Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 287 The Original Immortal World Joins The Origin Of Tao

Chapter 287 The original Immortal World joins the origin of Tao

I am no longer a cat or a dog.

I am a Transcendent Level master whose true combat power far exceeds the Immortal Emperor level and has reached the Great Principle realm. Although my own cultivation level is only at the Immortal Emperor level, my combat power is a real Great Principle.

"What! Lord Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, what do you mean? The three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World, the soul-eating Monster Emperor in the Beast World, and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor in the Black Demon World, they all have surrendered to you now. Ge Tian's expression changed, he looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked in surprise.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor seems to be very ambitious! Such a big thing was done without any movement!

The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Soul-eating Monster Emperor may have colluded with the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor before. The two of them surrendered to the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. He was not surprised, but what he didn't expect was. The three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World actually surrendered to him.

And this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is now the master of Luo Heavenly World. In this way, the four realms of black Demon World, Heavenly Beast World, Luo Heavenly World and flying Immortal World already belong to him.

And by surrendering to the past, he will actually be rewarded with becoming the Great Principle in the future. There is also a magic weapon. As for the divine weapons, I am not too surprised. After all, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor has a master in the upper world and has many divine weapons. There is nothing to say about this.

But breaking through the Great Principle realm is not just talk. It is extremely difficult to break through the Great Principle realm now. Without a very special opportunity, it is basically impossible.

If you want to break through the Great Principle realm and let your subordinates break through, there is only one way, and that is to restore the original Immortal World and restore its glory.

"You are also a smart man, and you came from the ancient Immortal Domain. To be honest, I don't trust people who came from the ancient Immortal Domain. If you really surrender to me, give up a bit of your soul." Zhou Tianfeng sat down. On his throne, he spoke.

The Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain, haha!

If you sincerely come to seek refuge, then give up your soul. Otherwise, he would never believe it, and he had no intention of letting this person leave.

Ge Tian looked at the flying dragon in front of him. The Immortal Emperor took a deep breath. He now understood what the flying dragon Immortal Emperor was trying to do. No wonder he wanted to deal with Master Tianxing. No wonder he went to the ancient Immortal Domain last time. It's like knowing the Immortal Emperor puppet beforehand.

"The Feilong Immortal Emperor is willing to hand over a trace of his soul, but I still hope that I can make friends with my father's body." Ge Celestial Immortal Emperor said.

No matter from which point of view, now is definitely the best time to take refuge in Feilong Xiandi. And he only has one condition, which is to hand over his father's Immortal Emperor puppet.

"That's okay, but I have to wait until Master Tianxing of the ancient Immortal Domain is completely overthrown before I can hand over your father's Immortal Emperor puppets to you. For now, let them be sealed first. If I use them without authorization, I will inevitably cause trouble. What do you think, tongue and tongue?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

It doesn't hurt if one or two of these Immortal Emperor puppets are missing. It is much more cost-effective to subdue a real Immortal Emperor level powerhouse than an Immortal Emperor puppet.

Emperor Xian Ge Tian nodded. He forced a trace of his soul out of his body and gave it to Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded with great satisfaction and stretched out his hand to absorb a trace of Ge Celestial Immortal's soul.

"Hahaha! Well, since you sincerely serve me, I won't treat you badly. What kind of weapons are you good at?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

So can I still choose the style? It seems that the superiors of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor value him very much! Being able to choose the style of the divine weapon means that at least a dozen of them are given! It's really generous.

"The subordinates of the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor are good at using Changge, or similar long weapons. If it is a short weapon, a sword will do." Ge Tian said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

"I understand. You wait for two days. Come and see me again in two days. I will give you your magic weapon." Zhou Tianfeng said.

It’s time to discuss some things with the two Heavenly Venerables. It just so happened that I went over to meet the Spacetime Heavenly Venerable and the Nirvana Heavenly Venerable this time, and asked them to help refine another batch of Low Grade Divine Weapon.

