Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 37 The Deeply Affected Blood Shadow Ancestor: Accompanying The Little Fox

Chapter 37: The Devastated Blood Shadow Ancestor: Accompanying the Little Fox

The Blood Shadow Ancestor felt that such important information must be recorded in the sect's classics and passed down to future generations. This way, they can cultivate the Transforming Poison Spirit Body when encountering it in the future.

However, according to the records in the classics, the Transforming Poison Spirit Body is quite rapid in resolving severe poison and does not burden the body. This kid's situation seems a bit special.

The first time I saw him in the small village, he was almost poisoned to death, his body was scorching hot. Only after resolving the severe poison did he experience the same thing when he was at the Blood Shadow Sect for the second time, but nothing happened the third time.

This is how the Transforming Poison Spirit Body should behave. The previous scorching body should be because this kid hasn't fully awakened the Transforming Poison Spirit Body yet. It's only after cultivating to the Qi Condensation stage that the Transforming Poison Spirit Body fully awakens.

"My good disciple, I will record this new discovery in our sect's classics. In the future, if the Transforming Poison Spirit Body appears again, we can cultivate it according to this method," said the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Please, I am not the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. That's just my immunity at play. Are you sure the real Transforming Poison Spirit Body is similar to me?"

However, Zhou Tianfeng did not refute. It's none of my business, and a little less severe poison shouldn't be a big problem for the real Transforming Poison Spirit Body, right?

"Everything depends on the arrangements of the master. Master, according to this speed, I will be able to resolve twelve types of severe poison in a year," Zhou Tianfeng said.

According to this calculation, in seven or eight years, I will be able to wield the Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade. Coupled with the Iron Armored Poisonous Corpse from my second senior brother, it will be perfect.

"That's correct. According to my calculations, after you successfully cultivate the Foundation Building stage, you should be able to resolve over a hundred types of severe poison. By then, you can wield the Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade," said the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

With this kid's aptitude, he should be able to successfully cultivate the Foundation Building stage within ten years, and it will be the legendary Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.

"The Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade? Is it the weapon passed down in the sect? You actually gave it to him?" Cheng Xiaoyue, the little fox standing on the side, also changed her expression and asked.

"That's right! It is the weapon, the Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade, passed down by the previous Blood Shadow Ancestor. However, this kid must resolve a hundred types of severe poison before he can wield this weapon to harm his enemies," said the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Damn, I'm so envious! The Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade is extremely powerful, but its strict usage conditions have prevented anyone in the Blood Shadow Sect from being able to wield it.

Unexpectedly, it has fallen into the hands of my fourth senior uncle today. Damn it! His special Body Refining talent is truly unparalleled.

She knows a bit about this Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade. It is the unique Law Treasure of the previous Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Her father has always wanted to obtain this blade, but unfortunately, although her father is proficient in poison techniques, he still does not meet the requirements to wield the Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. During this half year, Zhou Tianfeng has once again become immune to six types of severe poison, and he has also conducted tests. Any poison that he is immune to has no effect on him.

During this half year, Zhou Tianfeng has been like a sponge, absorbing all kinds of poison techniques knowledge from the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

He also carries a small notebook with him, using his super-fast hand speed and incredibly powerful memory to record every word spoken by the Blood Shadow Ancestor. His learning attitude is extremely serious.

On this day, as soon as the teaching task was completed, the Blood Shadow Ancestor called Zhou Tianfeng and the little fox over with a serious expression.

"Cough cough! For the next period of time, besides your daily cultivation, my disciple, you will start breeding and cultivating some poisonous insects, poisonous flowers, and poisonous plants. Study their growth and various habits, and then try to concoct your own severe poison. Let's temporarily pause our lessons," the Blood Shadow Ancestor said with a light cough.

"Master, will your disciple no longer come to learn from you in the future? There are still many questions that I haven't figured out!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Blood Shadow Ancestor's little classroom has only been in session for over 9 months, is it already going to end? I've been enjoying listening to the classes every day! Why would you stop just like that?

Please, my dear master, I haven't exhausted all your secrets yet!

"." The Blood Shadow Ancestor didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a speechless expression.

Why did my little classroom stop? Don't you have any sense of urgency? Do you not realize how terrifying your learning speed has been in these nine months?

Apart from the forbidden poison techniques that require advanced cultivation, haven't you already learned everything about me?

Now, all you lack is practice.

"Master, there are still many things that I need to learn from you," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmph! Are you still shameless enough to say that? The things our master taught, he said we would learn together, but in reality, he's only teaching you alone, especially in these past few months, it's been all about teaching you alone," the little fox said discontentedly.

How terrifying is Zhou Tianfeng's learning speed? The little fox has the most say in this matter. During this period of time studying with you, Zhou Tianfeng has learned everything, while I, this old lady, haven't even learned one or two things.

Sometimes, it feels like I'm listening to a book written in a foreign language.

Whenever the Blood Shadow Ancestor explains something, this kid can completely remember it after just one time, and he even takes notes in a little notebook, writing down every word the Blood Shadow Ancestor says with almost abnormal speed.

And what about the little fox? The Blood Shadow Ancestor has to explain things two or three times for her to understand, and she still has many questions. Her learning progress can't keep up with Zhou Tianfeng.

I even thought about borrowing his little notebook to copy his notes, but I couldn't bring myself to ask.

"If you can't keep up with my learning speed, do you still want to blame the teacher? You can't even take notes," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You, you, me." Damn this bastard, do you know that I'm completely just accompanying you now?

When it comes to learning, I can't keep up step by step.

So, over time, the little fox has transformed from a classmate to a study companion for Zhou Tianfeng.

And since the Blood Shadow Ancestor deliberately cultivated Zhou Tianfeng, the progress of the poison technique can only follow Zhou Tianfeng's pace, which is why the little fox is in a tragic situation.

Now, every day, she says she's coming to listen to the class, but in reality, she's just going in one ear and out the other, completely unable to understand many things.

Although the little fox has been working very hard during this period, she is still far behind compared to certain freaks.

"Never mind! Since I'm your senior martial brother, it's only right for me to take care of you. Take this and study it carefully." Zhou Tianfeng threw his notes that he had been keeping for over half a year directly to the little fox.

(End of this chapter)

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