Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 286 Integrated Union Original Immortal World Method

Chapter 286 Integrated Union Original Immortal World Method

Come on, if he had just left the New Immortal World and had not had a correct understanding of his combat effectiveness, then he would still be afraid of Master Tianxing.

But now, after having a clear understanding of his own fighting power and seizing the original energy of so many realms, Zhou Tianfeng's confidence has reached its peak, and he is followed by a great master from the God Realm. guy.

Yun Tianshuang is the real daughter of Heavenly Venerable.

So no matter what the situation is now, Master Tianxing is no match for him even if she returns to her perfect state. As long as he is willing and wants to, he can easily kill the other party.

Moreover, in the world of cultivation, Zhou Tianfeng now clearly sees that this is a world where the weak and the strong prey on the weak, and there is no sense of justice or reason at all. The general idea is that as long as you are strong enough, someone will listen to you.

And now he has also taken care of it. Now the reputation of the ancient Immortal Domain has begun to stink, and he is flying the Immortal World. Three Immortal Emperors. There is also the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor. With constant publicity, the reputation of the Ancient Immortal Domain will only become more and more bad.

Hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Di Honglei's eyes widened immediately. What on earth did this guy do during his retreat?

"Zhou Tianfeng, you, what did you do while I was in seclusion?" Di Honglei asked.

"I didn't do anything, I just killed Sha Tian." Zhou Tianfeng smiled and said.

He really wasn't bragging about this matter. Xia Tian was able to be killed because of himself. If he hadn't killed Queen Ruoxi in advance, or if he hadn't greatly weakened the power of the Evil God Art. Those two guys didn't have a chance to successfully attack Xia Tian.

Moreover, after gaining control over the body of the ancestor of the blood demon, Zhou Tianfeng also used the original energy to attack Shatian's Primordial Spirit. Otherwise, how could he destroy Xia Tian's Primordial Spirit with those two abilities?

"You mean you killed Shatian? Now, Shatian Palace has collapsed, and the invasion of the Dark Clan is over." Di Honglei asked in great surprise.

"Don't underestimate your man. My actual fighting ability now is no worse than that of Sha Tian back then. Even if he returns to his prime, he may not be my opponent." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"This is good news. If you really clean up the Shatian Palace, I will help you, Tianfeng, and I will help you deal with Master Tianxing." Di Honglei said.

As long as they deal with their biggest threat this term. So. No matter what happens, he will stand firmly on Zhou Tianfeng's side, of course, provided that his father does not oppose Zhou Tianfeng.

If these two people are in opposition, then he is really sitting on a tiger, and he doesn't know who to help, and the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh!

But to be honest, his father didn't really have a great impression of Master Tianxing. Although he helped him when he was in his prime, some subsequent events and Master Tianxing's actions also made Huang Immortal Emperor dissatisfied. .

If Zhou Tianfeng only dealt with Master Tianxing alone, then his father would probably not care. But if he killed Master Tianxing, his father would probably intervene to save Master Tianxing's life.

"It can't be said that it has been completely solved. When I killed him in the summer, two Primordial Spirits ran out. One of them was already taken care of by me, and the other one had been hiding in the ancient Immortal Domain before. I captured him. , but a black crack suddenly appeared and rescued him.

I'm worried that the Dark Clan will still send people down, so we must not take it lightly. "Zhou Tianfeng told Di Honglei everything about the escape of the Dark Clan's souls from the lower world.

"Just drive them away. Our world has been discovered by them. It is basically impossible to completely cut off their invasion. We can only passively defend." Di Honglei said.

The Dark Clan has attacked their native plane more than once or twice. Even before the era of Master Tianxing, in addition to the Dark Clan, there were other gods who also launched attacks on their native plane in the lower world. However, there are not many records of that war.

However, it was good enough for Zhou Tianfeng to accomplish this feat. Neither his father nor the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor could achieve this feat.

I went to the Black Demon World and brought Zhou Tianfeng back. It was indeed the right choice. Tianxin Star people, if you had not sealed Zhou Tianfeng back then, then in that war, my father, and you, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, He won't be seriously injured.

