Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 39 Who Will Take The Blame (Please Vote)

Chapter 39: Who Will Take the Blame (Vote Request)

"General Tianlingxing, no need for formalities. Please take a seat." The man in a white robe and silver armor sitting in the first seat said.

This person has a dignified appearance, standing at eight feet tall, with a face like a jade crown and exceptionally handsome features. He is a rare beauty.

This person is none other than General Tianquan, one of the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals of this generation. He is known as Yufeilong in the Heavenly Universe Dynasty and has served as a Big Dipper Seven Star General for a decade.

His strength ranks among the top three among the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals and is also one of the strong contenders for the next Three Evil Stars. He is the commander responsible for suppressing the northern epidemic and investigating its source.

Accompanying him are six Heavenly Guardian Generals, twelve Earthly Fiend Generals, and a total of one thousand Xuanzi Heaven Inspiring Army and over three thousand Huangzi Heaven Inspiring Army.

"Thank you, General Tianquan." After the Tianlingxing, dressed in black armor, stood up, two soldiers from the Heaven Inspiring Army immediately brought a chair.

Tianlingxing also did not stand on ceremony and sat down in the hall.

"General Tianling, have you completed the task I assigned to you?" Yufeilong asked.

"Reporting to the General, the task has been completed. This is the last village infected with the plague. All the villagers, as well as the corpses of the dead livestock, have been completely incinerated," Tianlingxing said.

"Very well, General Tianling, you have done a good job," Yufeilong said.

After such a long time, there is finally some good news. This wave of the epidemic has finally been brought under control. But now the source of this epidemic must be investigated. Such a severe epidemic cannot have occurred naturally.

In addition to suppressing the epidemic, their orders this time also include investigating the source. If it is the work of a demonic sect, then that sect must be completely eradicated.

To openly release such a terrifying epidemic in the northern Heavenly Universe Dynasty.

Such a provocation against the entire Heavenly Domain Dynasty has not happened in over 200 years. Now the instigator must pay the price in order to appease the anger of the Heavenly Universe Great Emperor.

"So, who among you will tell me what you have discovered in this epidemic investigation?" Yufeilong asked.

"Reporting to the General, we have already investigated and found that a total of twelve villages have been infected with the plague. Fortunately, it has not spread to the nearby county. In these villages, the total number of dead villagers is over 23,000, and only over 2,000 have received treatment and been properly resettled," one of the Heavenly Guardian Generals stood up and said.

"Oh, it's General Tianqiaoxing. But what I asked was about this epidemic. Have you found out who is responsible and why it has spread so rapidly?" Yufeilong asked.

"Reporting to the General, I dare not hide anything. We have never seen this new type of plague before. According to the accompanying physicians, it does not seem to be caused by the Left Path. It seems to be something else," another Heavenly Guardian General stood up and said.

"You mentioned this a month ago as well. What do you mean? Is this just a random epidemic? Do I have to report to the Emperor that this is just a natural disaster?" Yufeilong asked.

"Reporting to General Tianquan! The physicians accompanying us are also unsure. They say it seems to be a plague developed by a certain demonic Dao Sect, mixed with something else. This thing is highly contagious and has a great impact on ordinary people. But if it is a cultivator, it is not a big deal. And we have found a way to counter it, which is to use Fire Spirit Talismans to raise the body temperature of the poisoned person, which can cure the disease," Tiansuxing said.

To be honest, this matter has really troubled them. Who knows what this sudden epidemic is all about? So many people have been investigating for such a long time, but they haven't found any clues.

"Ladies and gentlemen: We have been here for half a year, and fortunately, with the assistance of all the generals, I have finally gained control over this wave of plague. However, we must find the mastermind behind the scenes. This epidemic was definitely not formed naturally. If we claim it was natural, how can we explain it when we return? Therefore, we must find a scapegoat from the demonic Dao Sect to take the blame."

As I looked at each of the generals, and they looked at me, we all understood the intention of General Tianquan.

That is, we must find a demonic Dao Sect to come and take the blame. But the problem is, in the entire Heavenly Universe Dynasty, due to the efforts of their Heaven Inspiring Army and the top three sects for hundreds of years, almost all the demonic Dao Sects have been eradicated, and there are hardly any Monster Cultivators left.

Where can we find this scapegoat?

"Reporting to General Tianquan, I have discovered something," said Tianling Xing, who was sitting on the side.

"Oh! General Tianling, please speak," said Yufei Long.

"I have found out that one year ago, the Blood Shadow Ancestor of the Blood Shadow Sect appeared in Great Yellow Village, which is the source of the entire epidemic outbreak. Therefore, I speculate that this matter should be the work of the demonic beings from the Blood Shadow Sect," said Tianling Xing.

He wasn't making this up. Their Heaven Inspiring Army has absolute control over the entire Heavenly Universe Dynasty. They are aware of any slight movement, so as soon as this demonic Dao Sect master, the Blood Shadow Ancestor, appears, they will receive the news immediately.

However, usually, as long as these demonic Dao Sect masters do not commit any major offenses that anger the heavens and the people, the Heaven Inspiring Army generally does not provoke them. But this time, if they really want to find someone to take the blame and be the scapegoat, then it must be the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Oh! It turns out to be a remnant of the Blood Shadow Sect. Hmph! After suffering a major defeat at the hands of our Heaven Inspiring Army last time, they hid like a turtle for decades, and now they have reappeared?" General Tianquan, Yufei Long, said.

"What General Tianling said is true. This matter must be the work of the demonic beings from the Blood Shadow Sect."

"Yes, besides the Blood Shadow Ancestor, no one would do such a heinous act."

"He poisoned these innocent villagers in order to refine a Law Treasure like the Yin Soul Banner. However, before he could succeed, he was discovered by our Heaven Inspiring Army."

"Generals, I believe that this epidemic was caused by the demonic beings from the Blood Shadow Sect. They released the plague, killing tens of thousands of innocent people, in order to refine the demonic treasure, the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, and collect materials to refine the Essence Soul Pill." Yufei Long smiled and said.

"What the General said is absolutely correct. The souls of all the deceased villagers have been collected by these demonic thieves."

"Yes! These demonic remnants who kill without mercy even spared the souls of these innocent people."

In an instant, the generals in the tent immediately understood what General Tianquan wanted to do.

The souls of tens of thousands of people are valuable to demonic cultivators, but they are also valuable to righteous cultivators.

Whether it is a righteous cultivator or a demonic cultivator, in their cultivation or in the battles they fight, it is inevitable that souls will be harmed. If they can refine some Essence Soul Pills, it will be very helpful for their future cultivation.

After all, those who died were just ordinary mortals. In a few decades, a large group of them will be born again, so there is not much loss. What the higher-ups want is just the murderer.

Anyway, this matter was all done by you, Blood Shadow Ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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