Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 288 Swordsmanship Heavenly Venerable, Divine Domain

Chapter 288 Swordsmanship Heavenly Venerable, Divine Domain

The Sword Ancestor, also known as Sword Heavenly Venerable, is also a member of their next Ascension force. The reason why they wanted to forcefully enter the virus space was partly for the development of their next Ascension. But I didn’t expect it to be inside this new Tao space.

There was actually a prosperous Taoist master, but he ended up on the street with the Dark Lord of the Dark Clan.

Heavenly Venerable wanted to rescue the Lord of Swords a long time ago, but at that time, he had just started getting along with Zhou Tianfeng, and he didn’t know much about the new Lord of Tao.

It wasn't until he gradually understood Zhou Tianfeng's temper and helped Zhou Heavenly Phoenix a lot that he decided to speak out.

If the Lord of the Sword can be released, it will be a great help to these flying forces. As the Heavenly Venerable in swordsmanship, the Lord of the Sword is very powerful in combat, even more powerful than the general gods of the gods.

(From now on, this sword master will be called Kendo Heavenly Venerable.)

"You mean this person called the Sword Ancestor is actually from your Ascension force, and now you want me to release him?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Master Taoist, please be magnanimous. Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable did offend you a little before. Please don't remember the villain's fault and spare him this time!" Heavenly Venerable bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said. .

It is actually not difficult for Zhou Tianfeng to release this so-called kendo Heavenly Venerable, and some of his secrets, in this time and space, Heavenly Venerable has already guessed, and Zhou Tianfeng also understands that his current situation is very It's safe, they don't dare to make any decisions of their own.

"If you are sure that he can surrender to me after he comes out, then I will release him. If he is not willing, he will still be suppressed by me." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

The Lord of Darkness, and this kendo Heavenly Venerable. When he had not yet become an immortal. These two bastards came over and wanted to take advantage of the situation. At that time, I was a complete weakling.

And basically he didn't understand anything, so he was extremely afraid, but now Zhou Tianfeng does understand a lot of things, and he is no longer afraid of the sword art Heavenly Venerable.

What's more, he has promised Yun Tianshuang that he will also release his father in the future. Now, it seems that there is nothing wrong with releasing a kendo Heavenly Venerable in advance.

What's more, these Heavenly Venerables are my biggest supporters now. It would be very difficult for me to survive without them. Sometimes I have to make some choices.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhou Tianfeng decided to agree to their request and release the kendo Heavenly Venerable.

Hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Time and Space Heavenly Venerable immediately breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this adult agrees, as for persuading Heavenly Venerable of Sword Dao, they are naturally confident.

After all, they have been friends for hundreds of millions of years, not to mention that he is not only the Heavenly Venerable, but there are also several other Heavenly Venerables who can help to persuade them. To be honest, the swordsmanship Heavenly Venerable has nothing in common with Zhou Tianfeng. The conflict in the past was just a temporary fascination. After being imprisoned for thousands of years, to be honest, it was almost the same.

"Please rest assured, Taoist Master, we will convince Heavenly Venerable of swordsmanship." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable cupped his hands towards Zhou Tianfeng and said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded. He took out the giant slip that sealed the sword art Heavenly Venerable, and then canceled the original energy suppression on it, allowing the sword art Heavenly Venerable to wake up after being sealed for many years.

As soon as Kendo regained consciousness, Heavenly Venerable was a little dazed, but he immediately reacted, and then looked at Zhou Tianfeng and Spacetime Heavenly Venerable with a wary expression.

"Time and Space Heavenly Venerable, you, why are you here? Junior you?" However, I saw it. Before Heavenly Venerable could say anything, he was immediately stopped by Time and Space Heavenly Venerable and shook his head at him.

"You are satisfied with your sword skills, why are you so crazy? It is a great blessing that the Tao Master can spare your life. How dare you be rude to the Tao Master and not apologize to the Tao Master quickly?" Time and Space Heavenly Venerable spoke.

Please, we are in a state of trance now. In this origin space of Tao, the Tao Master is the absolute master. How dare you make a mistake?