"That's good. From now on in Tianfeng, we should take a good rest and restore our strength from all walks of life." Di Honglei said.

The top priority now is to quickly restore the vitality of all walks of life and return to the state before the war.

Nowadays, monks from all walks of life really need to recuperate and recuperate.

"In order to cope with the future invasion of the Dark Clan, I plan to integrate the original Immortal World again. What do you think?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"You, you want to restore the original Immortal World? When Master Tianxing proposed this before, you, didn't you agree? Why do you want to restore the original Immortal World now?" Di Honglei asked.

Restoring the original Immortal World is a good thing. After the original Immortal World is restored, there will no longer be distinctions between immortals, demons, and monsters. All monks will gather in one realm.

As long as you become an immortal, you can enter the original Immortal World to practice, and the existence of the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor realm can easily break through without consuming the original energy, and the Immortal Emperor and Immortal King that can be accommodated are no longer There is a quantity limit. Even masters in the Great Principle realm can be bred.

It can improve the overall strength of this world.

However, this guy Zhou Tianfeng was actually willing to agree to restore the original Immortal World. This was a bit beyond her expectation. After restoring the original Immortal World. With so many world leaders in your body, I’m afraid you won’t be able to keep it.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong. This guy Zhou Tianfeng will never be so kind. This kid is useless. He will never do anything that is not beneficial if he doesn't get up early.

"Tell me, how much of the original energy do you have now?" Di Honglei asked.

"Let me do the math. My own new Immortal World is the same as the ancient Immortal Domain. It is a Transcendent Level realm. It should account for 20% of the Heavenly World, 10% of the Heavenly World, 10% of the Heavenly Beast World, and 10% of the Black Demon World. Fei Immortal World is 10%." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"No wonder you are so kind. It turns out that you have already occupied 60% of the original energy. After the Integrated Union, no one can compete with you for the position of world master. You will become the master of the original Immortal World." Di Honglei whitened at Zhou Tianfeng glanced at it and said.

"Hahaha! You discovered it, but I didn't want to hide it from you, but to be precise, it should be 6.5 source energy.

I have also integrated some origin fragments into the realms that I have conquered. Now the space size and spiritual energy concentration of the realms I occupy have increased by 20%, so strictly speaking, I will occupy 6.50% The original energy. Zhou Tianfeng said.

After all, she is his wife, and Zhou Tianfeng has no intention of hiding anything from her.

"So you want to get the method of Integrated Union's original Immortal World, right?" Di Honglei asked.

"Yes, do you have a way to integrate all worlds into one, the Integrated Union original Immortal World?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

If Di Honglei didn't have the Integrated Union method here, it wouldn't be a problem for Zhou Tianfeng himself. There are a few Heavenly Venerables above, so there shouldn't be any problem if a few Heavenly Venerables can think of a solution.

But if this is the case, something needs to be exposed, so Zhou Tianfeng doesn't want to do this.

"If you want to re-integrate the original Immortal World into the Integrated Union, you need to contribute your new Immortal World and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor's new Heavenly World to make up for the lack of the original source. After that, there will be at least three and a half steps to the Great Principle realm. In other words, a person who is in the true Great Principle realm can integrate all the realms and restore their origin. In this way, the original Immortal World can appear." Di Honglei said.

The method of Integrated Union's original Immortal World is not a secret. In order to leave an important inheritance, Master Tianxing told his father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor the method of Integrated Union's original Immortal World. Before the war started, this method was also handed over to her by Emperor Huangxian.

Di Honglei took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhou Tianfeng, which recorded the Integrated Union method.

"You should have reached the Great Principle realm by now, right? In other words, you can Integrate Union the original Immortal World by yourself."

"No, my cultivation is still at the Immortal Emperor level. Although my combat power far exceeds that of the Immortal Emperor, and I can even go head-to-head with the real Great Principle gold level, but that is all the blessing of the original energy, and some of my own special characteristics. I His cultivation level has not even broken through the Immortal Emperor." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Then you may have to wait for a while. If you want to be alone in the Integrated Union Original Immortal World, you must become a true Great Principle, or recruit my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor to help you." Di Honglei said.

