Chapter 278 Reactions from all parties

"I sincerely obey the order of the First Immortal Emperor." The four Human Race Immortal Kings and the five Monster Race Immortal Kings all did not dare to neglect. They collectively bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. Now that the Celestial Beast World has been conquered, the person in charge there is the Celestial Beast Emperor. If you Monster Race people want to return to this emperor, there will be no hindrance." Zhou Tianfeng looked at several Monsters. Race Demon King said in a calm tone.

There was a flash of struggle in the expressions of several demon kings, and they communicated with each other again. Now, this problem was placed in front of them.

Heavenly Beast World is their homeland, but now Luo Heavenly World is much better than Heavenly Beast World, and what is the virtue of the soul-eating Monster Emperor? Several demon kings know better than this flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

Now returning to Beast World, there is indeed a larger territory for them to survive. But they also have to surrender to the soul-eating Monster Emperor, and the strength of the soul-eating Monster Emperor is probably inferior to that of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor is also good to them. Staying here seems to be a better choice. However, the voice of the clan is not certain. Many Monster Race still miss their hometown. Once they know that the Beast World has been conquered, many of them will not If they weren't the Monster Race under their command, they might be relocated en masse.

"Reporting to Feilong Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor generously took us in when we were in trouble. The five of us are willing to follow Feilong Immortal Emperor.

Our tribe, as well as the generals under his command, are willing to be loyal to the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, but not all the Monster Race people are controlled by the five of me. There are also some other Monster Races. If they want to return Heavenly Beast World, we can't stop it. "The demon kings thought for a moment, then stood in front of Zhou Tianfeng and said.

In the end, they decided to follow the flying dragon Immortal Emperor for no other reason. Following the flying dragon Immortal Emperor gives you a chance to become an emperor!

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is no ordinary Immortal Emperor, but the true Lord of a Realm, possessing absolutely terrifying power.

The original energy of Luo Heavenly World is enough to accommodate the existence of five Immortal Emperors. If they stay here, they can give it a try.

As for Beast World, it is indeed vacant now, but it only has three Monster Emperor positions. And if they don't join the forces of the Soul-eating Monster Emperor, they won't even think about taking the position of these three Monster Emperors.

After all, Beast World is currently vacant. They have reason to believe that the Celestial Beast Emperor will seize the original energy there and become the master of a realm.

"Okay, I roughly understand what you mean. If you are willing to stay, I will not treat you badly. If you are not willing to stay, I will not be embarrassed and can leave." Zhou Tianfeng said.

After all, after a while, I will integrate the original Immortal World. By then, no matter which world you are in, you will all be my subjects, and it doesn't matter where you go.

Several demon kings expressed their gratitude to Zhou Tianfeng again, fellow Feilong brothers. Monster Race is indeed generous to them, and it is a great favor to them!

Several monster kings informed the Monster Race below of Zhou Tianfeng’s intentions. The Monster Race that is not under the jurisdiction of the five of them is about 20 billion, accounting for half of the total Monster Race population.

But unexpectedly, only a small number of Monster Race chose to leave for the Beast World to survive. The other Monster Race chose to stay and join the power of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

Luo Heavenly World is still very suitable for Monster Race survival. Over the past 100 years, the population of Monster Race has also increased, and they still relatively recognize the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

At least the reputation of this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is much better than that of the soul-eating Monster Emperor. The reputation of the soul-eating Monster Emperor has simply reached the point of being ruined.

A few months later, the soul-eating Monster Emperor, Zhou Tianfeng's clone, and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor transformed by the blood demon ancestor came to Luo Heavenly World.

They met Zhou Tianfeng, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, and then the three masters of one realm announced a major news to the world.

First, three Emperor Level experts decided to form an alliance, and revealed that the three of them had joined forces with each other thousands of years ago, and the two of them infiltrated the Shatian Palace as undercover agents.

The Soul-eating Monster Emperor and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor were actually pretending to seek refuge in the Shatian Palace. The purpose is to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack on Sha Tian.

After a long wait of more than 2,000 years. Finally, they found a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not long ago. The two teamed up with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor outside to attack Sha Tian and beat him to death.

Under the sneak attack of three Immortal Emperor-level experts, Sha Tian also hated Xixi and died.

