Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 45 The Power Of Zhou Tianfeng’S Blood (Part 1)

Chapter 45: Zhou Tianfeng's Blood Ability (Part 1)

Zhou Tianfeng looked at the four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers lying on the ground, tightly bound, and felt a bit speechless. Come on, the Heaven Inspiring Army is currently searching for us everywhere. At this critical moment, what do you guys want to do by capturing these four individuals?

"Tell me in detail, how did you capture them? Did anyone see something they shouldn't have?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Master, rest assured, we were extremely careful. I guarantee that nothing was discovered. I found these four when they were patrolling outside Tianjiao Mountain. I used a sedative to subdue them," Tao Cheng, the person who previously informed Zhou Tianfeng about the Beast Core, came forward and said.

Since he informed Zhou Tianfeng about the Beast Core, Tao Cheng fell out of favor with the senior brother. Now, he is trying to please Zhou Tianfeng in various ways, hoping to follow him in the future.

It took Tao Cheng quite a bit of effort to capture these four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers. Knowing that Master Zhou Tianfeng was experimenting with the latest poison, he sent them over.

How can those small animals compare to live human subjects for testing poison?

"It seems like the Heaven Inspiring Army isn't that great. You easily captured four of them," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You can't say that, Master. You don't know that a regular Heaven Inspiring Army operates in teams of twelve. These four guys somehow got separated for some reason and were injured, which is why I was able to capture them," Tao Cheng explained.

"Hmm! Have you interrogated them?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No! After I sedated them, I tied them up and sealed their dantian. Then, I immediately brought them to you, Master," Tao Cheng replied.

"Hmm! You did well! Here, take this bottle of Origin Returning Pill," Zhou Tianfeng turned and went back to his room, taking out a bottle of blue pill and handing it to Tao Cheng.

This was a pill given to him by Blood Shadow Ancestor to restore his spiritual power. He still had several bottles of these pills.

"Origin Returning Pill! Thank you, Master. If you have any orders in the future, just let me know," Tao Cheng said happily.

This Origin Returning Pill was a good thing. When injured, taking it could restore injuries and spiritual power. It was much better than the Beast Cores refined by the senior brother.

"Stop flattering me. In the future, if you capture anything interesting, just bring it to me. Your benefits won't be lacking," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hehe! Alright, Master. I'll leave these guys to you then. I'll take my leave now," Tao Cheng chuckled and said.

In Blood Shadow Sect, if an outer disciple doesn't join a direct disciple, they won't be able to survive. How would you, Master, know the hardships we face?

"Hmm! Go then!" Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand, signaling Tao Cheng to leave.

After Tao Cheng left, Zhou Tianfeng moved the four individuals to an underground secret chamber. Inside were some poisonous flowers, poisonous plants, and venomous insects that disliked sunlight.

After locking up the four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers, Zhou Tianfeng returned to his room.

He took out the newly developed Corpse Poison that he had cultivated. These four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers definitely couldn't be let go. So, you will become my test subjects! After all, it is important to understand the viruses and bacteria in one's body and whether they pose a significant threat to life in this world. You will sacrifice for this cause!

The Corpse Poison of the Corpse Puppet could easily transform an ordinary mortal into a low-level walking corpse. However, as long as they have cultivation, it would only cause their skin to rot. With timely treatment, they can recover, and even if they die, they won't turn into a walking corpse.

It is very difficult to make these cultivators infected with corpse poison and undergo corpse transformation. Only special high-level corpse puppets can make Qi Condensation stage and Foundation Building stage cultivators undergo corpse transformation.

But I don't know if adding my saliva and blood to them will have a different effect.

I have been cultivating my blood and saliva with these corpse poisons for several days now, and I can now conduct an experiment.

Zhou Tianfeng took out his specially made syringe, first extracted some corpse poison containing his saliva, and then selected a Heaven Inspiring Army to inject the corpse poison into his body.

Then he took out the corpse poison cultivated with a drop of his own blood and injected it into another Heaven Inspiring Army.

Zhou Tianfeng wanted to make some comparisons to see how powerful these two newly developed corpse poisons are.

After adding his saliva and blood, will there be unexpected effects on microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, and other things?

If his blood or saliva can really enhance toxicity, can other deadly poisons be used in the same way?

If so, using his bodily fluids, saliva, and blood to integrate the deadly poisons of this Integrated Union world will produce countless new variants of deadly poisons.

As for the other two Heaven Inspiring Army members, Zhou Tianfeng did not inject them with corpse poison, but injected his own blood and saliva into their bodies without any other substances.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon the Heaven Inspiring Army member who was injected with Zhou Tianfeng's blood corpse poison began to have severe reactions.

His body began to convulse violently, his blood vessels bulged, his face turned red, and blood vessels covered his entire cheeks.

He made hoarse moaning sounds, his whole body convulsed violently, accompanied by intense trembling.

"Ah! Ah!" This Heaven Inspiring Army member let out a miserable scream, as if experiencing some kind of intense pain.

Because of the intense pain, he rolled on the ground, making hoarse beast-like roars.

On the other side, the Heaven Inspiring Army member injected with Zhou Tianfeng's saliva corpse poison also began to react. His heartbeat accelerated rapidly, his breathing became rapid, and he seemed to be struggling to breathe.

Then various red tiny spots appeared on the surface of his body. Fortunately, neither of them died immediately that day, but they both survived bravely.

As for the two Heaven Inspiring Army members who were injected with only Zhou Tianfeng's saliva and blood, nothing happened to them.

The next day, the Heaven Inspiring Army member injected with Zhou Tianfeng's blood corpse poison began to have swelling in certain parts of his body.

As for the Heaven Inspiring Army member injected with Zhou Tianfeng's saliva corpse poison, the spots on his body turned from tiny red spots to large red patches, accompanied by intense itching.

The other two Heaven Inspiring Army members injected with Zhou Tianfeng's saliva and blood still showed no symptoms, but they were obviously frightened by the miserable condition of their companions, looking at Zhou Tianfeng with eyes as if they were looking at a demon.

On the third day, the Heaven Inspiring Army member injected with Zhou Tianfeng's blood corpse poison had huge swollen blisters on certain parts of his body.

As for the Heaven Inspiring Army member injected with Zhou Tianfeng's saliva corpse poison, the red patches on his body spread all over, turning into soybean-sized spots, and blood and pus flowed out from them.

But the other two Heaven Inspiring Army members were still unharmed.

(End of this chapter)

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