Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 33 Foundation Building Method: Heaven, Earth, Man

Chapter 33: The Law of Heaven, Earth, and Man in Foundation Building

The difference is too great. Just two months ago, I was clearly dominating him.

How could this happen? Why did this happen? The little fox was puzzled. It was always in the advantageous position, but the opponent was able to instantly predict its attack and bring it down.

Moreover, the opponent didn't even use a lethal move, just immobilizing it. The strong contrast made the little fox feel very uncomfortable deep inside.

"Are you okay?" The little fox timidly asked.

"Don't worry, what could happen to your senior martial uncle? Are you okay?" Zhou Tianfeng smiled and replied.

With the help of Blood Shadow Ancestor, Zhou Tianfeng quickly recovered. His body was already fine.

This was the third time he had entered this state of adrenaline surge, and compared to the first time, his physical condition had improved a lot.

At this stage, with his physical fitness and cultivation, as long as the battle didn't exceed three minutes, his body wouldn't have any major problems. If he could end the battle within a minute, he could immediately exit this state and be completely unharmed.

If it lasted two minutes, his body would feel a bit weak, but he would still have mobility.

Three minutes was the limit of exhaustion, and if it reached four minutes, it would be life-threatening.

However, the Origin Returning Pill that Blood Shadow Ancestor gave him just now could effectively avoid this drawback. As long as he could end the battle within three minutes and immediately take another Origin Returning Pill, his body would be fine after a short rest.

He must master the method of refining the Origin Returning Pill and carry it with him at all times in the future.

Zhou Tianfeng was confident that once his physical fitness and cultivation improved further, he would be able to unleash this state of adrenaline surge without any consumption, instead of paying the price of physical exhaustion.

"Yeah! I'm fine! I never expected to be defeated by you so quickly." Cheng Xiaoyue sighed helplessly, her two snow-white ears drooping on top of her head, looking very disappointed.

"Work hard in your cultivation. Next time, you'll win." Zhou Tianfeng smiled and encouraged her.

Joking aside, it was impossible for her to surpass him. Once she was surpassed by him, there would be no possibility of catching up.

Zhou Tianfeng was very clear that his body was a Transcendent Level bug in this world, and this Transcendent Level bug of a body was still constantly strengthening, seemingly without limits.

So if nothing unexpected happened, it would be impossible for Cheng Xiaoyue to surpass him in her lifetime.

"Hahaha! Are you feeling down, little girl? Well, it's understandable. This kid has only been cultivating for less than a year, and now he has defeated you. You must be feeling bad." Blood Shadow Ancestor laughed and said.

Unconsciously, the little girl's attitude towards Zhou Tianfeng had improved a bit, which was a good thing.

But this fourth disciple of his had really given him too many surprises! In addition to the self-growth of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body's spiritual roots, there was also this state of anger.

Good disciple! Heaven has treated you so well!

Now Blood Shadow Ancestor was 100% certain that Zhou Tianfeng would be able to undergo Heavenly Dao Foundation Building in the future.

"Master, am I useless?" The little fox glanced at Blood Shadow Ancestor and asked.

"The way you put it is not entirely accurate. Fox demons like you are not skilled in close combat, but rather excel in various spells, illusion techniques, and charm techniques. By using your own weaknesses to attack the strengths of others, you will surely fail. Keep working hard on Foundation Building.

With your talent, even without using the Foundation Building Pill, you can still successfully achieve Foundation Building. So, I will give you two options. The first is to cultivate Earthly Dao Foundation Building on your own, and the second is for me to give you a Foundation Building Pill for Human Dao Foundation Building. You can choose one." Blood Shadow Ancestor looked at the little fox and spoke.

Zhou Tianfeng, who was listening to their conversation on the side, was also taken aback. Is there a significant difference between the Foundation Building Stages?

When he was browsing through the books on the first and second floors before, he only briefly looked at the cultivation levels and didn't have much understanding in this area. He had been focusing on books about poison techniques.

Earthly Dao Foundation Building! Human Dao Foundation Building! What is the difference between these two Foundation Building methods?

And since there is Earthly Dao and Human Dao, there should also be Heavenly Dao, right?

"Master! Are there any differences in the Foundation Building Stage? What is the difference between Earthly Dao Foundation Building and Human Dao Foundation Building?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

When in doubt, ask. This is the virtue of us earthlings.

"Let me explain to you. There are three types of Foundation Building methods: Heavenly, Earthly, and Human.

Earthly Dao Foundation Building relies on one's own cultivation and talent to cultivate to the Foundation Building Stage.

Human Dao Foundation Building, on the other hand, uses the Foundation Building Pill for Foundation Building. It can be considered a shortcut, but it is inferior to Earthly Dao Foundation Building in terms of development and cultivation at the Late Stage.

As for Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, there are certain conditions that must be met. Ordinary people can only choose between Earthly Dao Foundation Building and Human Dao Foundation Building.

To perform Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, first, you must have a High Grade spiritual root, and second, you must possess an extremely special Body Refining quality. Only when these two conditions are met can you perform Heavenly Dao Foundation Building. By using this method for Foundation Building, your cultivation will be more stable and powerful, both in terms of magical power and physical body. Moreover, when facing enemies, you can also generate various powers and unique suppressions." Blood Shadow Ancestor explained the three different Foundation Building methods to Zhou Tianfeng.

Ordinary people can only choose the latter two methods for Foundation Building, while Heavenly Dao Foundation Building is extremely difficult and can only be achieved by those who are favored by the heavens.

Firstly, having a High Grade spiritual root already blocks about seventy to eighty percent of cultivators from entering. Furthermore, the special Body Refining quality mentioned in legends also excludes a large number of cultivators. Those who can achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building can be said to be one in a million.

"So, Master, which method did you and the three senior brothers use for Foundation Building?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Both I and your three senior brothers used Earthly Dao Foundation Building. The disciples at the Foundation Building Stage in our Blood Shadow Sect's outer sect used the Foundation Building Pill for Human Dao Foundation Building. As for you, in the future, you must achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes! Disciple will not disappoint Master's expectations! I will succeed in Heavenly Dao Foundation Building." Zhou Tianfeng said.

It seems that I possess all the conditions for Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.

Firstly, the High Grade spiritual root. The Ancestor has mentioned before that I can claim to have a High Grade spiritual root.

In other words, my spiritual root should be at least High Grade, and it is very likely to be even higher.

As for the special body constitution, my immunity and adrenaline bursts, I wonder if they can be considered special body qualities.

They should be! My body is already so extraordinary. If it's not considered a special body constitution, then something is not right.

"Good! I believe in you. You will definitely be able to do it." Blood Shadow Ancestor patted Zhou Tianfeng's shoulder and said.

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(End of this chapter)"

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