Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 280 Ancient Immortal Domain Immortal Emperor Tomb

Chapter 280 Ancient Immortal Domain Immortal Emperor Tomb

These Immortal Kings of the ancient Immortal Domain are really too stubborn, but the situation in other sessions seems to be similar.

During these thousand years, he also took the time to go to other places to observe. King Level beings from other walks of life were all huddled around the Emperor Level experts.

He understood this situation instantly. The Immortal Emperor and Immortal King already knew of his existence, and began to purposefully guard against him.

The worst of these existences in the Immortal King realm have been cultivating for tens of thousands of years. Let alone thousands of years of seclusion, it is extremely easy for them to be in seclusion for tens of thousands of years. Moreover, this is not an ordinary seclusion, but a matter of life and death. . These Immortal Kings. He probably won’t leave the side of the Emperor Level expert.

And after ten thousand years, those three big guys will completely recover, and by then I'm afraid I won't have any chance at all.

But there is an exception, that is, the Feilong Immortal Emperor sends his Immortal King out from time to time, and even sends his Immortal King out because of some trivial matters.

The news about him was obviously spread by the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, but now he sent his subordinate Immortal King to wander around outside alone.

Isn't this obvious that you are hanging yourself? It’s such an obvious trap that you can tell by looking at it, do you think I’ll fall for it? The bodies of those Immortal Kings were indeed important to him, but his own plans were even more important. He would never act easily unless absolutely necessary.

"Dear Immortal Emperors, that Dark Clan existence. Will he really come to seize us? In the past thousand years, nothing seems to have happened, and peace seems to have returned to all walks of life." On this day, an ancient man The Immortal King of the Immortal Domain asked the Immortal Emperor beside him.

"This news came from the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor, and the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. The news should not be false.

No matter what, we should all proceed with caution. During these ten thousand years, all of you can stay with the four of me to practice. After ten thousand years, Master Tianxing and Immortal Emperor will be able to fully recover. At that time, you can start to search for the remnant with all your strength, find it, and kill it. "An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said.

After all, they are all beings who have been cultivating for tens of millions of years, and no one is a fool. The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor has allowed his Immortal King to fish outside in recent years, and they have also seen it.

Although they have united with the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor, judging from the current signs. This flying dragon Immortal Emperor still has his heart in this world.

"We will obey the Immortal Emperor's will."

"You don't need to worry too much. Fortunately, it only lasts for ten thousand years, and a thousand years have passed now. In another nine thousand years, Master Tianxing should be able to recover. During these nine thousand years, you will be with us. By my side, just quietly cultivate with peace of mind and improve your cultivation level." The Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain said.

Over the years, it is not without benefit that the strong men at the Immortal King level have stayed with Emperor Xian. At least there are no strong men at the Immortal King level to serve as the backbone. The monks and immortals from the lower realm are no problem. Large-scale conflicts broke out.

After all, the previous battles between immortal monks were all about a few good spiritual herbs, elixirs, Supreme Grade Immortal Weapon, various cultivation resources, and the Grotto-Heaven blessed land.

But now these things can be seen everywhere in all realms. They don't need to compete, after all, the current situation in all walks of life is that the land is vast and the people are sparse.

Just as the two were talking, a space crack appeared, and the flying dragon Immortal Emperor played by Zhou Tianfeng appeared in front of four Immortal Emperors from the ancient Immortal Domain and dozens of Immortal Kings.

"I am the Feilong Immortal Emperor, here to pay homage to the Immortal Emperor Immortal King." Zhou Tianfeng said to the four-dimensional advanced broadcast attack and defense.

"I have met the Feilong Immortal Emperor, and I have met Luo, the Lord of the Heavenly World." Several Immortal Emperors and the remaining Immortal Kings did not dare to neglect, and they all stood up and bowed to Zhou Tianfeng.

Is the fighting power of this flying dragon Immortal Emperor no worse than that of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and Huang Immortal Emperor? Although he is only at the level of Immortal Emperor, he has half a step of Great Principle combat effectiveness. These Immortal Emperors or Immortal Kings must be very respectful.

