Chapter 279 Fishing to Punish the Sky

Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor frowned after asking clearly, what kind of medicine is this flying dragon Immortal Emperor selling in the gourd? Because the other party killed Queen Ruoxi before and conquered Luo Heavenly World with great force, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor valued this young man very highly.

But then the other party joined forces with the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor. It really made the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor a little unhappy.

Who are these two people, him? Very clear. He had dealt with these two before when he was Luo Heavenly World Immortal Emperor.

One is an extremely ancient Demon Emperor from the Black Demon World, and the other is an ancient Monster Emperor from the Heavenly Beast World. Both of these characters are not very good and can be said to be mercenary.

Cooperating with such a person, he also killed the Immortal Emperor who once made him miserable. There is also Sha Tian, ​​who everyone in Tianxing feels is extremely dangerous and even almost alive and dead. He can't believe anything he says.

Because killing Sha Tian is not that easy. If a few Immortal Emperors could kill him with a sneak attack, they would have taken action long ago. Sha Tian is very special. First of all, his body cannot be shaken by ordinary beings.

Immortal Emperor-level beings can't hurt his body at all. No matter what shape his body is transformed into, this guy can recover quickly without spending any of his own mana.

There is also the problem of Primordial Spirit. Currently, only the Immortal Emperor, Master Tianxing, and Zhou Tianfeng, who is sealed in the new Immortal World, have weapons that can harm the Evil Sky.

If there is no Divine Weapon obtained from the upper world, then there is no weapon in this world that can hurt Sha Tian, ​​absolutely not.

However, the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor can kill the Queen of Heaven Ruoxi, so it doesn’t seem too strange that the three of them join forces to kill Sha Tian.

"Go and ask someone to come in! I want to meet him personally." The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor thought for a moment and then said.

If possible, he really, really wants to meet the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor in person and find out what connection he has with the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor.

The reality is that his body doesn’t allow it at all, so sometimes he really can’t help himself!

Soon, a human monk in the Immortal King realm came to the palace of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. He bowed to the extremely weak Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor on the high platform.

"Foreign Minister Li Xuan, pay your respects to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor." Li Xuan Immortal King said.

"No need to be polite, Feilong Immortal Emperor sent you here. If you have anything to inform me," Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor waved his hand, motioning for the other party to stand up, and then asked.

"Reporting to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, when the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor killed Sha Tian, ​​he found that there were still two remnants of the Dark Clan. However, the strength of the souls of these two people was very limited. Only the Immortal Emperor level may be higher than the ordinary Immortal Emperor. To be stronger, one of them has been killed by the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, but the other one escaped.

The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor once said that this person will definitely choose an existence in the Immortal King realm to seize his body, so he sent me to inform the major forces to be careful about this person. Li Xuan Immortal King said.

On the other side of the Prehistoric Domain, Zhou Tianfeng made a trip in person, and the Ancient Immortal Domain sent another being from the Mysterious Immortal Level to inform them.

Flying Immortal World asked the flower spirit Immortal Emperor to notify them and asked them to protect the Immortal King under his seat. As for the new Heavenly World, Zhou Tianfeng considered it and sent one of his Immortal King.

As for the black Demon World and the sky Beast World, there is no need to worry because there is no King Level at all.

"Oh! Are there still two remnants of the Dark Clan? Go tell Fei Long Immortal Emperor that I already know about this, so that he doesn't have to worry. We will definitely strengthen our defenses." Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

Although he is seriously injured now, he is still the master of a world. As long as the original energy is mobilized, the outside world will not be able to get any benefits, and no matter how good one's own cultivation is, it is only half a step to the Great Principle realm.

A soul that is slightly stronger than the Immortal Emperor cannot seize his body. As for the Immortal Kings under his command, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor plans to recall them in the near future.

"Emperor Celestial Immortal Nan, please be careful. This soul that came down from the Realm of Darkness can easily seize the King Level existence." Li Xuan Immortal King said.

Li Xuan still admired the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor very much. When he was the Luo Heavenly World Immortal Emperor, he was famous for his kindness. After his death, he even started to fight against the evil sky.

"Please also tell Fei Long Immortal Emperor that Nan Tian hopes to meet him." Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

There are some things he must meet with the flying dragon Immortal Emperor to confirm some of his suspicions.