The Evil God Art has been completely disintegrated, the Heavenly Beast World, and the Black Demon World have returned. Now monks from all walks of life can Ascension normally, and monks who want to return to their homeland can also return immediately.

When I first got the news. Most of the monks couldn't believe it. More than 100 years ago, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor had just killed the Queen Ruoxi and achieved an unprecedented victory.

Then Luo Heavenly World was liberated. For Sha Tian, ​​a Transcendent Level master, for this once powerful and powerful man. All the monks are still very afraid.

But who would have thought? Such a peerless strong man could fall in such a ridiculous way.

Yes, in the eyes of monks from all walks of life, the way Sha Tian, ​​the master of Sha Tian Palace, fell was indeed a bit ridiculous. He was unexpectedly killed by a sneak attack.

In the prehistoric region, where demon cultivators gather, all the demon cultivators have gathered here. The number of demon cultivators who have been added one after another over the years has made the number of demon cultivators in the prehistoric region exceed one million.

It is ruled by the Demon King of Profound Heaven and several Demon Lords.

"It is said that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor killed the Queen of Heaven Ruoxi, which greatly reduced the binding force of the Shatian Palace. Then the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor teamed up to sneak attack the seriously injured Shatian and killed him. Only then did they recover. The Heavenly Beast World and the Black Demon World." A demon cultivator in the prehistoric realm said.

Monks from the Black Demon World simply cannot survive in the Luo Heavenly World, the Flying Immortal World, or the Ancient Immortal Domain. Only the Ancient Desolate Domain is more suitable for them.

"I didn't expect that this Black Heavenly Demon Emperor is still a figure. I thought he was just a faggot, but after working for a long time, he actually stabbed his master hard." Another Demon Race monk said.

"Lord Demon King of Profound Heaven, what should we do now? Should we return to the Black Demon World? That is our homeland after all." A Demon Race monk. Looking at the Profound Heaven Demon King, he asked cautiously.

The monks in the Prehistoric Realm over the years, as well as the daughter of the Immortal Emperor, the Lord of the Prehistoric Realm, have treated them well, but after all, they are people from the Black Demon World!

"What do you mean? Do you want to stay here to practice, or do you want to return to your hometown, the Black Demon World?" Demon King Profound Heaven looked at his group of subordinates and asked calmly.

All the demon cultivators looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know what to say. Who among them can't see the thoughts of their leader, the Demon King of Profound Heaven?

After all, they are all old antiques who have lived for thousands of years. You stay here just to pursue the daughter of the Immortal Emperor, right?

But it's a pity that this Immortal Emperor woman doesn't seem to be interested in the Demon King of Profound Heaven at all, and is even somewhat repelled by him.

"Lord Demon King, we are all outsiders here after all. Although the prehistoric realm can provide us with resources for demon cultivation, the Black Demon World is more suitable for the demonic energy there. The evil energy is the key to our cultivation, so I I think we should go back, and you are also a Demon King now. There is no Demon Emperor in the current Black Demon World. Don’t you want to fight for the Demon Emperor’s position?"

"Yes, Demon King of Profound Heaven, your current cultivation level is already at the level of Demon King, the only thing missing is the original energy.

There are no Earth Level experts in the current Black Demon World, and ordinary Immortal King demon kings cannot survive in the Black Demon World. If you go to the Black Demon World, you can completely absorb the ones from Molten Lotus. The original energy can be used to become the most Apex Level master Demon Emperor. "Another subordinate said.

"So you all want to return to the Black Demon World, right? Then let me ask you, don't you know who the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor is? We have all lived in the Black Demon World. For so long, who is the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor? People? Some monks in the outside world don't know. Don't you know?" The Demon King of Profound Heaven said.

He always felt that there was something strange about this incident, it was too weird, and Sha Tian died a little too quickly. It's too easy, too unclear.

But it happened that the father and daughter of the Immortal Emperor were both on the verge of death. As the demon king who once blackened the Demon World, he still knew something about this black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

This guy definitely doesn't know the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. There are rumors that this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is from the prehistoric region, although Di Honglei admitted the news.

But come on, they have been in the wilderness for almost 2000 years. How come they have never heard of this flying dragon Immortal Emperor?

