Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 34 Heavenly Spirit Root, Immortal Spirit Root (Please Recommend Monthly Votes For Collection

Chapter 34 Heavenly Spirit Root, Immortal Spirit Root (Requesting monthly votes, recommendations, collections, and investments)

Watching the conversation between the master and disciple, Cheng Xiaoyue, the little fox, felt a bit sour. It's really frustrating to see how much better others are!

Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, damn it, what a lucky guy.

Because she is a hybrid of the Human Race and Monster Race, her aptitude is considered good, and her spiritual root belongs to the High Grade level.

She also possesses the bloodline of a fox demon, but she can only achieve Earthly Dao Foundation Building at most. It's simply a pipe dream to achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.

In this world, there are very few people who can achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building!

This kid is really lucky. He has the legendary anger body that awakens every other generation, coupled with a High Grade spiritual root, he can indeed achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.

"Master! If it's a Supreme Grade Spirit Root, or a Heavenly Spirit Root above the Supreme Grade Spirit Root, and the legendary Immortal Spirit Root that guarantees Ascension as long as one enters cultivation, can they also achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

During this period of time spent in the library, Zhou Tianfeng has also read some classics and learned about the existence of the legendary Heavenly Spirit Root and the extraordinary Immortal Spirit Root above the Supreme Grade Spirit Root.

I wonder if these two types of spiritual roots are the same as ordinary spiritual roots?

"Well, that's a good question. First of all, the owner of a Supreme Grade Spirit Root is different from the owner of a High Grade spiritual root. The owner of a Supreme Grade Spirit Root can achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.

However, compared to those with special constitutions, it is much more difficult and requires the assistance of Apex Level treasures and materials. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

And this forced Heavenly Dao Foundation Building is weaker compared to those with special constitutions. As for the Heavenly Spirit Root and Immortal Spirit Root, they are actually similar to special constitutions. They can also achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

As for the Immortal Spirit Root, it goes without saying that as long as you can cultivate, you can definitely ascend to immortality. This in itself is a great advantage.

As for the Heavenly Spirit Root, it is even more powerful in absorbing spiritual energy than the Supreme Grade Spirit Root, and it also has unique abilities. These two most Apex Level spiritual roots can naturally achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, not much worse than those with special Body Refining constitutions.

"I see, thank you, Master, for clarifying this for your disciple." Zhou Tianfeng nodded.

It seems that in this cultivation world, Innate aptitude is very important! Innate aptitude determines a person's future.

If one's Innate aptitude is not good, then no matter what, they will always be one step behind others, and as their cultivation level increases, this gap will only widen.

Fortunately, I have the gift bestowed upon me by Mother Earth after transmigrating. My body is my greatest asset and the capital for my future.

"Master! Do you know who among the cultivators are capable of Heavenly Dao Foundation Building?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Well! As far as I know, among the younger generation disciples of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, there are no Heavenly Dao Foundation Building cultivators. However, there is one Heavenly Dao Foundation Building cultivator among the older generation, who is a few decades younger than me. We can be considered peers! He has already reached the level of Immortal Transformation cultivation. In my generation, he is highly respected." Blood Shadow Ancestor rubbed his chin and said with emotion.

He is a few decades younger than me, and he has already reached the level of Immortal Transformation, while I am still at the peak of Soul Cultivation. In this lifetime, I can only hope to successfully Transcend Mortality. I really can't compare.

"But Master, if there is only one old guy who can achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, and there are no young cultivators, does that mean I can easily dominate the younger generation?" Zhou Tianfeng said with great satisfaction.

Upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately put on a stern face and slapped Zhou Tianfeng's head hard, bringing him back to reality.

"What are you thinking? Just because I don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Generally, disciples with such extraordinary talents are carefully protected by major sects to prevent outsiders from knowing. So don't be arrogant. You better not end up in a bad situation if you encounter someone with a similar special constitution." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, rest assured, your disciple knows the importance of preserving one's life. No matter what I do, I will never act impulsively," Zhou Tianfeng replied to Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Just kidding, after all, I am someone who came from Earth. I understand the importance of survival and developing in a low-key manner.

"Well! Since you say so, I can rest assured. Focus on your cultivation!"

"Yes, Master."

"With your enraged state, we have already developed a method to utilize it. So, what are your thoughts on the path of cultivation from now on?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

What are my thoughts? I think the most important thing for my current adrenaline state is to improve my physical fitness.

"Master, I believe that while practicing poison techniques, I should also temper and endure my body. I wonder if our Blood Shadow Sect has any Body Refining techniques. I would like to learn some body strengthening methods," Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

"Your idea is not bad, but unfortunately, our Blood Shadow Sect does not possess profound Body Refining techniques. We only have some basic body strengthening methods like Turtle Shell Technique, Bull Strength, and Iron Body Technique, which are considered third-rate techniques. Even if we had excellent Body Refining techniques, I would not recommend you to learn them. Your enraged state is inherited from a previous generation and is not as good as the Innate Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Your main focus should still be on developing the Transforming Poison Spirit Body and practicing poison techniques. The enraged state is only a secondary means to deal with opponents," Blood Shadow Ancestor explained.

This kid's idea is not bad, but he needs to understand that a person's energy is limited. It's better to specialize in one skill rather than learning too many.

When I brought him back, I noticed that his physical fitness was much better than an average person's. His physical fitness is twice as good as that of an ordinary person.

At that time, Blood Shadow Ancestor was still puzzled because the Transforming Poison Spirit Body does not make the body very strong. But now that this kid has awakened the enraged state, Blood Shadow Ancestor finally understood that the strong physical constitution was inherited from the previous generation's enraged state.

"Yes, Master, I understand," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Wait, Master? Did you just mention the Transforming Poison Spirit Body? Does he have any other special constitution?" The little fox widened her eyes and asked.

"Uh! Hahaha! Well, since you're not an outsider, it's fine to tell you. This little junior of yours is the legendary first-generation Innate Transforming Poison Spirit Body. He is naturally able to neutralize all poisons," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Blood Shadow Ancestor thought carefully and decided not to hide anything from the little girl anymore.

Because he wanted to cultivate her into a powerful ally for Zhou Tianfeng in the future, he couldn't keep too many secrets from her. Besides, except for her self-growing spiritual roots, he could tell her everything else.

And as her cultivation level improves in the future, she might discover it anyway, so it's better to tell her directly.

The little fox's mouth hung open.

Not only does he have an enraged state inherited from a previous generation, but he also has the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and he is the first-generation Innate Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

So envious, so envious, really envious.

"Some things cannot be obtained through envy," Zhou Tianfeng proudly said, looking at the little fox's envious eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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