. Even if the opponent is the Immortal Emperor, Monster Emperor, the result will be the same.

No matter how various Divine Abilities the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor displays, they have no effect on Zhou Tianfeng. The body of the Blood Demon Ancestor is too abnormal. Any damage caused to this body will have no effect at all. As for the soul, , his soul is not as good as Zhou Tianfeng, and spiritual attacks are useless.

As time went by, Zhou Tianfeng gradually adapted to the various abilities of this body, and the situation of the battle began to reverse.

No matter how much damage Soul-eating Monster Emperor inflicts on Zhou Tianfeng, Zhou Tianfeng's body can recover quickly, but the damage Zhou Tianfeng inflicts on him will remain permanently. Under the ebb and flow, Soul-eating Monster Emperor has no A little chance of winning.

The soul-eating Monster Emperor thought about escaping, but the strange speed of the Blood Demon Ancestor was beyond his ability to contend with, and he could not escape.

If you want to tear apart the space, you can't escape to other realms, because the entire Beast World has also been sealed by Zhou Tianfeng.

"Please, please, don't kill me, me. I don't want the control of Beast World anymore. I am willing to surrender to you. I am willing to serve you as my master." In the end, there was no other way, Soul-Eating Monster Emperor directly He knelt down in front of Zhou Tianfeng and began to beg for mercy.

There was really nothing he could do. He couldn't fight again and again, and he couldn't run away. What else could he do?

Anyway, it's just a change of master. I can recognize Sha Tian as my master, and I can also recognize this guy in front of me as my master.

"You mean you want to recognize me as your master?" Zhou Tianfeng stopped, looked at the soul-eating Monster Emperor, and asked in a playful manner.

Damn, this guy is really a Transcendent Level loser. He is extremely afraid of death, but that's right. This is the wisest choice. If he wants to save his life, now he only has this option.

"Sir! I sincerely surrender to you. I will definitely be of use to you. I am at least an Emperor Level expert. You can take control of the Beast World." Soul-eating Monster Emperor said. .

"In this case, then don't resist. I will use a very special method to carve a mark on your soul so that you cannot betray me at all. As long as you have the intention of betrayal, I can kill you with just one thought. ." Zhou Tianfeng said.

If he is willing to give up control of Beast World, then we can talk about it, and after being spiritually branded by me, you will be bound to the virus space, and betrayal is impossible.

After hearing this, Monster Emperor gritted his teeth and had a fierce ideological struggle deep in his heart.

Surrender to others, and surrender to others. Or give your soul, why do I always have to be controlled by others?

But what can I do if I am not controlled by others?

"If you don't agree, I will send you on your way." Seeing that the other party had not moved for a long time, Zhou Tianfeng said a little impatiently.

The Soul-Eating Monster Emperor sighed, released his soul, and then knelt in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

In the end, the instinct of survival defeated my desire for power. As long as I am alive, I have a chance. As long as I am alive, I still have a chance.

No matter what, let's survive first.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded with satisfaction, carved the mark of the virus space into the soul of the soul-devouring Monster Emperor, and used the power of the virus to corrode his body.

"Sir, what is going on? My body, my body?" The sudden change in his body shocked the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. It's just some modifications for you. Don't worry, it will be good for you. Your recovery ability will be strengthened, your abilities in various aspects will be improved, and you will also gain the authority to possess a special bloodline.

Apart from being controlled by me, this kind of transformation will only benefit you and will do no harm to you. It is a gift and you must learn to accept it. Zhou Tianfeng looked at the soul-eating Monster Emperor and said calmly.

After hearing this, even though the strangeness coming from his body became more and more intense, the Soul-eating Monster Emperor still gritted his teeth and persisted. Now he couldn't resist and could only accept it.

When the soul-eating Monster Emperor was transformed by the power of the virus. Zhou Tianfeng also began to communicate with all the original energy of all this.

Because he completely surrendered to himself, the power of life and death of the soul-eating Monster Emperor is now under his control. The original energy in his body couldn't make any waves at all, and he could only watch the beast world that should have been his own become someone else's.

After another few days, Zhou Tianfeng successfully obtained all the control rights of Beast World. After Luo Heavenly World and Demon World, Zhou Tianfeng obtained control of another realm, including his new Immortal World. Realm, now he has mastered 50% of the original energy.

As long as he refines and flies to the Immortal World, he can master 60% of the original energy. No matter what, Master Tianxing cannot be his opponent.

