Chapter 6: Body Tempering Beast Core

Soon, Zhou Tianfeng returned to his room and took out a Fasting Pill, stuffing it into his mouth.

Since being brought back by Blood Shadow Ancestor last night until now, he hadn't eaten a single meal!

Including the time he was unconscious, he was starving!

After swallowing the Fasting Pill, Zhou Tianfeng immediately felt a sense of fullness in his stomach.

The Fasting Pill is refined specifically for low-level cultivators who cannot yet absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to sustain their bodily consumption and need to eat daily.

The refining process is relatively simple, and any cultivator who has entered the Qi Condensation stage can refine it themselves once they know the recipe.

This small bottle contains 30 Fasting Pills, which is enough for his own monthly usage.

Zhou Tianfeng took out the Blood Shadow Heart Technique taught to him by Blood Shadow Ancestor and began his first meditation practice after transmigrating.

Blood Shadow Ancestor had previously mentioned that he possessed spiritual roots, but when he first transmigrated, he could barely move.

Even breathing caused a burning pain. When he first transmigrated, he shouldn't have had spiritual roots at all.

However, after adapting to the living environment here for a few months, his body underwent some changes, and it was these changes that allowed him to develop the spiritual roots of this world.

It seems that his spiritual root level should be good, otherwise Blood Shadow Ancestor wouldn't have taken him in.

Zhou Tianfeng opened the Blood Shadow Heart Sutra and silently memorized all the mantras of the first layer. Then, he sat cross-legged and began to try absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body to temper his physique.

Because he was saved by a physician after transmigrating, Zhou Tianfeng had some understanding of the human meridians in this world. Self-cultivating the Blood Shadow Heart Technique posed no problem for him.

The first level of cultivation, Body Tempering, is relatively easy. It doesn't require exceptional aptitude, even the worst miscellaneous spiritual roots. With sufficient resources, it can be completed within one or two years.

Body Tempering mainly involves toughening one's own body and refining one's physique, allowing the body to absorb more spiritual energy.

If there are no special body-refining pills or heavenly treasures, one can only absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Let the spiritual energy of heaven and earth flow within oneself, gradually strengthening the body. When the body's quality reaches ten times that of an ordinary person, it is the early stage of Body Tempering. When it reaches twenty times, it is the mid-stage of Body Tempering. And when it reaches thirty times, it is the late stage of Body Tempering.

When one's cultivation reaches the late stage of Body Tempering, they can condense spiritual energy within their body and truly enter the realm of cultivation, entering the Qi Condensation stage.

Of course, Zhou Tianfeng doesn't need to go through the trouble like ordinary cultivators because Blood Shadow Ancestor specially gave him a bottle of pills for Body Tempering. Zhou Tianfeng opened another bottle of pills, took out a pea-sized emerald green pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Immediately, a hot sensation surged from his stomach, and a warm current began to circulate through his limbs and meridians. Zhou Tianfeng felt his body emit a crackling sound.

Then he immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and guided the warm current within his body to strengthen himself according to the Blood Shadow Heart Technique.

Three hours later, Zhou Tianfeng slowly opened his eyes. His body was covered in fine beads of sweat, and he felt an indescribable refreshing sensation throughout his entire body.

It was like soaking in a hot spring indoors during the dead of winter.

He clenched his fist and felt that his body was now full of strength.

Impatiently stepping into the courtyard outside his room, Zhou Tianfeng bent his legs and jumped up, instantly leaping six or seven meters high.

Landing steadily on the ground again, his body felt completely comfortable. Well, it seemed that his first cultivation session was a complete success.

"Clap clap clap!" At this moment, applause sounded from outside the room.

The person who came was dressed in a black and white robe, none other than Senior Brother Cheng Ji whom he had just met today.

"Greetings, Senior Brother," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Haha! Junior Brother, no need to be polite. I thought that since it was your first cultivation session today, there might be something you didn't understand, so I came specially to take a look. I didn't expect Junior Brother to have already completed your first cultivation," Cheng Ji said as he approached.

"Thank you for your concern, Senior Brother. After taking the Body Tempering Pill given by Master, I feel extremely comfortable all over my body," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Oh! In that case, Junior Brother can rest assured. By the way, after the first cultivation session, it is best not to be too eager for progress. It would be better to rest for a day before proceeding with the second meditation cultivation. With the Body Tempering Pill given to you by Master, you should be able to enter the Qi Condensation stage through the Body Tempering Mirror in no time," Cheng Ji said with great concern.

It seemed that Master valued this new disciple a lot! The Body Tempering Pill given to him was a resource for the Body Tempering stage, the best cultivation resource.

Before, when they were in the Body Tempering stage, they could only use Body Tempering elixirs to cleanse their bodies. But this junior disciple, who had just started his first cultivation session, could directly use the Body Tempering Pill.

He only had a Middle Grade spiritual root, so why did Master value him so much? Could there be some hidden story?

He remembered that when Master went out before, it was to test the poison he had newly refined. He needed to probe a bit and see if this junior disciple had any unusual qualities.

"Thank you for the reminder, Senior Brother. Junior Brother will remember your teachings," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"No need to be polite, Junior Brother. By the way, I have a bottle of newly refined Supreme Grade pill here, which I will give to you as a gift for our first meeting. Junior Brother, please accept it," Cheng Ji smiled and took out a bottle of emerald green pills, handing it to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Thank you, Senior Brother. May I ask what this pill is for?" Zhou Tianfeng asked as he accepted it.

There's no such thing as a free lunch. This Senior Brother of his was definitely not a good person. How could he come all the way just to give him a pill for no reason?

"This pill is refined from various Spirit Medicines collected by me. After you enter the Qi Condensation stage, you can take it to increase your cultivation. However, this pill's power is a bit violent. You can only take one within seven days. Remember not to take too many," Cheng Ji smiled and said.

This was indeed a pill he had refined, and it could indeed be taken to increase cultivation after reaching the Qi Condensation stage. However, it was made from the flesh and blood of low-level Demonic Beasts, combined with some auxiliary medicinal materials.

Only when one's cultivation reached the Qi Condensation stage could they reluctantly take it, and they could only take one within seven days. Otherwise, the violent demonic energy inside would drive the user mad, or even cause demonic transformation, turning them into a half-demon.

Ordinary people or cultivators in the Body Tempering stage, once they took this pill, would have their bodies corroded by the blood of the Monster Race inside, turning into a half-human, half-demon monster without reason or sanity.

After a Qi Condensation stage cultivator took it, it could indeed increase their cultivation, but it would also bury hidden dangers for the future. Problems would arise when their cultivation reached the Foundation Building Stage.

Master valued this newly accepted junior disciple very much. This kid might become a stumbling block for him in the future, so he needed to test him out.

(End of chapter)

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