However, it will take close to ten thousand years for these two to wake up and regain their full strength.

"Then I plan to retreat for a period of time to see if I can push Xiuwei to the half-step Great Principle state." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Integrated Union's original Immortal World actually requires three half-step Great Principle or a real Great Principle realm master to proceed. This fact stumped him. His real combat power is not inferior to that of the Great Principle realm.

But the real cultivation level is only the Immortal Emperor realm, so it still needs to be improved.

"It's a good thing that your kid is in retreat. After you retreat, you won't have so many things to do. It happens that all realms can be developed." Di Honglei said.

"But before you go into seclusion, you must serve your husband first." Zhou Tianfeng smiled, came to Di Honglei, picked him up by the waist, and then casually arranged a soundproof barrier.

A few years later, a refreshed Zhou Tianfeng left, and Honghuang Territory returned to its current base, Heavenly World.

Next, he needs to instruct his subordinates, the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor, to take care of his inheritance. Then he should go into deep retreat, at least to break through to the half-step of the Great Principle realm.

The Great Principle and the Immortal Emperor are a watershed. After breaking through to the Great Principle realm, your cultivation should be greatly improved, and your body should also undergo unprecedented changes.

Just returned. In his own Immortal Emperor's palace, Zhou Tianfeng felt the aura of another Immortal Emperor, and it was an Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain.

"Master Feilong Immortal Emperor, the Celestial Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain has come to pay his respects! We introduced him into the guest room." Mingxin Immortal King flew up and looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

It was so wise to choose the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Now this man is truly invincible in all realms!

"Yeah! I understand. I'll go over and take a look first." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and arrived in a flash. In the living room of the Immortal Emperor's palace. The Immortal Emperor whom I had seen before in the ancient Immortal Domain. After seeing Zhou Tianfeng, he quickly stood up and bowed to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Ge Tian, ​​the Ancient Immortal Domain, pays homage to Master Feilong."

"Why do you call me Master?"

"The title Master was left over from the original Immortal World. It means that only those who have surpassed the Immortal Emperor level can be called Master. If the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor doesn't like it, then I can also call you the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. ." Ge Tian explained.

"Although my combat power has surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor, my true cultivation is still that of an Immortal Emperor, so just call me Feilong. You are welcome, why are you here this time?" Zhou Tianfeng asked straight to the point. .

Could it be that the ancient Immortal Domain still misses me? What kind of arrogance did you have to send this Immortal Emperor here? He also calls himself the Master.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, I am here this time to serve you. I plan to leave the ancient Immortal Domain and join your Heavenly World." Ge Tian said.

is not that right? This time, he was determined to join the organization of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Several Immortal Kings under his command and some Profound Immortals were also brought over.

"Oh! Aren't you the Immortal Emperor of the Ancient Immortal Domain? Why do you want to take refuge in me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked curiously.

"I am indeed the Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain, but I really disagree with some of the practices of Master Tianxing. The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor may not know something. Among those ancient immortal puppets, there is my father. Those ancient immortal puppets I’m afraid there’s no need to say more about who refined it, so I don’t want to stay in the ancient Immortal Domain anymore, and I hope the flying dragon Immortal Emperor will take it in.” Ge Tian bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"If you sincerely surrender, then I can accept you, but you must give me a trace of your soul. From now on, life and death will be in my hands. Are you willing?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor sincerely surrenders to me, why don't you believe me?" Ge Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

It would be a bit too much to hand over a trace of your soul!

"Treat everyone equally. You are not the only one who has taken refuge in me. The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor of the Black Demon World, the soul-eating Monster Emperor of the Heavenly Beast World, and the three Immortal Emperors of the Flying Immortal World all gave their souls to me, and neither did you. Exception, but handing over a trace of your soul will also benefit you. I will give you a magic weapon, and in the future I will help you break through the Immortal Emperor realm, become a Great Principle realm existence, and even take you to a higher level in the future." Zhou Tianfeng He spoke.

(End of chapter)

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