Emperor Celestial Immortal nodded in agreement.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, I have seven Immortal Kings under my command. As well as nearly a hundred Profound Immortals, and tens of thousands of followers, I wonder if I can stay in your Heavenly World."

"Luotian Street is extremely empty now, so the more the merrier, just ask them to come." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

Luo Tianjian now. There is also the Heavenly Beast World and the Black Demon World. When they are both short of people, the more the better. I wish there were more immortals!

"My subordinate, Xie Feilong, is taken in by the Immortal Emperor."

"No need to thank you, let me ask you, are there any other Immortal Emperors in the ancient Immortal Domain who are willing to serve me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Since the first Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain came to seek refuge with him, there should be a second and third one who even stole his hometown before Master Tianxing woke up.

"Reporting to Feilong Immortal Emperor, three of the remaining four ancient Immortal Domain Immortal Emperors are die-hard loyalists to Master Tianxing. Unless Master Tianxing wants to kill them, they will never betray them. The remaining one, I can fight for it," Ge Tian said.

The ancient Immortal Domain was not completely monolithic, otherwise, he would not have come to join the Feilong Immortal Emperor. There was another person in a similar situation to him, but that person had not yet made up his mind.

"That's good. As long as he is willing to surrender to me, he will also give him a share of what I give you. You can take the time to contact me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Try it whenever you have the chance, and reducing any Immortal Emperor from the Ancient Immortal Domain is a good thing.

"I will obey your Lord's will."

Zhou Tianfeng nodded after hearing this.

The two sides exchanged a few more polite words, and Ge Tian said goodbye and left.

Zhou Tianfeng summoned several of his Immortal Kings, told them to properly settle the immortals who came from the ancient Immortal Domain, and then came to his retreat.

His mind completely sank into the virus space, and then he used the power of the virus space to remotely summon Heavenly Venerable in time and space.

"Seeing the Tao Master, I wonder why the Master is calling me to come here?" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable bowed to Zhou Heavenly Venerable and asked.

"Time and space is Heavenly Venerable. I want to know how to create my own divine space." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

If you own the virus space, you have the capital to dominate the Divine Domain. If you want to dominate the Divine Domain, you must first establish your own divine space, but I have never had a clue about this matter!

And soon the magnetic gravitational space will be formed, and then you can establish your own divine realm, and you have established more than one divine realm. Looking at it now, you can establish at least two divine realms.

"So that's it, Master Taoist, as long as you become a true Taoist, then you can naturally create your own divine space, and even create your own race of gods.

As for the specific method, I apologize that I don’t know. After all, it is just an ordinary Heavenly Venerable, not even the Divine King. I don’t know the specific aspects. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said very tactfully.

Please, how could he, a Heavenly Venerable, know about the creation of the divine world? They are the Ascensioners of the Lower World. They can only find a dilapidated divine world to live in. Do you expect him to know how to create a complete divine world?

Moreover, creating the God Realm must rely on the space of the original Tao. Only Tao Master-level figures can do this kind of thing. He has no way at all.

"Then do you think the Divine Kings of other divine races know the method of creation? After all, they are all direct subordinates of the Taoist Master, or even close confidants." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

It is reasonable for the Time and Space Heavenly Venerable not to know about this matter. After all, he is just a Heavenly Venerable, and becoming a master in the Divine King realm is just a luxury wish for him.

The next generation of Ascensioners will still have a rough time in the Divine Domain. Although they are not hunted by others, the conditions are not much better.

"Replying to the Tao Master, my subordinates really don't know about this matter. I'm not sure if those Divine Kings know either." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable answered honestly.

Does the Taoist master mean to catch a master in the Divine King realm to come and question him?

But he was really not sure whether Divine King knew about this kind of thing? After all, creating the divine realm is the ultimate secret of the Taoist master.

But he was not sure whether the Divine King really knew these things.

"Let me ask you a question, if the original plane wants to restore their original Immortal World, and I add some of the original power of the Tao space into it, will it cause some changes in the original world?" Zhou Tianfeng Asked.

