Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 3 Humans Are Equal To Bugs Transforming Poison Spirit Body (Please Recommend For Collection

Chapter 3: Humans are Bugs - Transforming Poison Spirit Body (Recommendation, Collection, Investment)

In fact, above the so-called Supreme Grade Spirit Root, there are the legendary Heavenly Spirit Root and the Immortal Spirit Root that can definitely cultivate into immortals. However, these two types of spirit roots have not appeared for over ten thousand years, so he didn't mention them explicitly.

This so-called special physique feels really powerful, even rarer than the Supreme Grade Spirit Root. It's like the beloved child of the heavens, an essential physique for the protagonist, isn't it?

Could it be that this old ghost suspected that he had some special physique, which is why he brought him back to the sect and accepted him as a disciple?

"My good disciple, do you know that you possess the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body?" Blood Shadow Ancestor smiled and looked at Zhou Tianfeng, who was kneeling below, and asked.

"Reporting to Master: Disciple doesn't know what the Transforming Poison Spirit Body is," Zhou Tianfeng replied.

Indeed, he suspected that he had some special physique, but he didn't.

Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng was certain that he absolutely did not possess any so-called special physique in this world, let alone the nonsense Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

Because I don't even belong to the same species as you, I am a member of the primate human race, different from your Heavenly Human Race.

"It's normal that you don't know. If it weren't for the chance encounter with you, your unique Transforming Poison Spirit Body would have been buried. The Transforming Poison Spirit Body has a great background. Any highly toxic substance, venomous insects, or poisonous plants that come into contact with the Transforming Poison Spirit Body once will be ineffective the second time. If the Transforming Poison Spirit Body is cultivated well, it will become immune to all poisons. After reaching a high level, it can even control various deadly poisons to use against enemies. You will be blessed in the future, my boy," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"..." Whatever you say, I can't refute you anyway.

But I am just an Earthling, and I am very sure that I don't have any resistance to toxins. Wait, could it be... could it be my immune system?

Previously, in the village, all the villagers died from illness, but I was fine. It's very likely that my immune system was at work. So, did this old ghost misunderstand?

But the human immune system doesn't seem to have the ability to resist toxins, while honey badgers do.

But humans don't. Could it be that after transmigrating, my body underwent changes that greatly enhanced my immune system?

Well, that's the most likely explanation. After all, I went from being a chubby person who was 1.75 meters tall to a strong man who is nearly two meters tall. It's not surprising that my immune system has improved a bit.

Damn, it's not surprising at all. So, what exactly happened to my body?

"I can already confirm that you have the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. If it weren't for that, you wouldn't have survived the outbreak of the plague in your village. Even I wouldn't have been able to save you. If it weren't for possessing the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body, you would have died long ago," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

If I weren't absolutely sure that you have the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, I, Blood Shadow Ancestor, wouldn't have accepted you and brought you back.

Half a month ago, Blood Shadow Ancestor went out to experiment with his newly refined plague and happened to choose the small village where Zhou Tianfeng lived. As a result, all the people in the village were killed by Blood Shadow Ancestor's latest plague in just a few days.

Blood Shadow Ancestor was very satisfied with this result. Then he discovered Zhou Tianfeng, who hadn't died completely and was unconscious, still running a high fever.

Blood Shadow Ancestor was very surprised. This boy actually withstood his plague. As an ordinary person with no cultivation, there shouldn't be any reason for him to survive.

So, Blood Shadow Ancestor became interested and wanted to observe Zhou Tianfeng. As a result, Zhou Tianfeng only remained unconscious for three days and successfully withstood his plague.

Furthermore, his body began to recover without taking any antidote. He relied solely on his own body to withstand the poison. How is this possible?

This characteristic! It seems like I've seen it in some ancient texts. It's somewhat similar to the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body awakening in the early stages!

This discovery made Blood Shadow Ancestor ecstatic. He actually found the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body in this remote village.

Indeed, Zhou Tianfeng's ability to withstand the poison concocted by Blood Shadow Ancestor without taking any antidote, relying solely on his own body, is seen by Blood Shadow Ancestor as the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

To be safe, Blood Shadow Ancestor took out the poison he released in the village before, even increasing the dosage, and fed it to Zhou Tianfeng again. This time, Zhou Tianfeng's body had no reaction at all, completely ignoring the poison.

Just like an ordinary person. At this point, Blood Shadow Ancestor finally confirmed that he had likely encountered the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

This is why Blood Shadow Ancestor forcibly brought Zhou Tianfeng back and accepted him as a personal disciple.

"...Disciple really doesn't know," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"It doesn't matter! As long as you know that you are indeed the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

He meticulously cultivated Zhou Tianfeng, accepted him as a personal disciple, and brought him back to the sect for a reason other than him being the Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

The village where he selected to experiment with the poison was chosen half a year ago. At that time, Blood Shadow Ancestor discovered Zhou Tianfeng. At that time, this kid was still a Low Grade Spirit Root, and Blood Shadow Ancestor paid special attention to him. But at that time, he didn't pay much attention.

Unexpectedly, after just half a year, this kid's Spirit Root had actually become a Middle Grade Spirit Root.

This kind of thing is unheard of, unseen. It should be noted that everyone's Spirit Root is fixed from birth. It has never been heard of someone's Spirit Root being able to grow on its own.

So how miraculous is this kid's body? To have a Spirit Root that can grow on its own, and now paired with the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body, his aptitude is truly unparalleled.

Will he grow to have a High Grade Spirit Root in the future, or even a Supreme Grade Spirit Root, the legendary Heavenly Spirit Root, or Immortal Spirit Root?

Blood Shadow Ancestor has great expectations for this kid!

A special physique from legends, coupled with a self-growing Spirit Root, how extraordinary is that? His small Blood Shadow Sect might rely on this kid to rise.

Currently, his three disciples are not very promising, and Blood Shadow Ancestor is not satisfied with them.

The eldest is always busy with concocting poisonous pills, not fully focused on cultivation. Moreover, in terms of aptitude, he only has a Middle Grade Spirit Root and cannot inherit his mantle in the future.

The second disciple is also not outstanding. He is always busy researching and refining various corpse puppets, capturing disciples from reputable sects or people with special physiques to turn them into puppets.

As for the third disciple, his aptitude is a High Grade Spirit Root, the best among the three, but his temperament is completely unsuitable. He cannot bear the responsibility of the Blood Shadow Sect, and most importantly, he has a strong inclination towards killing.

This newly accepted fourth disciple, the Transforming Poison Spirit Body with a self-growing Spirit Root, is the one that satisfies him the most.

(Seeking support for my new book, thank you for collecting and recommending votes. I already have a million-word masterpiece, guaranteed quality.)

(End of this chapter)

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