"You don't need to be polite. We have something to discuss when you come next time." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I wonder if there is anything the Feilong Immortal Emperor needs to say to me. Immortal Emperor and I can speak up. If our ancient Immortal Domain can do our best, we will definitely help the Immortal Emperor." The leader of the Immortal Emperor returned the courtesy to Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"In the past thousand years, I have used various methods, but no matter what, I can't force the remnant of the Dark Clan out, so I want to come to the Ancient Immortal Domain to ask, has Master Tianxing awakened now? I want to ask him Is there anything that can attract this person out?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Zhutian Divine Soul, who was quietly hiding aside, heard this and showed a true expression. This flying dragon Immortal Emperor had been so bad that he had thwarted their dark clan's plans many times, and now he was still thinking about fishing for law enforcement.

You are really unworthy of a man!

But it's a pity that you didn't expect it, this thousand years of time. I have spent most of my time hiding in the ancient immortal jade, waiting for an opportunity, so I happened to hear what you said and what conspiracy you had. As long as I don't show up, there is nothing you can do.

"The flying dragon Immortal Emperor is estimated to take thousands of years to wake up, and it will take at least ten thousand years for Master Tianxing to fully recover. Currently, there is no good way to attract it out of my ancient Immortal Domain." The Immortal Emperor of the Ancient Immortal Domain spoke.

What can we, Ancient Immortal Jade, do? That Dark Clan existence wants an extremely powerful body. Do we have a suitable body here?

"I wonder what Master Tianxing did with the remains of the Immortal Emperor and Immortal King after the previous battle?" Zhou Tianfeng asked thoughtfully.

? ? ?

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor, what does this mean? What does it mean to deal with it?

"Of course it was buried in the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum. Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, don't you want to use the remains of Emperor Xian who died in the previous battle to lure the dead out?" An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain frowned and asked.

It is taboo to use the corpses of predecessors without permission, even if in the eyes of monks like them, the body is just a skin. But after people are dead, their souls also disappear. The only thing they have left in the world is the eternal and indestructible imperial body.

These earth bodies were all fought in a war thousands of years ago. The only relatively new ones are the several Immortal Emperors who were lost in the last war, but their Immortal Physique was indeed collected by Master Tianxing alone.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. We only need to protect the King Level beings under our command now, and then practice with peace of mind. In about 9,000 years, the Desolate Immortal Emperor, Master Tianxing, and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor should all be able to recover. Coupled with the existence of the four of you in the Great Principle realm, we will search all realms together and we will surely find it. There is no rush now, right?" Another Immortal Emperor of Ancient Immortal Jade said.

"To be honest, this time, we attacked the Shatian Palace and discovered a secret. The three injured Immortal Emperors should all know about the two zombie puppet Immortal Emperors, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Of course we know that those two zombie Immortal Emperors are weapons refined by the Dark Clan and the Heaven-shattering Divine Art, aren't they?"

"No, no, we did not see this kind of zombie Immortal Emperor inside the Shatian Palace. You should know that if you want to refine an Immortal Emperor-level zombie, you need at least one Immortal Emperor's body. .

However, the Shatian Temple did not preserve the body of the Immortal Emperor, so these zombie Immortal Emperors should have other origins. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, do you mean what you said? You came here this time not to seek my solution at all. Are you suspicious? The zombie Immortal Emperor was produced by our ancient Immortal Domain." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain He frowned and asked.

"Li Tian must not be rude. What the Feilong Immortal Emperor means is that in addition to the Killing God Palace, there are probably third-party forces and other people from the upper world who are still looking at our world." An Immortal Emperor immediately jumped Come out to sing, the red-faced child said.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean, and I suspect that the Immortal Emperor's body in his hand may have been stolen from the ancient Immortal Domain, so I would like to ask you to open the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum and see if the Immortal Emperor's body inside is safe. , and by the way, strengthen the seal to prevent some young people from desecrating the body of the Immortal Emperor." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Master Tianxing has refined so many Immortal Emperor puppets. If you check the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum, you will definitely find the problem.

At that time, you can use the topic to your advantage.

Several Immortal Emperors looked at each other. It was really possible. The Immortal Emperor's mausoleum was a very special place. Only Master Tianxing could enter the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum in their ancient Immortal Domain alone.

