Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 5 Blood Shadow Sect With Enemies Everywhere

Chapter 5: Blood Shadow Sect, Enemies Everywhere

"My disciple, in terms of cultivation, I may not be considered the top expert in the entire South Cloud Continent, but among the entire Heavenly Universe Dynasty, I am part of the most apex level group. Whether it's the righteous or the wicked, I still have some face," said Blood Shadow Ancestor, squinting his eyes as he looked at Zhou Tianfeng.

This kid thinks that people in the Third Realm are a dime a dozen? That you can just grab them with one hand? Those who can cultivate to the Third Realm are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

I am 500 years old, and I still have a couple hundred years of lifespan. I can already be considered successful in cultivation.

I have already cultivated the Yin God and am only one step away from entering the Transcending Mortality realm, completely shedding my Mortal Physique and gaining a thousand years of lifespan.

This kid actually thinks that my cultivation is weak. It seems like I need to explain it to him when I have the chance.

"Master, can you introduce me to the South Cloud Continent?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

When I first transmigrated here, I was in a small village and had no knowledge of the outside world. I could only deduce that this is a world of cultivators with a social structure similar to ancient China.

"The entire South Cloud Continent has four mortal dynasties: the Great Lian Dynasty, the Clear Fire Dynasty, the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, and the Heavenly Origin Empire. These four dynasties rule over the mortal world, while we cultivators are divided into various sects, independent cultivators, and some aristocratic families. Since our Blood Shadow Sect is within the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, let me first tell you about the major forces within the Heavenly Universe Dynasty.

First is the Heavenly Universe Dynasty. Although it is a mortal country formed by a group of mortals, after hundreds of years of development, its foundation is not much weaker than some major sects. They have even established an organization called the Heaven Inspiring Army, specifically targeting us cultivators and the demonic beasts that often invade the Human Race.

The Heaven Inspiring Army consists of the Three Evil Star Marshals, the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals, the Thirty-Six Heavenly Guardian Generals, and the Seventy-Two Earthly Fiend Generals. They also have soldiers of different ranks. If you encounter them, it's best to stay away. They are not very friendly towards our Blood Shadow Sect," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Is this Heaven Inspiring Army powerful? What grievances do we have with them?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

This must be clarified since they are a government force.

"Hahaha, in the 400 years since the establishment of the Heaven Inspiring Army, we have killed five Big Dipper Seven Star Generals from our Blood Shadow Sect alone. I personally killed one a hundred years ago. As for the Heavenly Guardian Generals and Earthly Fiend Generals, I can't remember anymore. But every time a group dies, they are immediately replaced. I don't know how many we have killed over the years.

There have been two Heavenly Guardian Generals killed by your senior brothers, but as for our Blood Shadow Sect, your martial uncles, martial brothers, and martial sisters, they were killed by the Heaven Inspiring Army. As for the countless outer disciples, there are too many to count.

So, whenever we meet the Heaven Inspiring Army, it's a fight to the death. Remember, in the future, you must kill all the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals of this generation to avenge our fallen disciples," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

He had great confidence in Zhou Tianfeng. As long as this kid could grow up, it wouldn't take more than a few decades to be able to kill all the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals of this generation.

Damn, this grudge runs deep. It can be said that it's a fight to the death.

"Master, what is the strength of these Big Dipper Seven Star Generals? And what about the Three Evil Star Marshals?" Zhou Tianfeng asked, wanting to clarify the situation. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be invincible in battle.

"Well! The Big Dipper Seven Star Generals of this generation are Tian Shu, Tian Xuan, Tian Ji, Tian Quan, Yu Heng, Kai Yang, and Yao Guang. No matter which one, I can defeat them in a one-on-one fight. If two of them team up against me, I can still escape with my life. But if I encounter the Three Evil Star Marshals, Po Jun, Qi Sha, and Tan Lang, any one of them would be a certain death for me," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"But as long as I can break through to the Transcending Mortality realm within a hundred years, I will become one of the Three Evil Stars, and my position as the master will be unshakable. If you, kid, can grow up and rely on your Transforming Poison Spirit Body, this generation's Three Evil Stars will be in big trouble."

Well, it's decided. I won't provoke the Heaven Inspiring Army unless I surpass the Blood Shadow Ancestor in strength.

"Master, besides the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, are there any other major forces?" The Heaven Inspiring Army has completely offended us, so let's see if there are any other forces we need to be careful of.

"There are three other sects: Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Heavenly Sword Sect, and Ziyang Sect. These three sects are the largest in the Heavenly Universe Dynasty. When they see disciples from our Blood Shadow Sect, it will be a fight to the death. If you encounter disciples from their sects, kill them all if you can defeat them. If you can't, just run. Unless your strength surpasses mine, don't let their elders know that you are a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect." Blood Shadow Ancestor said with a meaningful tone.

Come on, any elder from these three sects can easily defeat the Blood Shadow Ancestor. The Big Dipper Seven Star General and the Three Evil Stars are just outstanding disciples from these three sects.

"Is the grudge with the Heaven Inspiring Army bigger than this?"

"More than half of the outstanding disciples from these three sects will join the Heaven Inspiring Army when they descend to the mortal realm. Even if they don't join, they will kill any disciples from our Blood Shadow Sect they encounter." Blood Shadow Ancestor coughed and said.

"Master, do we have any sects with good relations in the Blood Shadow Sect?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Previously, there were two demonic sects that had a good relationship with our Blood Shadow Sect, but both of them have been eradicated by the Heaven Inspiring Army."

"Master, does our Blood Shadow Sect have any good relations with any major forces? Like having a powerful backer?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Why does this so-called Blood Shadow Sect feel like a rat crossing the street?

"My good disciple, the path of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. We cannot rely on external forces. When you grow up in the future, destroy these three major sects and kill all the Heaven Inspiring Army, avenging the predecessors of our Blood Shadow Sect." Blood Shadow Ancestor patted Zhou Tianfeng's shoulder and said.

Master, is it still possible for me to leave the sect now?

These four Apex Level forces, it seems like any one of them can easily defeat our Blood Shadow Sect.

"Cough! Now I will pass on to you the Blood Shadow Heart Technique and give you a bottle of Body Tempering Pill for cultivating your own body. I will also give you a bottle of Fasting Pill. You are not yet able to enter the fasting state, so take one pill daily. Within a day, you won't need to consume any grains." Blood Shadow Ancestor took out two bottles of pills and a book of the Blood Shadow Heart Technique and handed them to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Thank you, Master, for your generous gifts," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes! You must cultivate diligently. After you break through to the Qi Condensation realm, I will teach you the next set of techniques. If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask the three senior brothers. If they can't answer you, come to me." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Zhou Tianfeng respectfully accepted the pills and techniques bestowed by the Blood Shadow Ancestor and returned to his own room.

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(End of this chapter)

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