Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 42 The Second Senior Brother Comes Out Of Seclusion

Chapter 42: Second Senior Brother Emerges from Seclusion

It's really troublesome, but although viruses are powerful, the natives of this world are not so weak. At least the average person here has a much better physical condition than modern humans.

Moreover, the weakness of the virus is very obvious, which is its fear of high temperatures. As long as it is exposed to high temperatures or strong ultraviolet rays, the virus can be easily killed.

Speaking of which, a large part of viruses and bacteria choose to coexist with humans because, relatively speaking, the goal of the virus is to reproduce and survive. Coexisting with humans is actually a better choice.

Many highly lethal and highly infectious viruses are eventually defeated, and it is also because of this reason that sometimes viruses attack other viruses.

So, is it possible that some viruses have directly chosen to coexist with me as their host, which allows them to absorb the spiritual energy of this world and mutate so quickly?

"Fourth Lord! I think it's better to call back all the disciples who are hunting Demonic Beasts outside! It's better for us to stay in the sect during this period of time." This outer disciple quietly approached Zhou Tianfeng and spoke.

"Well, what you said makes sense. For the next year, unless necessary, all disciples should not go out. If there is a need to go out, they must report to me or Second Lord and seek permission from the Patriarch." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Fourth Lord, I understand. I will give the order and see if there is anything else you need to instruct."

"There's nothing else, go about your business! Don't wander around recently." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Upon hearing this, the outer disciple bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and left.

As for the matter of the virus, he couldn't do anything about it now. It's better to quickly inform Blood Shadow Ancestor about this!

Zhou Tianfeng put down everything in his hands and went straight to the door of Blood Shadow Ancestor's room.

"Master, disciple Zhou Tianfeng has something to report." Zhou Tianfeng called out from outside the door.

Blood Shadow Ancestor had specifically instructed him that various defensive barriers would be set up around him during his cultivation. If he rashly intruded, there would be trouble.

"Is it Fourth? Come in!" After hearing Zhou Tianfeng's voice, Blood Shadow Ancestor finished his cultivation, opened the door, and removed the defensive barriers around him.

Only then did Zhou Tianfeng enter Blood Shadow Ancestor's room.

He saw Blood Shadow Ancestor sitting on a high platform, looking at Zhou Tianfeng and asking, "Good disciple, is there something wrong? Did you encounter any obstacles in your cultivation?"

"Master, it's not about my cultivation. Just now, an outer disciple came to report that something happened outside. It is related to our Blood Shadow Sect. I rushed over to report it to you, Master." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Oh! Tell me about it."

"Master, currently in the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, they directly attributed this matter to our Blood Shadow Sect. They said it was a plague caused by you, and they are actively searching for the location of our Blood Shadow Sect." Zhou Tianfeng didn't hide anything and told Blood Shadow Ancestor the whole story.

"Hmm! There's no need to panic about this matter. Heavenly Universe Dynasty and the Heaven Inspiring Army have accused us of such things before. We have also been through this before. It's nothing." Blood Shadow Ancestor snorted coldly and said.

What's the big deal about this! Hasn't the Heaven Inspiring Army accused them of such things before? As long as they stay hidden, everything will be fine after a while. It's just that the leader in the capital might be inconvenienced, but with the leader's cautious personality, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Master, what I mean is that this epidemic seems to be exactly the same as the one we had before," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I'm not worried about the Heaven Inspiring Army at all! I'm worried about the virus!

"Hmm! It might be some kind of mutated plague. Don't worry about it. Go and cultivate well. You don't need to deal with this matter. Give instructions to the disciples of the sect and tell them not to go out recently. I will write another letter later and send it to your eldest martial brother, asking him to act low-key recently," Blood Shadow Ancestor said, stroking his beard.

I'll make a Blood Shadow Sect talisman later and pass this matter to the eldest martial brother, asking him to be cautious over there.

"Understood, Master," Zhou Tianfeng didn't say anything else and took his leave.

He didn't have a good solution to this matter right now. However, viruses are not inherently meant to kill life but rather to reproduce and survive better. Therefore, viruses would never engage in the destruction of all living beings, and there is also a competitive relationship between viruses.

In the following days, Zhou Tianfeng continued to live a simple life, focusing on cultivating and cultivating various poisonous flowers, poisonous plants, and breeding various poisonous insects, then extracting their toxins.

He used these extracted toxins to continue cultivating his own immunity.

Time passed quickly, and without realizing it, Zhou Tianfeng had already spent another year in the Blood Shadow Sect. In this year, his cultivation had reached the Late Stage of Qi Condensation, and he had already stepped into the Foundation Building stage with one foot.

During this year, Zhou Tianfeng had successfully immunized himself against 12 highly toxic substances, adding to the dozen or so he had previously immunized against. In total, Zhou Tianfeng had immunized himself against nearly 20 highly toxic substances.

Moreover, for general highly toxic substances with weaker toxicity, Zhou Tianfeng didn't even need to actively immunize himself.

The moment they entered his body, Zhou Tianfeng's immunity would automatically eliminate the virus completely.

During this year, Zhou Tianfeng had been inquiring about the outside world's news. Just as Blood Shadow Ancestor had said, after the outer disciples of the Blood Shadow Sect stopped going out, the members of the Heaven Inspiring Army had searched for a while and then gave up on finding the Blood Shadow Sect.

As for the virus that Zhou Tianfeng was most concerned about, there had been no news for a year. It seemed to have quieted down, and there had been no movement in the entire Heavenly Universe Dynasty for a year.

On the other hand, his eldest martial brother had been having a difficult time recently. The Heaven Inspiring Army's attention to the Blood Shadow Sect had increased by several levels, making his eldest martial brother act cautiously.

Never mind expanding the influence of the Blood Shadow Sect, it was difficult enough to keep his subordinates intact.

One day, while Zhou Tianfeng was tending to his poisonous insects and flowers as usual, an outer disciple walked in and bowed to Zhou Tianfeng.

"What's the matter?"

"Fourth Lord! Second Master has finished his seclusion and specifically instructed me to find you and ask you to come over."

"Hmm! I know. Go back and tell Second Master that I'll be there soon," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes, Fourth Lord." The outer disciple replied and left.

It had been over a year since his second martial brother entered seclusion. It seemed that he had completed the refinement of his blood corpse. In other words, the refinement of his Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse was about to begin.

Zhou Tianfeng got up and immediately headed towards his second martial brother's corpse refining hall. He was very much looking forward to his own corpse puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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