It is a little unrealistic for him to cultivate to the realm of Tao Master and then create his own divine realm, because he doesn't know when he will break through and become a real Tao Master. After all, he is just an ordinary Immortal Emperor now.

So Zhou Tiansheng had a very strange idea, adding some ingredients to the original immortal borrowing of Integrated Union, adding some power of his own original space, which is the power of the virus space.

If the original Immortal World can carry the power of the original space, then there will be huge potential for growth in the future. I can completely use this original Immortal World as my base instead of giving up after the Ascension Divine Domain.

As long as it can carry the power of oneself in the virus space. Then in the future Zhou Tianfeng can continue to inject the original power of the virus space into it.

In this way, we can create a growing divine world. This divine realm will grow as your cultivation level increases.

This is a solution that is not a solution. after all. I don't have the ability to catch a Divine King realm existence now, unless a Divine King plunges into the virus space like a stupid young man, but even if he comes in, he doesn't have the cultivation level of the same Divine King. Zhou Tianfeng couldn't read the other party's memory, he could only suppress the other party.

"If this is just a little bit, there shouldn't be any problem. If the original Immortal World can really succeed in the Integrated Union, it should be able to carry it, but this original Immortal World must be several times the size of other original Immortal Worlds. "Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

They are all old monsters who have been cultivating for hundreds of millions of years. Zhou Tianfeng can tell what the new Taoist master is thinking even if he moves his toes. This new Taoist master really has his own ideas. He actually came up with something like this. way to create your own divine world.

However, I have to say that this is indeed a feasible plan, but if you want the original Immortal World to perfectly carry the original power of the Tao space, then it must have an extremely solid foundation.

"You mean to expand the original power of the original Immortal World?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Yes, Lord Taoist, and it must be when you repair an original Immortal World and re-Integrate Union, because only during this period can the original energy of the Tao space be smoothly integrated. Otherwise, the original Immortal World will never be able to After all, the original energy that carries the space of Tao is too different." Heavenly Venerable said.

After the original Immortal World is shattered and reunited, an extremely wonderful force will be generated, similar to the original spiritual protection between heaven and earth. During this period of protection, the original Immortal World barrier will be extremely strong.

It is a good time to integrate the space power of Dao Integration. Of course, after the success of the Integrated Union, you must make the origin of the original Immortal World stronger, otherwise even if the Integrated Union succeeds, the original Immortal World will fragment after losing its protection.

Speaking of which, these divine realms that exist in the Divine Domain are somewhat similar to the original plane. Maybe this plan can really come true.

"If Master Dao needs it, there are several other Heavenly Venerables under his command who can immediately refine ten Apex Level plane realms like the new Immortal World and give them to you." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

Over the past few thousand years, another Heavenly Venerable has joined them, and now there are seven Heavenly Venerables in the broken God Realm they occupy.

It can be considered a good force in the Divine Domain. Unless a Divine King takes action personally, their place is still very safe, and the new Taoist Master is also quite generous, giving him a lot of virus space. His original energy is now much stronger than those of the gods.

Even recently, they have used the power of the virus space to repair this broken divine world.

"I understand, and I will not treat you people badly in the future. In the future, when I create my own divine realm, I will grant you two the position of Divine King." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

"Thank you, Lord Taoist." Upon hearing this, Heavenly Venerable was immediately overjoyed and said.

Why did they try their best to assist this new Taoist master? Isn’t it for the position of Divine King?

"You're welcome, you deserve this." He can at least establish two divine realms and two positions of Divine King. Doesn't he still feel bad? And the time and space Heavenly Venerable is indeed of great help to him.

"Thank you, Lord Taoist, for your kindness. Lord Taoist, the Sword Master you sealed is actually a Heavenly Venerable from our Ascension in the Lower Realm. I wonder if it is possible to release him?" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

He had wanted to say this a long time ago, but at that time, he had not yet completely gained the trust of the new Taoist master, so he had postponed it until now.

(End of chapter)

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