"Lord Demon King of Profound Heaven, do you mean there is some conspiracy here?"

"I'm not sure, but. Now it's the best choice for us to stay in the wilderness and wait and see. As for the position of Demon Emperor, haha, I'm not interested. It only took me more than 1,000 years to break through the Demon King.

Want to refine the original energy and become the Demon Emperor? Even if I think I have good qualifications, it will take at least ten thousand years of time to settle down. In the prehistoric realm, we have someone to protect us. Now that the Shatian Palace has fallen, we can practice with peace of mind and return to the Black Demon World. Maybe we will have to Being enslaved by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and becoming his subordinates, do you want to become the subordinates of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor in the Black Demon World? "Profound Heaven Demon King said.

In any case, he will never go back before he has the power to protect himself, and there is no chance of breaking through the Immortal Emperor in the prehistoric realm. The only Immortal Emperor in the prehistoric realm is the Immortal Emperor.

"I agree with what the Demon King of Profound Heaven said. It is really not a wise choice to return to the Black Demon World now. Let's wait and see. Anyway, the Black Demon World has been slaughtered once before. If you want to be revitalized again, It will take at least tens of thousands of years." Demon Lord Mulan said.

"Second!" "Second!" "Second!"

Among those flying Immortal World, the three Immortal Emperors flying Immortal World also gathered together for a small meeting. After all, the trouble this time was really too big. The sharp sword hanging above everyone's heads, Sha Tian actually died like this. And there are three more Lords of One Realm.

"It's really unexpected. This flying dragon Immortal Emperor actually colluded with the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the soul-eating Monster Emperor. The three of them actually joined forces to kill Sha Tian?"

"Yeah, I still can't believe it! The evil master Tianxing, Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor, and Huang Immortal Emperor failed to kill, actually died like this."

"Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor. You seem to have a good relationship with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Did he reveal anything to you?"

"No, we only have a friendship in the past hundred years. We have only met a few times, which is similar to you." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor shook his head and said.

As my master, if he doesn't move, he will be astonished by his movements! It seems that he really has the ability to restore the original Immortal World, and he must use his talents to do so.

She had received a message from Zhou Tianfeng before. Now the Beast World, the Demon World, and the Heavenly World have all fallen into the hands of their masters. In addition to its original new Immortal World, as long as the Flying Immortal World is captured, You can start planning.

As for the other two Demon Emperors and Monster Emperor, the master just gave him a message that they are all his own, and the situation should be similar to his.

The three Immortal Emperors got together, conspired and discussed many things, and agreed to go to Luo Heavenly World to meet the flying dragon Immortal Emperor in a thousand years.

South Celestial Immortal Imperial Palace.

The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, who had just been in seclusion for a while, was awakened by his subordinates again, and received a piece of news that shocked him.

"Sha Tian actually died like this, are you sure?" Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal asked with a slightly excited expression.

"The news should be correct, Immortal Emperor. We have gone through various channels. We even sent spies into the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World. We can already confirm that the Evil Sky Palace has really collapsed." A Southern Celestial The Immortal King's subordinate, the Immortal King, spoke.

"This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is really talented! However, I didn't expect that the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor would rebel. The three of them joining forces can indeed kill the seriously injured Sha Tian and drive away his soul. Return to the Dark Clan." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor nodded and said.

"Hmph! It's just good luck. If it weren't for the Immortal Emperor, you, the Immortal Emperor, and Master Tianxing teamed up to seriously injure Sha Tian, ​​and they wouldn't have had the chance to make a sneak attack."

"No matter what, the death of Sha Tian is a happy event. Now is a good time for us to recuperate. When the Immortal Emperor and Master Tianxing wake up, we should see an unprecedented grand event. You pass on my orders. , immediately open the Ascension channel of New Sky, as well as the passage to and fro. Now creatures from all walks of life can enter and exit here at will. There is no need to join my force to practice here." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

If the Evil Sky has been driven out, then now is a good time to recuperate. This time the turmoil caused by the Evil Sky caused them to lose more than 70% of the monks in the upper world.

"Master Immortal Emperor, Fei Long Immortal Emperor sent a messenger and said that he has something very important to inform you." At this moment, a subordinate ran in, knelt in front of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and said.

(End of chapter)

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