Even they, the Immortal Emperor, cannot enter the existence of the Immortal King level at all, and they don't even know where the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum is.

At this time, Zhutian, who was hiding and eavesdropping, showed a look of excitement, "The Immortal Emperor's mausoleum is good, the Immortal Emperor level body is good, this is much better than the Immortal King level body snatching, those Immortal Emperor There is no Primordial Spirit in the physical body that he needs to destroy!

However, that zombie Immortal Emperor they are talking about is a problem! Immortal Emperor level zombie. It seems that the Dark Clan can't do this kind of thing, not because they don't have enough magic power, but because they don't bother to do it.

Because the Immortal Emperor-level zombies' combat power is incomparable to that of their weakest clan members, but in this plane, in this native plane, they are a very powerful force.

But it's just as these Immortal Emperors guessed. Immortal Emperor-level zombies are definitely not something that native life can create, except for us, the Dark Clan?

Are there other gods eyeing this native plane?

No, I have to get a physical body quickly, and then report this matter to the Lord God.

"Okay, let's ask Feilong Immortal Emperor to learn about the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum. We do know the correct location, but. There is a very powerful barrier on the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum. Only people from the Heavenly Star can open it. The four of us have no way to open the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum. Emperor's mausoleum, let alone check out the situation inside." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said.

is not that right? In the entire ancient Immortal Domain, the words of Master Tianxing are divine decrees and everything!

Their ancient Immortal Domain is different from other realms. In other realms, the Immortal Emperor is aloof and can tell the truth, but in their ancient Immortal Domain, the Heavenly Star Master is the only god.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, please rest assured. The Immortal Emperor's tomb is very safe. No one can open it except Master Tianxing." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said.

"Several Immortal Emperors, this matter. But it is related to the two zombie Immortal Emperors. Don't you want to know who made the zombie Immortal Emperors and why they sent him to attack you? You know, except for the Dark One, There is probably a third hand in this clan!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Unless we are unwilling to help, the four of us really have no choice. We only know the location, but we don't have the key to open it. If we want to open it, we must at least have the cultivation level of the Great Principle realm, or half a step of the Great Principle ." said an ancient Immortal Emperor.

"The Immortal Emperors just take me there. I should be able to open the tomb. If I can't open it, then let's drop this matter first. We will just take precautions for the next 9000 years." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The original energy of the Virus Space, the original energy of the New Immortal World, the original energy of Luo Heavenly World, the original energy of the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World are added to it. There is any place that he cannot go, just think about it. Can be opened easily.

On the side, the spirits of the heavens are also very excited, as long as they know the place. One's own cultivation. Although there is only the Immortal Emperor, he is a real god general in terms of knowledge reserve. You Immortal Emperors cannot open that tomb, but I can indeed sneak in.

As long as he can find an Immortal Emperor-level body, he can contact the Dark Clan, and then the Dark Lord will give him all kinds of support.

"Since the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor insists on doing this, then we will take you there, on behalf of the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. If you can open the Immortal Emperor's tomb, please remember not to destroy the remains of those Immortal Emperors or do anything with their remains." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain spoke.

Having said this, he had to lead the way. He hoped that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor would not do anything excessive.

"Please rest assured."

Several Immortal Emperors discussed it, and two Immortal Emperors sat here. The two Immortal Emperors followed Zhou Tianfeng and left. Before a thousand years passed, the three Immortal Emperors who were injured by the zombie Immortal Emperor have almost recovered from their injuries. . There is no problem in taking Zhou Tianfeng to the Immortal Emperor's tomb.

Led by two Immortal Emperors. The three people traveled through the space fairy stars and came to the edge of the ancient Immortal Domain, in front of a barrier.

There is a huge bronze palace in the barrier, which looks full of vicissitudes of time.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, this is the tomb of the Immortal Emperors of our ancient Immortal Domain. In that war, the original Immortal World, dozens of Immortal Emperors fell and were buried here, including two Great ones. Existences in the Principle realm are also buried here." An ancient Immortal Emperor said.

(End of chapter)

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