Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 35 Vaccination: Taking Poison Method

Chapter 35: Vaccination: The Poisoning Method

Faced with Zhou Tianfeng's mocking words, the little fox surprisingly did not retort this time, but silently turned and left.

The blow she suffered today was quite significant, and now she needed to go back and comfort her wounded soul.

Now she finally understood what it felt like to face a genius who was much stronger than herself.

Although she put in just as much effort as the other person, she was constantly left behind in all aspects, especially when Zhou Tianfeng first faced her, she had no resistance at all.

But in just two months, he had actually defeated her. The contrast was too huge.

The little fox's attitude puzzled Zhou Tianfeng a bit. Why did she suddenly change today? Normally, if he made such a mockery, she would respond with an international gesture and then make a fuss or report to Blood Shadow Ancestor. Her silent departure was a bit unusual!

"This little girl has been struck, my boy. Her talent is already considered top-notch, and she has the bloodline of a fox spirit, which can be said to be extraordinary. But compared to you, this little monster, she falls far behind." At this moment, Blood Shadow Ancestor, who was standing on the side, smiled and spoke.

As a person who had lived for over 500 years, he immediately sensed a certain scent.

"Alright, I admit that the gap between her and me is indeed quite large," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! You don't need to worry too much. With this little girl's proud personality, the blow you dealt her this time is actually a good thing. It will make her work harder and seriously cultivate in the future," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Since birth, this girl has been outstanding in all aspects and has been praised by elders and others, which has fostered a kind of arrogant personality.

Experiencing some setbacks now is actually a good thing for her.

Of course, these setbacks should not be too huge, otherwise it will only ruin her. They need to be just right.

In Blood Shadow Ancestor's view, the various blows Zhou Tianfeng dealt to this little girl today were just right.

"Hopefully! By the way, Master, I have a new idea regarding the training of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body through poison consumption," Zhou Tianfeng looked at Blood Shadow Ancestor and spoke.

"Oh! Tell me about it," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"I think in the future, I can dilute the amount of poison and then consume it at the lowest dosage. This way, it won't harm my body, and I can also develop immunity to this highly toxic substance. Additionally, the time it takes for me to resolve the poison can be reduced, from two months to once a month, which would better cultivate my Transforming Poison Spirit Body. What do you think, Master?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Today, he suddenly thought of the method humans use to create and use vaccines. Perhaps he could learn from it.

The original principle of vaccines was to introduce extremely weak and non-lethal viruses into a normal human body, and then train the immune system to counterattack them.

It was like conducting a small-scale exercise for the immune system.

The next time a large-scale invasion of the virus occurred, the immune system could more effectively and rapidly launch an attack and produce various targeted antibodies.

In ancient times, the prevalent smallpox virus and cowpox virus were both defeated using this extremely primitive method of vaccination. Now, one's own immune system in this world has been strengthened due to spiritual energy, enabling it to be immune to highly toxic substances.

So, can one use this method? A very small amount can allow one's immune system to adapt to this highly toxic substance, and then one's body can permanently become immune to it. This way, it is both safe and effective. Why not give it a try?

Long-term direct consumption of a lethal dose of poison that can kill cultivators is also an unstable factor for oneself! It wouldn't be good if it leaves any hidden injuries to one's body in the future.

Therefore, one can try the method of vaccination.

Upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, several question marks appeared above Blood Shadow Ancestor's head. Can this really work?

This kid is being overly cautious and afraid of death! You are the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body that is completely fearless of any poison!

To be so timid and cautious, but it must be said that this kid's method has some merit. The Transforming Poison Spirit Body can neutralize poison, but it doesn't address the issue of dosage.

Diluting some poison and then consuming it without causing death is indeed a method. This kid can come up with such a tricky method. It's really commendable how much he cherishes his life.

"Your method also has its merits, but are you sure it will work? What if the dose of poison you consume is too small and the Transforming Poison Spirit Body neutralizes it without leaving any record?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Please rest assured, Master. Disciple has great confidence in the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. I will definitely neutralize the poison that is recorded in my body. When I face them again for the second time, these poisons will definitely be dead and ineffective. And if this method doesn't work, then we can use the previous method." Zhou Tianfeng confidently replied.

Of course, he is very confident. He knows better than anyone how powerful the human immune system is. The human immune system can basically kill any substance, microorganism, or virus that invades the body, provided that one's body can withstand the terrifying killing power of the immune system.

With his body now enhanced to this extent and blessed with spiritual energy, his immune system is unprecedentedly powerful. If he were to return to Earth at this moment, Zhou Tianfeng could proudly proclaim that his immune system is the strongest on the surface.

As for the concern that the intake might be too small for his immune system to record, Zhou Tianfeng also expressed his indifference.

The learning and recording abilities of the immune system are not to be underestimated. In a small DNA system, there is hidden information about the viruses that humans have been immune to since birth.

When on Earth, humans inhale, drink, eat, and come into physical contact with a large amount of viruses, microorganisms, bacteria, and the like every day.

And without exception, the immune system kills and records all these microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, and the like.

The method of vaccination has been in use for hundreds of years, and humans have used it to overcome countless diseases, proving its effectiveness time and time again.

"Since you are confident, then alright! After one month, I will prepare some diluted poison for you to consume." Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded and said.

If it works, this method will undoubtedly be safer and more effective in developing this kid's Transforming Poison Spirit Body. If it doesn't work, then we can go back to the old method without much loss. It's worth a try.

"Rest assured, Master. Disciple is fully confident." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright! You can go rest now. Focus on cultivating for the next month and don't rush to break through to the next realm. Remember, laying a solid foundation is the most important." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes, Master. Disciple understands. Disciple will go rest now." Zhou Tianfeng bowed to Blood Shadow Ancestor and left.

(End of this chapter)

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