"Don't worry, Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. I will definitely convey this matter to Feilong Immortal Emperor. If nothing happens, the foreign minister will leave first." Li Xuan Immortal King said.

"Well! It's really dangerous for you to walk outside alone. I will mobilize the original energy in a moment and open a space crack for you directly to the Heavenly World. It will be safer if you go back like this." Southern Celestial Immortal said.

"Thank you very much, Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal." Li Xuan said with a bow to Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal.

Being able to open a space tunnel for himself so that he could go back without having to travel long distances made him relieved a lot.

Please, there is a big evil star outside now, looking for Immortal King-level bodies anytime and anywhere. It is very dangerous for an ordinary Immortal King like himself to go out, but he has to complete the tasks assigned by the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor.

He was always on tenterhooks along the way, but fortunately, he finally reached the territory of the Southern Celestial Immortal safely.

The Celestial Immortal Emperor nodded, and with the power of his mind, he mobilized his original energy, opened a space crack, and sent Li Xuan in.

As soon as Li Xuan returned to Luo Heavenly World, he flew back to the palace of Feilong Immortal Emperor without stopping. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately came to see Zhou Tianfeng.

Seeing Li Xuan coming back, Zhou Tianfeng shook his head in disappointment and let one of his men, the Immortal King, go out this time.

One was to inform Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal about the Dark Clan's escape, and the other was that Zhou Tianfeng wanted to catch a fish.

Several Immortal Kings of the human race are now his loyal subordinates. It has also left a mark on the soul. No matter where you are, as long as someone takes away your body, Zhou Tianfeng will be able to support you immediately and destroy the soul.

But the Dark Clan member didn't seem to take the bait. He deliberately didn't open the space rift for Li Xuan and sent him out just for fishing. Unexpectedly, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor opened a space tunnel for him and let him come back.

"Reporting to the Immortal Emperor, the mission you assigned has been completed."

"Well, thank you for your hard work this time. Okay. In the recent period, you should stay in my palace. In my palace, you don't need to worry about being snatched away." Zhou Tianfeng said .

Didn't this guy have a crush on Li Xuan, or the body of the Immortal King? He doesn't like it at all, but he still wants to attack the Immortal Emperor?

It’s a bit annoying! The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. This is the most annoying thing.

Zhu Tian, ​​the soul of the Dark Clan that Zhou Tianfeng was thinking about, was not in Luo Heavenly World at all.

Instead, he chose the most mysterious ancient Immortal Domain as his target. There is currently no Immortal King-level existence in the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World.

Moreover, if you have the master of a realm, you may not get any benefits if you go by yourself. The same goes for Luo Tianji. And there is a more powerful flying dragon Immortal Emperor there who can kill Queen Ruoxi, so naturally he cannot go there.

So he first went to the ancient realm to try his luck, and found a powerful barrier in the palace of the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor was seriously injured and was practicing in seclusion, and there was a person inside who was breaking through the Immortal Emperor's realm.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Tian immediately looked ecstatic. These were two excellent bodies, one of which was breaking through the Immortal Emperor. One is a master of the Great Principle realm, but his soul has been severely injured and seems to be entangled by inner demons. There are ways to deal with this kind of soul. But just when he was about to take action, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor arrived.

He also generously and politely added a barrier to the place where the two were retreating, and even gathered several King Level masters from the prehistoric realm together, asking them to stay within the barrier and not running around, and told them the seriousness of their matter.

If I want to go in and seize the house, I am afraid that I will use a lot of tricks and attract the other party's attention. Maybe I will be caught by the other party before I succeed.

After Zhutian thought about it for a while, he gave up the two tempting goals and left the prehistoric realm. He couldn't go to the new Heavenly World. There was also something refined by the Heavenly Venerable in the upper realm, and there was also a world master, himself. The past is also dangerous, so the only option left is the ancient Immortal Domain.

Among the ancient Immortal Domain, there were three Immortal Emperors who were previously injured by Zhou Tianfeng with zombie Immortal Emperors. Now that he has almost recovered, after receiving the message from Zhou Tianfeng, he immediately gathered all the Immortal Kings together and joined forces with the remaining Immortal Emperor who was in good health to hug together for warmth.

