Chapter 41: Is it a Virus?

"What's the matter? Why are you making such a fuss?" Zhou Tianfeng impatiently put down the work in his hands and looked at the outer disciple in front of him.

The eldest senior brother had left, the second senior brother was a shut-in who spent all his time studying corpses in his room, and the third senior brother had also left. Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng was the one managing the outer disciples of the Blood Shadow Sect.

Fortunately, among these outer disciples, there were several experts at the Foundation Building Stage and Harmonious Spirit realm, which was enough for him. The rest were just some small fry at the Qi Condensation and Body Tempering stages, and he could easily handle them.

"Fourth Master, not long ago, a few of our brothers went out to hunt Demonic Beasts and heard about a major incident that happened outside, which is also related to our Blood Shadow Sect." The outer disciple spoke up.

"Why are you panicking? Even if it's a big deal, we have the Ancestor to handle it! Tell me, what happened?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Not long ago, there was a major epidemic in the northern region of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty. People infected with the epidemic would initially cough incessantly, then cough up blood. Blisters would appear on their necks, followed by swelling, and then their lungs would rot, leading to death. However, this epidemic only affects ordinary people and has no effect on cultivators. At first, no one paid much attention to it, but as it spread wider and wider, the court sent the Heaven Inspiring Army to suppress it."

Wait a minute, coughing incessantly, coughing up blood, blisters on the neck, rotting lungs... Isn't this the epidemic that broke out when I was still in Great Yellow Village?

But at that time, Blood Shadow Ancestor told me that it was a plague caused by a traitor of the Blood Shadow Sect. But now, Zhou Tianfeng felt that this didn't seem like a plague!

He had read all the records of the Blood Shadow Sect related to poison techniques, and he had never seen anything with a similar infectious power to a plague. Moreover, these symptoms were clearly caused by a respiratory virus.

In an instant, Zhou Tianfeng's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that his worst fear had come true? Could this be the virus inside his own body?

"Let me ask you, do you know which village the outbreak of this epidemic started from? Is there a cure?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Reporting to Fourth Master, it is said that it started from Great Yellow Village. Once infected with this disease, all the villagers die without exception. In the end, the Heaven Inspiring Army discovered a method, which is to raise the body temperature of the infected individuals using Fire Spirit Talismans, and then have cultivators protect their heart meridians. This can cure them. But Fourth Master, what I wanted to talk about is not this, please let me finish." The outer disciple spoke up. He wanted to talk about another major matter related to the Blood Shadow Sect.

"Wait a moment, let me sort this out." Zhou Tianfeng's face turned extremely ugly as he interrupted the outer disciple.

The treatment method for this epidemic turned out to be raising body temperature. Isn't this the weakness of a virus? It should be noted that viruses on Earth cannot survive in high-temperature environments.

And viruses, you can say they are powerful, they indeed are, as they have been fighting against terrestrial life forms for billions of years.

But if you say viruses are weak, they are actually quite weak. At least, most viruses cannot survive for long in the air. After entering the air, most viruses will die within a few hours. They must find new hosts during this period in order to continue reproducing.

There is also a part of viruses that establish a symbiotic relationship with humans, as human DNA contains many viral characteristics. Even the reproduction of all mammals requires the help of viruses.

Zhou Tianfeng had always thought that these viruses were still inside his body because once they left his body, he believed that these fragile viruses would have a hard time surviving in this world of spiritual energy. Even he himself had a hard time adapting to the spiritual energy environment.

Not to mention viruses, these organisms that don't even have cells, only consisting of simple amino acids and proteins.

Leaving the body, the virus is like being in a different environment, just like throwing a human into outer space without any protection.

In this environment, they are more dangerous than being exposed to Earth's air, and death will come more quickly. Whether they can survive even for a second is a question.

Could it be that the virus in my body is causing trouble? If it is indeed the virus in my body, then why are the people of the Blood Shadow Sect unaffected?

"Fourth Lord, what I want to report is not about the plague. The Heaven Inspiring Army has completely controlled the epidemic, and the source has been resolved.

But now, the Heaven Inspiring Army is directly blaming our Blood Shadow Sect for this dirty water. They claim that it is poison from our ancestor and they say that they will launch an attack on our Blood Shadow Sect in the near future. Anyone who can provide the exact location of the Blood Shadow Sect will receive a generous reward from the Heavenly Universe Dynasty." This Fourth Lord seems to be more concerned about the plague, doesn't he?

This kind of mortal world plague means nothing to them, cultivators.

Sometimes, in order to experiment with newly refined toxins, these disciples of the demonic path will even experiment on ordinary people.

"So you mean the Heaven Inspiring Army is claiming that it is poison from our ancestor? Has the epidemic been controlled?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

As long as it's under control, but how did the virus survive? They don't even have the most basic conditions for survival! They can only barely survive in their own bodies, and they must form a symbiotic relationship with themselves.

Strange! Very strange.

"Yes, Fourth Lord, but this mortal world plague has nothing to do with us. Now the Heaven Inspiring Army is blaming our Blood Shadow Sect, and it's not good at all."

"What do you mean? Are you worried that someone will report the location of our Blood Shadow Sect to the Heaven Inspiring Army?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Yes, Fourth Lord. Our Blood Shadow Sect can't withstand a collective attack from the Heaven Inspiring Army. Moreover, the Lord is currently at the headquarters of the Heaven Inspiring Army, and it's very dangerous. Do you think we should inform the ancestor about this?"

"Enough, after all is said and done, you want me to tell the ancestor about this, right? I understand, you can go now!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Hehe! Even if the Heaven Inspiring Army captures all the outer disciples, they won't be able to find the exact location of the Blood Shadow Sect. Except for the four direct disciples of the Blood Shadow Ancestor, no one knows the exact location of the Blood Shadow Sect.

The current location of the Blood Shadow Sect is still very secretive, protected by various hidden formations.

Moreover, ordinary outer disciples need to hold a spiritual talisman to enter the Blood Shadow Sect. They only have the right to enter and exit, but they don't know the specific location.

Now, what Zhou Tianfeng is more concerned about is the virus.

This matter is of utmost importance and must be clarified.

(End of this chapter)

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