Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 46 The Power Of Zhou Tianfeng’S Blood (Part 2)

Chapter 46: Zhou Tianfeng's Blood Abilities (Part 2)

On the fourth day, the injuries of the two worsened further. On the fifth day, Zhou Tianfeng fed the antidote to the two heavily poisoned members of the Heaven Inspiring Army. This antidote could directly cure the corpse poison.

Generally, after taking this antidote, the corpse poison can be immediately relieved.

After taking the antidote, the condition of the two members of the Heaven Inspiring Army improved slightly, but their injuries were still not optimistic. However, they managed to survive tenaciously, and their condition did not worsen further.

As for the other two members of the Heaven Inspiring Army, nothing happened to them after injecting Zhou Tianfeng's saliva and blood. They did not show any adverse reactions.

Every day, they just repeated one thing: cursing Zhou Tianfeng like crazy, saying that the Heaven Inspiring Army would not let him go and would definitely attack the Blood Shadow Sect, completely eradicating it.

But Zhou Tianfeng couldn't be bothered to explain to them. Sacrificing the four of them might save more people.

I must now figure out the virus and bacteria in my body, understand their transmission principles. Otherwise, one day it will cause a huge disaster.

If I don't understand their specificity and survival principles, when they break out, it will lead to terrifying consequences.

But at least now I can prove one thing: after mixing my saliva and blood with the corpse poison, it does indeed produce a powerful toxic effect. My saliva and blood do intensify the power of the corpse poison, and this mixed corpse poison has undergone a tremendous change.

The condition of the two Heaven Inspiring Army members with the corpse poison is not very good. Although they took the ordinary antidote for the corpse poison, it only temporarily delayed their problems.

Through these few days of observation, Zhou Tianfeng found that if he didn't come up with a treatment method soon, these two members of the Heaven Inspiring Army would be doomed. The ordinary methods to relieve the corpse poison cannot save them.

On the other hand, the two Heaven Inspiring Army members who were injected with my saliva and blood still appeared lively. The four of them being together did not result in any infection, probably because ten days had passed.

If they were going to be infected, these two should have been infected already. Could it be that this enhanced corpse poison, strengthened by the virus and bacteria, cannot be transmitted through the air and can only be transmitted through wounds?

However, these two test subjects are reaching their limits. Zhou Tianfeng plans to try to save them first.

The first thing Zhou Tianfeng thought of was high temperature.

So, if it really is the virus and bacteria inside my body causing trouble, as long as I use high temperature, I can kill them. The people in this world have already proven this.

It's quite ridiculous. If it were still on Earth, even if the fever reached 60 degrees, or even above 42 degrees, the person would be considered disabled. Temperatures above 42 degrees would directly cause permanent damage to the brain and body. But it seems that the Human Race in this world doesn't care about these things at all. As long as their vital signs are protected and they don't die on the spot, they can survive after the temperature subsides.

Of course, I don't care now either. When I immunized myself with the antidote before, my body temperature rose to over 60 degrees. In a temperature of 60 degrees, viruses and bacteria cannot survive, and even some potent toxins would lose their activity.

But how exactly should I proceed? I don't know. Maybe I should use a Fire Spirit Talisman, but the most likely outcome would be turning these two into two fireballs!

Zhou Tianfeng doesn't know how to use the Fire Spirit Talisman to raise the body temperature of the Heaven Inspiring Army without harming their lives. Moreover, his cultivation is not enough for mutual assistance through vital signs!

Unless I ask Blood Shadow Ancestor or my second senior brother to take action, but it's not easy for Zhou Tianfeng to explain this to them because it involves his ultimate secret.

Zhou Tianfeng looked at the two almost dying Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers lying on the ground, lost in thought. What should he do? If only he had some antibiotics, maybe giving them a shot would help.

Wait! Antibiotics! Zhou Tianfeng suddenly had a little inspiration. He didn't have antibiotics himself, but perhaps he could try something else!

Almost on a whim, Zhou Tianfeng thought about using his own blood to see if it would work. After all, it wouldn't matter if it failed.

Moreover, in this Immortal Cultivation World, the blood of certain special creatures was considered a great tonic. The most common was the blood of Demonic Beasts, but even some retail blood or the blood of powerful beings with special constitutions were considered great tonics for ordinary cultivators. His own blood shouldn't be too different, right?

Thinking this, Zhou Tianfeng didn't hesitate to cut his own finger and drop two drops of blood into the mouths of the two Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers.

After receiving Zhou Tianfeng's blood, the two soldiers underwent obvious changes. Their bodies no longer deteriorated and began to show signs of improvement.

On the first day, the festering skin on their bodies began to heal. On the second day, the third day... the conditions of the two soldiers continued to improve.

By the fifth day, Zhou Tianfeng's blood had successfully cured them, freeing them from the entanglement of that special corpse poison.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't give up observing the conditions of the other two Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers either.

Based on this, Zhou Tianfeng could basically determine that if his blood or saliva were injected separately into the bodies of the Human Race in this world, it wouldn't pose a great danger to them.

However, on the contrary, if his blood or saliva were integrated with some kind of deadly poison in this world, unexpected effects would occur, making the toxicity even more fierce, as if they had absorbed a virus.

The epidemic that suddenly broke out in Great Yellow Village after a whole year without any incidents should have combined with some kind of virus in his body, which made it so fierce.

So now, he could make a hypothesis that the viruses or bacteria in his body, when isolated, wouldn't harm the life in this world.

But if they were integrated with some kind of deadly substance in this world, it would cause fatal harm to the creatures in this world.

Because viruses need to enter the cell nucleus to replicate and reproduce in order to infect living organisms, but Zhou Tianfeng knew that it was difficult to say whether the life in this world had cells or not.

Without cells, viruses wouldn't have the basic conditions for survival on the Human Race or other creatures in this world, let alone reproducing offspring.

The same logic applied to microorganisms. Without the basic element of cells, they couldn't even perform the most basic parasitism.

But once integrated with some kind of deadly poison in this world, a different effect would occur.

However, this kind of poison mixed with viruses could be cured by his own blood.

So, could his blood now cure all diseases? Or could it only cure the poison after he had developed immunity to it?

The basic requirement for viruses to survive is to parasitize cells, but the creatures in the Immortal Cultivation World don't have the concept of cells, so the villagers were fine after transmigrating. Further information will not be disclosed for now.

(End of this chapter)

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