Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 4: He Asked Me To Take Poison At The Beginning (Please Recommend For Collection And Investme

Chapter 4: Starting with Me Having to Ingest Poison (Seeking Recommendations for Collection and Investment)

"My good disciple, I must first successfully activate your Transforming Poison Spirit Body. During this period, you will have to endure some hardships, but only by enduring the harshest of hardships can you become exceptional." Blood Shadow Ancestor said with a smile.

"Master, I don't know how to activate my Transforming Poison Spirit Body. Could you please tell me?" Zhou Tianfeng shrank his neck and asked.

Damn it! I have a feeling that something really bad is about to happen to me.

"This Transforming Poison Spirit Body can quickly adapt to and no longer fear any kind of poison after each exposure. Furthermore, in the future, it can even turn these poisons into its own power. It is truly an extraordinary constitution in this world. So, to activate your Transforming Poison Spirit Body, you naturally need to consume more poisonous substances." Blood Shadow Ancestor smiled and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng shivered. Damn it, you want me to consume various poisonous substances? Are you treating me like a guinea pig?

Seriously, after each exposure to a new poison, I will adapt and no longer fear it, and I can even use various poisons later on. Are you really going to feed me poison directly?

If I really have this legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body, then it's fine, do whatever you want, but the problem is, I don't have it!

Maybe it's just my immunity!

Damn it, why is it that when others transmigrate to a xianxia world, they cultivate and rise up in power, but when it comes to me, I get kidnapped by this despicable old demon and have to ingest poison like a guinea pig?

If I can't handle it, won't I die for sure?

"Come, my obedient disciple, try taking this poison first. Don't worry, I am here with you. If anything happens to your body, I have an antidote that can save you." Blood Shadow Ancestor took out a small red bottle and handed it to Zhou Tianfeng with narrowed eyes.

Zhou Tianfeng looked at the poison in front of him, and large beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

Do I have to ingest poison right from the start? What the hell, is this a joke? You want to kill me by giving me poison right from the start?

"Master, disciple has something to say, I don't know if I should say it." Zhou Tianfeng gritted his teeth and spoke up.

Now, I don't know if my immunity can handle ingesting poisonous substances. If I can't handle it, I'm done for. I should find a way to avoid it.

"Go ahead and speak." Blood Shadow Ancestor was not surprised that Zhou Tianfeng was afraid of ingesting poison. After all, anyone would be scared in this situation.

"Master, disciple thinks that we should proceed gradually and slowly activate my Transforming Poison Spirit Body. It would be better to wait until I officially enter the cultivation world before ingesting poison. With my cultivation, I can better neutralize the poison." Zhou Tianfeng said.

To rely on my own immunity to pass this test, but since I have been recognized as having the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, it would be better to wait until I have achieved some cultivation before ingesting some poison. By then, I will have a greater chance of survival.

After all, this is a xianxia world. At least let me cultivate for a year or two before ingesting poison!

At least give my immunity a little more time to grow, and increase my chances of survival.

"Hahaha! I have already considered your concerns. Don't worry, this is just an ordinary mortal-level poison. Compared to the poison you were previously exposed to, it is only slightly stronger. How could I not know? I can't let you ingest highly toxic substances right from the start." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

After all, I want to activate his Transforming Poison Spirit Body, not kill the kid. His talent is terrifying. I'm counting on you to inherit my legacy and become the future Sect Master of Blood Shadow Sect, not to kill you.

Only then did Zhou Tianfeng relax a little.

"Master, can I wait? After I have achieved some cultivation, I can then activate my Transforming Poison Spirit Body and ingest poison. I'm really scared." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"It's understandable that you're scared. But trust me, nothing will happen to you. Besides, I have the antidote. Since you've decided to cultivate first, I will follow your wishes. After you reach the Qi Condensation stage, then you can ingest poison to temper your Transforming Poison Spirit Body." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Normal people would be afraid to take poison, and that's normal. So let the kid practice for a while before taking the poison to strengthen his Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

"Thank you, Master," Zhou Tianfeng immediately felt relieved, knowing that he wouldn't have to take the highly toxic substance for now.

"It's nothing. Next, let me explain the levels of cultivation to you," said the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"I'm all ears, Master," Zhou Tianfeng replied.

"Cultivation levels are divided into nine realms: the lower three realms are Body Tempering, Qi Condensation, and Foundation Building; the middle three realms are Harmonious Spirit, Soul Cultivation, and Transcending Mortality; and the upper three realms are Immortal Transformation, Rising Dawn, and Heavenly Ascension.

First is the realm of Body Tempering, where one needs to refine their physical body and cultivate Flesh Refining.

The realm of Qi Condensation involves absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body to cleanse it.

In the realm of Foundation Building, one consolidates their cultivation and truly becomes a practitioner. At this realm, one's lifespan increases by a hundred years. This is the lower three realms.

The realm of Harmonious Spirit involves integrating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into one's cultivation, cultivating true elemental power, and extending one's lifespan to three hundred years.

In the realm of Soul Cultivation, after refining the body and establishing a solid foundation, one needs to cultivate their own soul. By cultivating the Yin Spirit, one can achieve Primordial Spirit Astral Projection and extend their lifespan to six hundred years.

In the realm of Transcending Mortality, after completing the cultivation of the soul, one can merge it with the body, transcending the realm of mortals and truly becoming a cultivator. At this realm, one's lifespan reaches a thousand years. This is the middle three realms.

Only after passing the first heavenly tribulation, the tribulation of humanity, can one break through to the realm of Immortal Transformation.

The last three realms are quite special. For each realm cultivated, one must undergo a heavenly tribulation. There are four tribulations in total: the tribulation of humanity, the tribulation of earth, the tribulation of heaven, and the tribulation of immortality. After passing all four tribulations, one can ascend and become an immortal.

If one fails to overcome a tribulation, they will turn to ashes, their soul scattered.

In the realm of Immortal Transformation, one completely sheds their mortal physique and begins cultivating the immortal body. After passing the tribulation of earth, one reaches the realm of Rising Dawn.

In the realm of Rising Dawn, one breaks through their mortal soul, undergoes an extreme transformation, and cultivates the immortal soul, becoming a Yang Spirit. This is known as a Human Immortal. After passing the tribulation of heaven, one reaches the realm of Heavenly Ascension.

In the realm of Heavenly Ascension, one integrates their own Immortal Physique and immortal soul, completing the transformation into an immortal. In the mortal realm, they are known as an Earth Immortal. This is the upper three realms.

Finally, after passing the tribulation of immortality, one ascends to the Heavenly World and becomes a True Immortal.

In the upper three realms, each realm cultivated increases one's lifespan by twelve hundred years, and the power is vastly different," explained the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Thank you, Master, for clarifying. May I ask, Master, at which realm are you currently?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

There are nine realms of cultivation for cultivators. I wonder at which realm the esteemed Blood Shadow Ancestor is currently.

"Hahaha! This year, I am over five hundred years old, at the peak of the Soul Cultivation realm, just one step away from Transcending Mortality," proudly replied the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

So, he's only at the middle three realms in Soul Cultivation. I thought he would be at least at the upper three realms. Nonetheless, he's still at the level of Immortal Transformation!

Calling himself the Blood Shadow Ancestor, I thought he would be more formidable.

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(End of this chapter)

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