Kendo Heavenly Venerable reacted and glanced at Zhou Tianfeng in surprise, only to realize that the person who sealed them was actually a Taoist master.

However, I remember when I was sealed, this guy, this guy's cultivation was very weak!

But no matter what, if the other party is really a Tao master, then I will never dare to make a mistake. Even if the other party's cultivation is extremely weak, but he has the origin space of Tao, he can make any plans. No.

"Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable. This Tao Master is a new Tao Master. Although his cultivation has not reached the Tao Master's Advanced Pill, he has unlimited potential. If our Ascension forces can befriend him, then for us There are great benefits, and this new Taoist master has agreed to grant us the position of two Divine Kings in the Ascension force." The Space-Time Heavenly Venerable passed some messages to the Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable through special induction.

It turned out to be a new Taoist master!

However, how could there be a new Taoist master? This newly born Tao space will actually give birth to a new Tao master.

Moreover, beings at the Tao Master level actually need to start practicing from scratch. This is different from their previous guesses!

All the lives in the entire Divine Domain before, even those gods created by the Tao Master level. They are all very sure of one thing, and that is the existence of Tao Master level.

They have been at the level of Taoist masters since they were born, possessing unparalleled power and supreme status. They can easily destroy the original plane and create their own divine realm and their own divine race.

But now a new Taoist master has appeared, which has subverted their understanding. It turns out that Taoist-level life forms also need to cultivate. The only difference between them and others like themselves is probably the space of Tao.

In the past, Tao masters were the first batch of creatures born in this world. Therefore, except for Tao masters of the same realm, no one knew the details of each Tao master and whether they started practicing from scratch, but this new generation The Taoist seemed to have confirmed some of their conjectures, and of course, also overturned some of their previous conjectures.

It turns out that the Taoist level of cultivation is not constant, but can also be achieved through cultivation. But unfortunately, their Ascension power, with the highest cultivation level, can cultivate to the Heavenly Venerable Realm world, and even exist at the Divine King level. None of them were born. I hope that this new Taoist master will not lie to them and will really share the position of Divine King between them.

"Master Dao, I have offended you many times before. Please forgive me." After figuring out the matter, Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable immediately bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and said with great respect.

After cultivating to their level, when faced with people who are stronger than them, Heavenly Venerable in Kendo knows what kind of posture they should adopt, and that is to lower their body.

"You're welcome. Now the Heavenly Venerable, the Heavenly Venerable, and several other Heavenly Venerables in the lower world have all surrendered to me. Are you willing to surrender to me?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at the swordsman Heavenly Venerable kneeling on the ground and asked. asked.

Once upon a time, I was just an ant-like figure in your eyes, but now I am the real master, and you are an ant-like figure.

Kendo Heavenly Venerable glanced at Time and Space Heavenly Venerable, who nodded towards him, Kendo Heavenly Venerable showed a knowing expression.

"Your Majesty, City Gate Taoist Master, looks up to you, and my subordinates are willing to do the same in the future." They now have eight masters in the Heavenly Venerable Realm world, and this one only gave two Divine King positions, which means 4:1. Probability, no matter what you say, you have to fight for it.

"Well! You first go to the Heavenly Venerable side of time and space, develop the Broken God Realm, and then develop your own power." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Zhou Tianfeng already has a general understanding of the situation of the miracle doctor, so when the cultivation level does not reach a certain level, it will not be able to Ascension. Anyway, after the original Immortal World Integrated Union comes out, there will be no big problem in his own cultivation progress. .

And this broken world of gods is also a good place. These are all broken divine realms. The fragments of the divine realm left behind by the Taoist master who died in the previous battle.

Although their world has been destroyed, the divine world is completely broken, and the gods are extinct, they have a certain reference value and even a certain reference value for themselves.

After all, I am different from these real Taoist-level life forms. I must know some of their methods of creating the divine world, and these broken divine realms are the key, but my current cultivation level is too weak. Even if a broken divine world was placed in front of him, he would not be able to comprehend it.

After chatting with the two Heavenly Venerables for a while, Spacetime Heavenly Venerable and Kendo Heavenly Venerable said goodbye and left. Zhou Tianfeng also started practicing in the virus space, waiting for Spacetime Heavenly Venerable to send the refined new realm to him. , and then create an enhanced version of the original Immortal World.