Now. The only thing is still a potential threat. He is the member of the Dark Clan who went down to the lower world with Shaying, but this guy is different from Sha Tian. It was so weak that the most he could do was seize the body of an Immortal King.

There won't be any waves in a short period of time. As long as he dares to appear, Zhou Tianfeng will kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

"Congratulations, sir, for gaining control of Beast World. With both realms in hand, your current strength should be deployed to the Immortal Emperor and the Celestial Immortal Emperor." Soul-eating Monster Emperor bowed to Zhou Tianfeng, feeling very envious. said.

"Don't be discouraged. Now that you are one of our own, I can tell you some things. My real name is Zhou Tianfeng, and the Feilong Immortal Emperor is just a clone of me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The soul-eating Monster Emperor has joined the virus space and is now one of his own. There is no need to worry about him betraying or leaking anything.

Zhou Tianfeng is still very confident in his ability to control the virus space, and there are some things he can tell him.

His next actions still require the cooperation of this guy. Zhou Tianfeng does not intend to expose his true situation before completely seizing the Immortal World.

"What? Then Sir, what is your purpose?" Soul-eating Yaohuang looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked cautiously.

The flying dragon Immortal Emperor is also your clone, which means that Luo Tianjie is also yours. You are not the lord of two realms, but the lord of three realms!

"In addition to the Luo Heavenly World, the Black Demon World, and the Heavenly Beast World, I also have a new Immortal World. It is similar in size to the Prehistoric World, and is more than double the size of other realms." Zhou Tianfeng threw out another important pound bomb.

This blockbuster directly blew up the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor. I have never heard of the new Immortal World!

However, this does not affect his understanding of Zhou Tianfeng's meaning! In other words, this person actually controls four realms now.

"You should know the original Immortal World, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I have heard of the original Immortal World, but I don't know much about it." The soul-eating Monster Emperor said.

"Then let me explain to you. The original Immortal World was the original realm. When this world was just born, there were only the Immortal World and the mortal world.

All cultivators can live in this Immortal World. Breaking through the Immortal Emperor does not require any source energy at all. The upper limit of cultivation is not the Immortal Emperor, but the Great Principle. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I see, Lord, you want to restore the original Immortal World, right? Gather all the realms together, then repair them, and become the master of the original Immortal World." The soul-eating Monster Emperor asked cautiously.

His new master is very ambitious, but if his plan succeeds, it will also be good for him. He has stayed in the realm of Immortal Emperor, Monster Emperor for too long.

They Monster Emperor, Immortal Emperor, Demon Emperor, and people from the ancient Immortal Domain all hope to break through the existing realm, and the way to break through is nothing more than to seize all the original power of everything and become the master of the realm.

But even so, it is just a fake Great Principle, not even half a step closer to the combat effectiveness of the Great Principle.

You can maintain half a step of Great Principle combat power in your own realm, but if you go out, half a step of Great Principle combat power can still hang you up and beat you.

No one knows how to break through the Great Principle. It is said that it has something to do with one's own enlightenment and practice. Because when it comes to the Great Principle level, the original energy seems to be less important.

Although after becoming the Great Principle, the original energy will still be helpful to you, but after breaking through to the Great Principle, no matter how much original energy you have, there is nothing you can do.

"After I repair the original Immortal World, it will become much easier to break through the Great Principle. You can cultivate to the level of Monster Emperor, and your qualifications should be no problem. As long as the original Immortal World is repaired, you will be able to break through the Great Principle smoothly, and even Come to a higher realm with me in the future. There is only one thing you have to pay, and that is your loyalty." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Lord! I didn't dare to say it before, but now. I am loyal to you. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west." The soul-eating Monster Emperor immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Remember what you said today, now I give you a task. Don't leak any of my information to the outside world. Then you say that you have recovered the Beast World. Just go as you said before. I will give 50% of my information to the outside world. The original energy is left to you to use.

I will still act according to your original plan, and I will pretend to be the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, and then use the identity of the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor to form an alliance with you. With the existence of three world masters, the outside world should have no idea about us at all. After that, I will Will find a way to cannibalize Immortal World. Zhou Tianfeng said.

In order to implement the soul-eating Monster Emperor's strategy perfectly, Zhou Tianfeng decided to use the identity of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

Formed a triangular alliance with the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor played by his clone.

"I understand, sir, do you want the remaining Monster Races?" the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor asked as he looked at the many sealed Monster Races below.

