Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 43 Researching Corpse Poison (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 43: Researching Corpse Poison (Seeking Further Reading)

"Hahaha! Junior brother, you're here. Come and take a look at the blood corpse puppet I just refined." As soon as Zhou Tianfeng arrived at the horror movie set of his second senior brother, he was pulled into a secret room.

Inside was a man wearing a blood-red robe, standing at two meters tall. This was the blood corpse puppet. He had a towering figure and dark red skin.

He had two sharp teeth in his upper and lower jaws, blood-red pupils, and a face resembling an evil spirit. His hands had grown into two exaggerated giant claws.

Oh my goodness, if this design were used in a horror movie, there would be no need for any special effects! This thing could be used to film Resident Evil in China and abroad!

Those two exaggerated claws were on par with the Devouring Tyrant!

"Junior brother, take a look. This blood corpse puppet was originally made with good materials. Plus, with the low-level Demonic Beast blood you sent recently, its development is perfect. It is completely fearless against ordinary hacking attacks and has an incredibly strong physical defense.

And if it gets injured, it can also absorb the enemy's blood to restore itself. Once bitten or scratched, it will infect the victim with the blood corpse poison. As long as their cultivation hasn't reached Foundation Building, they will turn into a new corpse puppet in no time.

It can also spit out blood mist from its mouth to confuse opponents, and the blood mist contains the blood corpse poison." Nie Yingji proudly introduced his new creation to Zhou Tianfeng.

With his peak Harmonious Spirit cultivation, he had refined this special blood corpse puppet. Even a Soul Cultivation-level expert would have a hard time dealing with it.

Unless someone had an extremely suitable physique for combat, like a Heavenly Dao Foundation Building cultivator, they would never be able to match him. With this blood corpse puppet, even the eldest senior brother would be surpassed.

"Congratulations, second senior brother. With this puppet's help, you will be even more formidable in the future." Zhou Tianfeng bowed to his senior brother.

"Don't be so polite, junior brother. Now that my matter is done, we can start refining the Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse for you. First, I need to turn it into an iron armor corpse, which will take a few years. After the preparations are complete, you can start tempering it with various poisons or extract a very powerful toxin. But all of this depends on you reaching Foundation Building first. Otherwise, junior brother, you won't even have the basic ability to control this puppet." Nie Yingji said.

"Don't worry, senior brother. I reached the Qi Condensation Late Stage a month ago. It won't be long before I can start Heavenly Dao Foundation Building." Zhou Tianfeng replied.

"Heavenly Dao Foundation Building? Hahaha! I forgot that you are the legendary special physique with a High-Grade spiritual root. You can indeed perform Heavenly Dao Foundation Building. Congratulations, junior brother. I'm truly envious." Heavenly Dao Foundation Building is certain to reach the Immortal Transformation level. This junior brother's future is limitless.

"Senior brother, you're too kind. I still have shallow cultivation. I still need to rely on the sect." Zhou Tianfeng said.

In the past few days, after researching some of the Blood Shadow Sect's classics, Zhou Tianfeng finally understood how terrifying Heavenly Dao Foundation Building was. It can be said that as long as there are no problems and he cultivates step by step, becoming a high-level expert at the Immortal Transformation level is not a problem at all.

No wonder his senior brother was envious. The Blood Shadow Sect hasn't seen an Immortal Transformation-level expert for thousands of years.

Even the Blood Shadow Ancestor, who once made the Blood Shadow Sect flourish, was only at the Transcending Mortality level. Immortal Transformation level! The Blood Shadow Sect has been waiting for too long.

Only by becoming an Immortal Transformation-level existence and having Immortal Transformation-level experts in the sect can they confront the Heaven Inspiring Army and the top three sects head-on.

After a few more exchanges, Zhou Tianfeng intended to take his leave.

"Wait, junior brother. You have already reached the Qi Condensation Late Stage and can barely control ordinary Corpse Puppets. I have two Low Level Corpse Puppets that can be controlled at the Qi Condensation stage. Take them and practice!" Second senior brother Nie Yingji beckoned.

Two tall figures walked out of the room, wearing heavy armor and having green faces and fangs.

These lower-level Corpse Puppets can be easily refined as long as there are suitable corpses. They can be given to his junior brother to practice his skills. Once he has mastered the Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse in the future, it will be easier for him to handle.

"Senior brother, you are too kind. I am unworthy of such a gift."

"They are just ordinary Corpse Puppets, nothing precious. I might give them to outer disciples when I'm in a good mood. Take them and practice. These two Control Corpse Talismans will allow you to control these two Iron Corpses. Now go back and cultivate!"

Zhou Tianfeng wanted to refuse again, but his senior brother forcefully handed him two talismans and pushed him out of the room.

Looking at the two green-faced and fanged zombies, Zhou Tianfeng shook his head helplessly. Wasn't it smelly to keep them in the room?

Forget it, he could also study Corpse Poison. Corpse Poison was quite fascinating.

After returning to his residence, Zhou Tianfeng immediately called two outer disciples and asked them to find a clean secret room to put the two Corpse Puppets in. The smell was unbearable in his living quarters.

After the two outer disciples left, Zhou Tianfeng took out a sharp knife and controlled the two Iron Corpses to open their mouths. He scraped a bit of Corpse Poison from their fangs and nails.

Corpse Poison in Corpse Puppets is usually concentrated in their fangs and nails. Once an ordinary person or cultivator is bitten or scratched by a Corpse Puppet, they will immediately be infected with Corpse Poison.

According to the records in the Blood Shadow Sect's classics, if someone is contaminated with Corpse Poison and does not receive effective treatment, an ordinary person will turn into a Low Level walking corpse within a few hours, biting and infecting others. If this were to happen on modern Earth, it would be a full-blown biohazard.

Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng wanted to study this Corpse Poison. He wondered if it would have any effect on him and if his immune system could resist the invasion of Corpse Poison.

He didn't have suitable materials before, but now he did. Zhou Tianfeng was very curious about this Corpse Poison. However, he didn't plan to be the first to try it himself. He intended to conduct some live experiments first.

As the saying goes, only experiments can reveal the truth.

Zhou Tianfeng first brought a few wild rabbits he raised and some gray rats. Why not use mice? That's because he couldn't find any!

The outer disciples only brought these gray rats and some wild rabbits they caught in the mountains.

After preparing the experimental subjects, Zhou Tianfeng took out a few black makeshift syringes. These were simple syringes he made when he was bored.

(End of this chapter)

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