After the soul was freed, Kendo Heavenly Venerable did not dare to be negligent and immediately returned to his own body, and then according to the coordinates given by Time and Space Heavenly Venerable, he met with Time and Space Heavenly Venerable on the outskirts of the Broken God Realm.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm glad that you are finally out of trouble after a long time." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable cupped his hands to Kendo Heavenly Venerable and said.

This old friend has indeed suffered a lot!

But there is no way, who told you to offend someone you shouldn't offend? We couldn't rescue you before, and we didn't even dare to mention it.

"It doesn't matter, it's only a matter of thousands of years. For us, it's just a retreat. And, this time is a blessing in disguise, isn't it?" Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable said.

This new Taoist master didn't have much ill will towards him, otherwise, he wouldn't have been so polite to him just now.

Offended a Taoist, even if the other person is a new Taoist. But if the Taoist master blamed it, he still couldn't bear it!

Fortunately, I just recognized the other party as my master, and I was lucky that I didn't kill myself directly.

"This new Taoist master is very easy to talk to and has a good character. He is not a heinous person. Otherwise, we would not have surrendered to him with the forces from the lower world." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

He has been with Zhou Tianfeng for thousands of years, and he also knows some of Zhou Tianfeng's temper.

"Betting all of us Ascensioners in the lower realm on this new Taoist master, Heavenly Venerable of Time and Space, is a big bet for you, but since you have already decided, I can only stay with you to the end." Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable said.

"We Ascensioners from the lower world have a really hard life in the Divine Domain space. Without the protection of the Divine Realm, some Ascensioners in the outer Divine Domain space are about to die as soon as they come up." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

In the Divine Domain, there are divine realms created by various Taoist masters, as well as some broken divine realms left by fallen Taoist masters. In addition, there is the vast Divine Domain space.

In the Divine Domain space, there is a very ferocious primitive aura, as well as some special monsters bred.

This kind of monster is called a god. The weaker ones have ordinary Spirit Ascension generals, and the stronger ones have godly ones, and even have other combat powers at the God Monarch Level, which is the Heavenly Venerable level. For them, the lower realm Ascensioners, it is quite powerful. dangerous.

Fortunately, things like gods have no intelligence, only the instinct to devour each other, so these beings will instinctively capture beings weaker than them, whether they are the same kind or the gods and gods. They are all their prey targets.

"Even if you can survive the first level and successfully absorb the violent spiritual energy in the Divine Domain space, it will be a big problem for you to practice and survive in the future. There are many evil beings in the Divine Domain space." Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable said.

The Divine Domain space is completely different from the Ascension to the Immortal World when they were practicing in the lower realm. In the Divine Domain space, if there is no protection from the divine world, nine out of ten Ascensioners will die miserably.

If these first-generation Ascensioners had not established some forces, it would be difficult for them, the Ascensioners in the lower world, to even survive, and they would not be able to enter the eyes of these gods in the divine world.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. You should go to our base to restore your own cultivation. Now I am going to refine something and give it to the new Taoist master." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable said.

"Fellow Daoist, do you need my help? Although I have been sealed for thousands of years, my cultivation has not declined. It is still very easy to refine some origin fragments." Sword Dao Heavenly Venerable said.

It is quite easy to refine a new realm and let the creatures from the lower world use it in the Divine Domain space. First of all, you must have the cultivation level of God Monarch Level.

In this way, the violent aura in the Divine Domain space can be condensed into source fragments, and then these source fragments can be Integrated Union into a new realm at a ratio of 100:1. In this way, it can be sent to the lower world.

"If Fellow Daoist is willing to help, that would be great, so that the task below can be completed faster." Time and Space Heavenly Venerable smiled and said.

With someone helping to condense the origin fragments, he can concentrate on refining the realm.

In this way, the two Heavenly Venerables looked at each other and smiled, and the Kendo Heavenly Venerable took action to smelt the violent Divine Domain chaotic origin aura into source fragments, and then the Time and Space Heavenly Venerable took action to form a complete realm from them.

(End of chapter)

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