"Don't do more killing. Do you have memory spells? The most powerful ones below are only in the Profound Immortal realm. You are a Monster Emperor. It should be easy to modify their memories, right?" Zhou Tianfeng said. .

You can't let your subordinates act as bare commanders, right? What's more, Zhou Tianfeng also left a part of the Black Demon World.

"Thank you. My lord, please understand. Don't worry, lord. I will conquer them all, and then use special spells to modify their memories. They will only know that I have united with the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, and they will not have any information about you, master." Leak it out." Soul-eating Monster Emperor immediately understood what Zhou Tianfeng meant and said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you externally. As for me, I will continue to act as the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor. After a while, the three of us will make a public appearance together, and then I will let the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor retreat. Stay in the Black Demon World, and you will manage the Beast World." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Soul-Eating Monster Emperor nodded, and the two discussed all the details again, and then Zhou Tianfeng gave the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor. Mobilize Sky Beast World. The four sources of energy. The authority directly cut through the space and returned to the Black Demon World, and then the consciousness returned to the original body.

After Zhou Tianfeng opened his eyes, he immediately stood up and walked out of his secluded place. He ignored a large group of attentive little demon girls along the way and directly summoned several Immortal Kings and demon kings to come to his palace for a meeting.

Now there are nine King Level beings under his command, including four Immortal Kings of the human race and five Monster Kings of the Monster Race.

The other three monster kings came over the past hundred years and are also members of the Monster Race.

"I don't know about the emergency call from the Immortal Emperor. What do we need to do?"

"There is something I want to tell you. It is a happy event. First of all, the threat from the Evil God Palace has been basically eliminated, and the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World have been recovered." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Mr. Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, you are saying that the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World have been restored, and the Shatian Palace has fallen. What about the Shatian?" a demon king asked.

"A long time ago, I joined forces with the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor. The three of us formulated a very grand plan. The two of them sneaked into the interior of the Shatian Palace, while I stayed behind. to the outside world.

After I killed Queen Ruoxi, the two of them also acted together and killed the evil body. Now the entire Heavenly Beast World and Black Demon World have fallen. All the people who were loyal to Shatian Palace were eliminated from their hands. Zhou Tianfeng said.

Hearing this, several demon kings and the Immortal King all opened their mouths and looked at Zhou Tianfeng in shock. This flying dragon Immortal Emperor was actually an ally with the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor. The three of them actually made such a terrifying plan.

The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, the Huang Immortal Emperor, and the Heavenly Star Master all worked together but failed to kill Sha Tian, ​​but he died inexplicably.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, is this true?" a demon king asked slightly excitedly.

"Can there be any lies at this time? Can I still lie to you? If you don't believe it, just wait. It won't be long before the soul-eating Monster Emperor and the black Heavenly Demon Emperor come to join me, and then the three of us will People will announce today's news." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Master Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, if you say so, if you say so, we won, we won, the threat of the Dark Clan is finally over, right?" The human Immortal King Mingxin said excitedly.

Ever since she became the Immortal King, the biggest threat to her was the Shatian Shrine. Now that the Shatian Shrine has fallen, she is leaning on the lap of a Transcendent Level Immortal Emperor. These days are simply wonderful.

Several other demon kings and Immortal King were also filled with emotion. No one thought that Sha Tian, ​​the master of Sha Tian Palace, would end in such a way.

"Although the Shatian Palace has fallen, the threat of the Dark Clan is not over yet. According to the information from the Soul-eating Monster Emperor and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, Shatian used the Divine Ability again before he was killed by them. .Place two members of the Dark Clan into our world.

But the good news is that one of them has been killed by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor, and only one escaped, but this guy is more dangerous. The strength of his soul is at the Immortal Emperor level, even slightly stronger than the Immortal Emperor, so he can easily seize the Immortal King realm. You should be careful in the recent period. Zhou Tianfeng said.

Several Immortal Kings and demon kings were shocked when they heard this. One of them ran out, and the target was actually the Immortal King and demon kings. This is something extraordinary!

"Sir Immortal Emperor, please protect me."

"The Immortal Emperor should immediately spread this matter to the Fei Immortal World, the ancient Immortal Domain, and the prehistoric domain, so that all the Immortal Kings can be gathered under the Immortal Emperor's command to prevent them from being taken away, and then start to investigate the existence of all Immortal Kings, and Find this hidden remnant of the Dark Clan."

"That's what I have in mind, and I will immediately inform Fei about the situation in the Immortal World, the Ancient Immortal Domain, and the Prehistoric Domain." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

(End of chapter)

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