Dozens of Immortal Kings and four Immortal Emperors gathered together, giving Zhutian no chance at all.

"Damn it, this flying dragon Immortal Emperor wants to kill me! You idiot Shaying, why don't you listen to me? If you listen to me, you won't be exposed. Now it's better, I was exposed, and I even lost my body. I can't even find it." Zhutian sighed helplessly and said.

I really don’t give him any chance at all. Now, all realms are on guard. Beings above the King Level basically hug together for warmth, and they all stay by the side of the Immortal Emperor, so he has no chance at all. Could it be that he wants to find a being at the Profound Immortal realm to take over?

But the problem is that the strength of his soul exceeds that of the Immortal Emperor. He can barely suppress it and survive in the body of an Immortal King. But if it's a Profound Immortal. It's simply impossible. The moment his soul enters his body, his body will explode. After all, the gap in cultivation between the two sides is too huge.

"No, I have to think of another way. There are currently the largest number of Immortal Kings in the prehistoric realm. I don't believe that all of you can endure loneliness and stay with a few Immortal Emperors forever." Zhutian is also iron-clad. Xin just stayed in the ancient Immortal Domain and began to look for his own goal.

Time passed by slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a thousand years passed.

This thousand years of time. There are some demon cultivators in the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World. Going back, some Ascensioners from the lower world also came up, giving the extremely desolate place a little bit of popularity.

And everyone basically recognized the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor as the new masters of the world.

After all, there is nothing you can do if you don't admit it. The combat power of the Lord of the Realm is half that of the Great Principle in his own territory, not to mention that there is a flying dragon Immortal Emperor allied with them.

This thousand years of time. It can be said that the cultivators at the lower level are having a very happy time, because the masters at the King Level have all fallen into death for some unknown reason.

They all stayed close to their respective Immortal Emperors. Some monks were curious, but they didn’t think much about it. Anyway, now that the Shatian Palace has fallen, the sharp sword hanging over their heads is finally gone. .

Over the course of a thousand years, the popularity of the entire Luo Heavenly World has increased a lot. There are millions of ordinary immortals from Ascension alone every year, but it will still take a long time to return to its heyday.

"Damn it, this Dark Clan is a bitch, you are really a bitch! I have caught you several times in the past 1,000 years, but you haven't come out, right?" After Zhou Tianfeng finished his practice for the day, Pan Sitting in his palace, he said to himself.

Over the years, he has sent Immortal King masters out one after another, arranging some special tasks for them, but every time without exception, he failed to catch the fish he wanted. .

If the opponent comes out, Zhou Tianfeng will be sure to rush to the scene as soon as possible and kill the opponent.

"Husband! I have an idea, I don't know whether to talk about it or not." Mo Yunqi came to Zhou Tianfeng and said.

Ming Yanshang recently fell into seclusion because he wanted to break through the realm of Profound Immortal, so Zhou Tianfeng took his eldest wife over.

"you say."

"You have caught it so many times, and your current identity is what he is most afraid of. If I were him, I wouldn't be fooled. Why don't you change your mind and look at the two zombie Immortal Emperor bodies in the new Immortal World?" .

They should also be unconscious. You might as well hide them in that place to create a secret realm, and then let the other party discover it accidentally, and then let him seize the zombie Immortal Emperor, and you can use the opportunity to deal with him. " Mo Yunqi said.

"You said it's quite easy, but it's very difficult to do. If I could lure him over, why would I bother with so much trouble? Just go over and kill him." Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes and spoke. said.

Please, I don't even know where he is, how can I attract him here? Do you think an ordinary fairy treasure can attract such a being?

But when Mo Yunqi talked about the zombie Immortal Emperor, Zhou Tianfeng remembered that there should be Immortal Emperor puppets in the ancient Immortal Domain. He didn't believe that Master Tianxing didn't have other Immortal Emperor puppets. Maybe I can change my mind, Zhou Tianfeng He touched his chin and thought of a solution.

At this time, in the ancient Immortal Domain, four Immortal Emperors and dozens of Immortal Kings have been in seclusion together for thousands of years. In these thousands of years, not even one Immortal King has shown signs of waking up.

This made Zhu Tian, ​​who had been waiting for a thousand years, helpless and even a little anxious.

(End of chapter)

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