Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 44: Experiment On Corpse Poison And Discovery (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 44: Experimenting with Corpse Toxin, Discoveries (Seeking Further Reading)

Zhou Tianfeng placed the extracted corpse toxin into a bowl, then injected some water and stirred it evenly before using a black syringe to draw them all out.

First, let's test the dosage of the injection and see how the resistance of these ordinary small animals changes after dilution.

Zhou Tianfeng selected five wild rabbits and injected them one by one with different doses of corpse toxin, then began observing their cycle changes.

Although Zhou Tianfeng administered different doses of corpse toxin to these five rabbits, several of them exhibited similar poisoning symptoms.

After an hour, the rabbits began trembling, with a time difference of no more than a minute between the front and back legs. After two hours, the rabbits started foaming at the mouth and their bodies became stiff. Three hours later, the rabbits fell completely silent.

After confirming that the rabbits had died, Zhou Tianfeng began waiting for their next transformation.

Another hour passed, and the rabbits suddenly got up, their eyes turning gray and undergoing corpse transformation. They became extremely aggressive, with protrusions appearing in their teeth, and started biting the iron cage.

Zhou Tianfeng experimentally attacked them with a small knife. Their skin and fur were somewhat stiff, and their defensive abilities were stronger than when they were alive, but they couldn't perceive pain. The liquid that flowed out was not normal blood, but a black-gray substance.

Could it be that the dosage used has no relation to the symptoms of poisoning and corpse transformation? The time of death and corpse transformation for several rabbits were almost identical.

No, I need more data.

Zhou Tianfeng restrained the rabbits and extracted the corpse toxin from their blood and fangs.

Then, he injected the extracted corpse toxin from the wild rabbits into five other healthy rabbits.

He began observing their changes. After an hour, the rabbits showed no reaction. After two hours, some symptoms appeared. After four hours, the rabbits started convulsing, fell to the ground, and foamed at the mouth.

Five hours later, they died, and an hour later, corpse transformation occurred.

From infection to death, it took a full six hours before corpse transformation occurred. Zhou Tianfeng once again extracted the corpse toxin and injected it into the healthy rabbits.

This time, it took a full two hours for the five rabbits to show signs of infection. They died after a day, and an hour later, corpse transformation occurred.

Zhou Tianfeng diluted the corpse toxin even further and injected it into five other healthy rabbits.

In the third round of experiments, it took a full day for the rabbits to show symptoms, falling to the ground and convulsing, and they didn't die until the next day. However, this time, these rabbits did not undergo corpse transformation.

In the fourth round, following the same procedure, some symptoms appeared, but only two died, while three survived but were slightly weak.

This corpse toxin can be diluted, but the previous dilution was not thorough enough, or rather, the method was a bit crude.

The infectivity also gradually decreases, and there is no corpse transformation or even death.

Now, let's test whether they will develop immunity. Zhou Tianfeng fed the three surviving rabbits some elixir and let them rest for a while.

Zhou Tianfeng began experimenting with mice, using the same method as with the rabbits.

The time it took for the gray rats to undergo corpse transformation was longer compared to the rabbits. It took six hours for the rabbits to undergo corpse transformation after being poisoned, but the gray rats lasted a full six hours before undergoing corpse transformation.

Then Zhou Tianfeng followed the same procedure and used the toxic substances from the dead rats to infect several normal rats. The time of their death and decomposition was delayed by about twice as long.

The third round of dilution experiments was conducted again. This time, all the rats died but there was no decomposition.

After that, Zhou Tianfeng conducted the fourth round of dilution. This time, several rats showed symptoms but did not die.

Zhou Tianfeng kept these surviving rats and fed them some Spirit Medicine, along with the surviving rabbits.

One month later, these surviving animals successfully returned to a healthy and lively state. Zhou Tianfeng began the second round of experiments.

He tested their immunity, this time using the most primitive toxins extracted from two corpse puppets.

Zhou Tianfeng injected these toxins into the previously infected rabbits and rats with diluted versions.

However, the results of the experiment disappointed Zhou Tianfeng. The time of death and decomposition of the rabbits was exactly the same as the first batch, four hours, without any deviation. The same applied to the rats.

Even though they had previously been infected with a weak version of the toxin, these animals did not produce any immune effects at all.

After being infected with this kind of toxin, an antidote must be used to remove it. The immunity of these creatures cannot be achieved using the methods of earthly life.

Zhou Tianfeng extracted the toxins from the last batch of experimental rabbits and injected them into his own body.

This kind of toxin had been weakened to the extreme and was a safe toxin vaccine extracted after sacrificing dozens of wild rabbits and rats.

Of course, this stuff only works on earthly life forms.

After injecting the toxin vaccine into his body, Zhou Tianfeng did not feel any discomfort, and his body did not experience convulsions or foaming at the mouth. One day later, Zhou Tianfeng successfully became immune to these toxins.

And the toxins from the two corpse puppet mothers no longer affected Zhou Tianfeng.

So let's start the third round of speculative experiments.

Zhou Tianfeng extracted all the toxins from these experimental rabbits and rats, and then injected some of his own saliva into them. As for the mother toxins, he added some of his own blood. Next, he had to confirm what kind of changes would occur when these toxins combined with his saliva and blood.

I want to see what kind of changes will occur when these toxins combine with my saliva and blood! Will the bacteria and viruses in my body produce some unexpected changes in these toxins?

Next, I still need some new experimental subjects. Zhou Tianfeng immediately ordered the outer disciples to capture some small animals.

However, this time the outer disciples brought back some unexpected experimental materials that surprised Zhou Tianfeng.

"Who are these people?" Zhou Tianfeng asked somewhat speechlessly.

On the ground lay four soldiers tied up and wearing black armor.

"Fourth Master, didn't you order us to capture some animals for your poison testing? It just so happened that there were four members of the Heaven Inspiring Army active in the Heavenly Horn Mountain Range this time, so we brought them here, hehe!"

"..." Zhou Tianfeng.

You guys are really efficient!

(End of this chapter)

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