Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 36 The Highly Toxic Vaccine Is Successful

Chapter 36: Successful Toxic Vaccine

As expected by the Blood Shadow Ancestor, the next day, the little fox came to class as usual, seemingly unaffected. During this time, she continued to banter with Zhou Tianfeng.

However, in terms of cultivation and learning, the little fox clearly became more diligent and hardworking, even more so than before.

The Blood Shadow Ancestor was right. A small setback was actually a good thing for this little girl.

In the following month, Zhou Tianfeng began a routine life. He would rest and cultivate in his own room, read books in the library, and learn from the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

After a month, Zhou Tianfeng successfully broke through and reached the mid-stage of Qi Condensation. He was no longer the rookie at the early stage of Qi Condensation.

After the breakthrough, Zhou Tianfeng's physical fitness became even stronger than at the early stage of Qi Condensation, and his cultivation became more refined.

During this month, the Blood Shadow Ancestor also experimented with the two toxins that Zhou Tianfeng had previously been immune to. After Zhou Tianfeng ingested a lethal dose, he experienced no adverse effects for several days, just like a normal person.

Indeed, he had completely developed immunity to these highly toxic substances and was no longer afraid of them.

In the eyes of the Blood Shadow Ancestor, it was the successful transformation of the Poison Spirit Body that resolved the two toxins, allowing Zhou Tianfeng's body to no longer fear them. However, Zhou Tianfeng understood that it was his immune system that had recorded the various characteristics of the toxins.

When these toxins entered his body for the second time, his immune system immediately launched a targeted attack. These toxins had no time to take effect and were immediately captured and killed by the immune system.

Once his immune system defeated a toxin, there would be no second chance. The immune system of a life form from Earth was unbeatable, powerful, and domineering.

Damn, from now on, I can also be a man who eats poisonous snakes like spicy snacks. Ahem! No, no, then I would become a bald guy.

Speaking of which, if I had known I would transmigrate, I should have brought a bald guy with me from Earth, let it evolve into a Monster Race. I wonder what amazing things would happen.

Anyway, that scene would definitely be hilarious.

After today's class with the Blood Shadow Ancestor, it was time for Zhou Tianfeng to take the toxic substance again. This time, not only the Blood Shadow Ancestor and Zhou Tianfeng were present, but the little fox was also invited to observe.

The little fox was very curious about how Zhou Tianfeng's Transforming Poison Spirit Body could neutralize the toxins. She wanted to observe this legendary physique up close.

Naturally, the Blood Shadow Ancestor did not refuse the little fox's request.

"My good disciple! Now you can take the third poison. This time, as you suggested, I diluted the toxin. The dosage is now at most enough to kill an ordinary person or someone with a little cultivation. It gives you time to find an antidote." The Blood Shadow Ancestor took out a small bowl and dropped a drop of pink liquid from a small bottle onto it.

This was the toxin he had diluted before, only 1/10 of the original amount. It was not enough to kill a cultivator at the mid-stage of Qi Condensation, but for an ordinary person or someone at the Body Tempering stage, it was definitely a death sentence.

Come, my good disciple, let me see if you can really neutralize this toxin in the way you described.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and took the small bowl. Inside was a drop of pale pink liquid, the toxin diluted by the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

This was the toxic vaccine he had created using the simplest method of vaccination from Earth.

Actually, Zhou Tianfeng knew other methods of making vaccines, but they obviously wouldn't work in this world.

Because he doesn't have the skills to remove the nucleus from cells, directly kill the virus, and then inject the dead virus into the body to produce an inactivated vaccine!

Moreover, this is a highly toxic substance, not a virus. They don't even belong to the same category, so it's naturally impossible to produce an inactivated vaccine. In the future, they can only dilute the highly toxic substance and then proceed with immunization.

"Hmph, you're really timid. You've diluted the highly toxic substance to such an extent that even an ordinary cultivator wouldn't die from it. You, the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, are actually afraid," the little fox sneered.

She despised Zhou Tianfeng's cowardly behavior. Come on, you're the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body. I've never heard of any Transforming Poison Spirit Body being poisoned before.

The Transforming Poison Spirit Body is the nemesis of all highly toxic substances in the world. And now you're afraid and have to dilute the highly toxic substance to a certain degree before taking it. It's really a disgrace to the Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

"What do you know? I call this being cautious. Besides, my Transforming Poison Spirit Body doesn't need quantity, just a tiny bit, and I can be immune to this highly toxic substance. So why should I take a lethal dose?" Zhou Tianfeng retorted.

"If I had the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, I would dare to eat any highly toxic substance, no matter what it is," the little fox said.

"Heh, too bad you don't," Zhou Tianfeng smirked.

"You! You, hmph!" The little fox's cheeks puffed up in anger, her eyes turned red, and she glared at Zhou Tianfeng. The two white pointed ears on her head stood up, and even her tail behind her began to wag incessantly, clearly showing her anger.

Damn it! I've been fooled by this bastard again.

"Alright, alright, little girl, it's a good thing that your Fourth Senior Brother is so cautious. At least someone who is cautious and careful can live longer in the cultivation world. The more high-profile and arrogant people are, the less likely they are to survive in the end," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Did you hear that? Even the Master understands the reason," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"But excessive caution is also not a good thing. Sometimes, you may miss certain opportunities. So, when it's necessary, you need to be cautious, but when it's time to charge, you also need to go for it and seize opportunities. We cultivators are going against the heavens, we can't be cautious in everything," Blood Shadow Ancestor said without favoring Zhou Tianfeng or the little fox.

"Yes, Master, I will follow your teachings."

"Hmph, coward."

"Alright, take it quickly! Let me see if it works," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Okay!" Zhou Tianfeng nodded and swallowed the drop of pink liquid in the small bowl.

After the diluted highly toxic substance entered his body, it was immediately detected by the immune system, which began to ruthlessly pursue and intercept this poor diluted version of the highly toxic substance.

In the end, these weak and pitiful diluted versions of the highly toxic substance were eliminated by the immune system in a short period of time.

As for Zhou Tianfeng, he didn't even break a sweat this time. He was completely unaffected, as if he hadn't been poisoned at all.

After observing Zhou Tianfeng continuously for two days and one night and personally confirming that he was completely fine, Blood Shadow Ancestor finally relaxed.

Incredible, this kid's method actually works. The Transforming Poison Spirit Body can actually be used like this. I have to write this down in our sect's records.

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(End of this chapter)

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