Chapter 38: The Great Plague

Zhou Tianfeng knew the current situation of the little fox. With his current learning speed, the little fox couldn't catch up even if it tried its best.

The development of his brain now couldn't be described as genius; it should be called monstrous. In terms of learning ability, he was definitely at a crushing level. If the little fox studied with him, it would be pure torture.

It's like a primary school student and a university student sitting in the same classroom listening to a professor. It would be strange if the primary school student could understand.

But there was nothing he could do. He didn't want Blood Shadow Ancestor to slow down his lecture speed and affect his progress, so he prepared a small notebook and recorded every word spoken by Blood Shadow Ancestor in class.

After that, he added some of his own annotations. This little notebook was specifically prepared for the little fox. For him, it was just a small effort.

With his current memory, he could recall everything Blood Shadow Ancestor taught every day, no matter how long ago it was. He didn't need to take notes.

"Hmph! Are you serious?" After receiving Zhou Tianfeng's notebook, the little fox asked.

"Take it! I know your situation during this period. You haven't learned anything at all. Come with me later. I have more than one notebook. I can fill one in a month, and I still have many at home!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

With the little fox's intelligence, it would take several months for it to finish reading the notebook I wrote, let alone fully understand it. Take your time to experience the gap between us!

"Hmph! I'm not taking it for free. How about this! I'll let you borrow my father's records of various poisonous pills and the insights into poison techniques that he has accumulated over hundreds of years!" the little fox said.

He couldn't take this guy's things for free. Anyway, he doesn't usually look at the things his father records, so he can let this guy have a look!

The various insights from the senior brother's cultivation, as well as the method of refining Beast Cores, are really good things!

Because in a while, Zhou Tianfeng plans to start refining Beast Cores. Originally, he could only slowly explore and progress, but now, if he has the notes from this senior brother, it would be perfect.

I didn't expect this little girl to be such a cunning little fox. Well done.

"Is that so? Thank you very much," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmph! I'm not lending it to you for nothing. And you have to return it. It's not a gift for you. Remember to give it back after you finish reading it," the little fox said.

"Don't worry!" After I finish reading it, it will be mine. Whether you take it back or not makes no difference. Thanks for the gift from the senior brother.

Junior brother, I'll accept it without being polite. After all, this is the thoughtful little cotton jacket you gave me.

At this moment, the senior brother in the Heavenly Universe Dynasty suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong with you, husband?" Snow Moon Fox asked.

"I'm fine! Maybe I'm a bit mentally exhausted from dealing with the Heaven Inspiring Army recently," he replied.

"You have already reached the Harmonious Spirit Late Stage and are about to condense the Yin Spirit in Soul Cultivation. How could you be mentally exhausted?" Snow Moon Fox asked.

"Ah! You know about our recent situation, right? I really didn't expect that all of our Blood Shadow Sect's strongholds here would be completely uprooted, and that the Heaven Inspiring Army would be so ruthless towards us," Cheng Ji said.

It's been half a year since I came to the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, and the situation here is even more severe than I imagined. With my Harmonious Spirit level cultivation, I can be considered a master, but definitely not among the top Apex Level. I have to be cautious in everything I do.

Things are far from simple as I thought, and it seems like the Heaven Inspiring Army has also set their sights on me recently.

"Hmph, in my opinion, you just need to put on a show. Don't exhaust yourself," Snow Moon Fox looked at her husband with great concern and spoke.

"Mm! I know what to do, and the Heaven Inspiring Army won't discover anything. I heard that there's been an outbreak of plague in the north recently, and now they can't spare the manpower to deal with me," Cheng Ji said.

They were indeed closely monitored by the Heaven Inspiring Army some time ago, but recently, for some reason, there has been an outbreak of plague in several small villages in the north.

Most of the Heaven Inspiring Army's generals have gone to help, which has given him a chance to breathe and develop the Blood Shadow Sect better.

"This matter has been widely spread recently. It is said that many people in several villages have died, and their deaths were extremely tragic. Their lungs rotted, and their necks were covered in blisters. I wonder who developed such a powerful poison. Could it be your master? The source of the outbreak, Great Yellow Village, seems to be the place where your master took your junior brother," Snow Moon Fox said.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be. It is said that this kind of plague can only infect mortals and has no effect on cultivators. Moreover, some cultivators have discovered that raising the patient's body temperature can cure this plague," Cheng Ji said.

His master did indeed experiment with a newly developed plague in a place called Great Yellow Village in the north before. Could this really be related to his master?

In the north, near Great Yellow Village, it is now a scene of hell on earth. It is densely packed with dead villagers everywhere.

Countless soldiers wearing black iron armor are carrying out all the bodies of the villagers and arranging them one by one.

All the villagers' deaths were extremely tragic. Their necks were swollen, covered in various blisters, and their lungs rotted before dying.

"General, all the deceased villagers have been gathered," a soldier from the Heaven Inspiring Army came to a military officer and spoke.

"Mm! In addition to all the villagers' bodies, burn all the dead livestock in the village, whether it's dogs, pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, or ducks. Burn them all together with these villagers," the general wearing black mysterious armor said coldly.

"Yes, General, I understand," the soldier said, about to leave but was stopped by his superior.

"Wait! Zhang Jiben will ask you, have all the surviving villagers been arranged for treatment?"

"Reporting to the General, I have already made proper arrangements. This plague does not affect cultivators, and as long as we use fire spirit symbols to raise the villagers' body temperature to about fifty degrees Celsius, like warm water, this plague will naturally disappear. It is not difficult to resolve this plague," the officer said.

"That's good, you may leave."

The messenger saluted the general, got up, and left.

After the messenger left, the general with an unpleasant expression came to a tent.

Inside the tent, several high-ranking generals of the Heaven Inspiring Army were sitting, and the one leading them was wearing a blue and white cloak, silver armor, and a Big Dipper constellation embroidered on his chest.

"I, Tian Lingxing General Luo Tian, pay my respects to General Tianquan."

(End of this chapter)

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