Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 47 Precious Blood: A First Exploration Into The Microscopic World

Chapter 47: Blood Treasure: Exploring the Microscopic World

It is obviously unreliable to claim that it can cure all kinds of highly toxic substances. I definitely don't have that ability. However, if my blood can treat a certain type of highly toxic substance after I become immune, then it's worth a try.

In the following months, these four members of the Heaven Inspiring Army had a tough time because they had to continue dedicating themselves to scientific research.

First, Zhou Tianfeng extracted more than 20 types of highly toxic substances that he had previously become immune to, and then divided them into four groups to be administered to the four soldiers of the Heaven Inspiring Army one by one.

After they showed symptoms of poisoning, Zhou Tianfeng used his own blood to detoxify them, and the effect was surprisingly good. As long as they consumed his blood, the poison they had been exposed to would be immediately cured.

Zhou Tianfeng then conducted another experiment. He selected several highly toxic substances that he had not become immune to and administered them to the soldiers of the Heaven Inspiring Army, and then used his own blood to detoxify them.

However, the results were unsatisfactory. His blood was unable to neutralize the toxins in their bodies and had no effect at all.

Zhou Tianfeng could only use antidotes to treat them. After all, these four precious members of the Heaven Inspiring Army couldn't be put at risk.

Now it can be confirmed that his blood can indeed neutralize the highly toxic substances that he has become immune to, but if he himself is not immune, then these toxins cannot be neutralized.

So now he can be considered a universal antidote. As time goes on, the number of toxins he consumes will increase, and his blood will become the most miraculous antidote in the world, capable of neutralizing any poison.

Damn, does that mean my blood will be extremely valuable in the future? I can get rich by selling my blood as an antidote!

Next, Zhou Tianfeng conducted more rigorous experiments. He mixed his saliva with the highly toxic substances that he had become immune to, and then injected them into the members of the Heaven Inspiring Army. After that, he used his own blood to observe the effects.

The result was that the toxicity of the mixed substances, after combining with his blood and saliva, increased by about one to two times compared to the original toxins. The effect was even more powerful, and the original method of detoxification had no effect at all.

Afterwards, Zhou Tianfeng also tested his blood on the members of the Heaven Inspiring Army, and the miraculous effect appeared again.

Even if these toxins were enhanced, as long as Zhou Tianfeng's immune system had already developed immunity to them, his blood could neutralize these mutated toxins.

After conducting various experiments and gathering evidence, Zhou Tianfeng came to the following conclusions:

First: His saliva, blood, and various bodily fluids, when combined with the toxins in this world, can enhance the toxicity and have a certain degree of infectivity.

Second: Once he becomes immune to a toxin, whether it is enhanced by saliva, bodily fluids, or blood, his blood can neutralize it.

Third: Viruses and bacteria that are separated from his body cannot survive in this world filled with spiritual energy. Even if they enter another organism, they will die quickly.

There is even no concept of latency, because they don't even have the most basic conditions for survival. Viruses cannot survive for more than a few days in the air on Earth, let alone in this world with spiritual energy. They die before they can adapt.

Moreover, it is very likely that all the living beings in this world do not have cells.

And those viruses and bacteria that leave their own bodies should not be able to survive. Do the life forms in this world have cells?

To determine if they have cells, the simplest way is to observe them up close. Zhou Tianfeng plans to conduct a small experiment.

To make a microscope that can see viruses, it is currently impossible. To see viruses, they need to be magnified at least ten thousand times or more.

But if we just want to look at cells, then a magnification of 100 times is enough. And making a simple version of a 100x microscope is not difficult.

He can make a microscope himself to observe up close this world that he has transmigrated to for over two years. What does the microscopic world here look like?

The transparent glass bottles that hold elixirs in this world, as well as some decorative items, are made of glass, which is a good material for making magnifying glasses.

As long as he has a convex-concave magnifying glass, it is relatively easy to make a microscope. After all, this is something taught in elementary school handicraft classes. Thanks to his developed brain, Zhou Tianfeng easily recalls the way to make a microscope and its working principle.

Zhou Tianfeng asks an outer disciple to bring the raw materials, and then uses the glass to successfully produce several convex-concave magnifying glasses.

Then he assembles them into a simple microscope that can refract up and down and magnify objects by more than 100 times. The microscope is completed.

Then, Zhou Tianfeng steals samples of the roots and stems of more than a dozen poisonous insects and flowers, as well as some animal tissue slices.

He places these slices in front of the microscope and, with his own eyes, observes the microscopic world for the first time.

The results confirm Zhou Tianfeng's previous conjecture. This is a mythical world, an Immortal Cultivation World, where all the physical and biological laws on Earth may not apply at all.

The life forms in this world, whether animals or plants, and even some friendly Heaven Inspiring Army members who provide blood samples, Zhou Tianfeng observes them all.

He does not find cells in them. Their blood is just blood, flesh is just flesh, plant leaves are just leaves, roots and stems are just roots and stems, and flowers are just flowers. Even when magnified, they are still the same things.

All the life forms in this world do not have cellular structures. This observation of the microscopic world gives Zhou Tianfeng a definite answer.

As for what you said about various microorganisms composed of single cells, he did not see any microscopic life forms at all.

If there is no microscopic world, it can also prove why he has transmigrated to this world without immunity for over two years and yet is not afraid of viruses and bacteria.

Simple viruses and bacteria cannot cause any harm to the Human Race in this world or any other life forms. They can only cause terrifying damage when combined with the world's highly toxic substances. But once they combine with the world's highly toxic substances, they lose their original abilities.

Rather than saying that these viruses have integrated with toxic substances, it is more accurate to say that these toxic substances, or the rules of this world, consider these viruses, microorganisms, and bacteria as a kind of highly toxic substance.

It has been over half a year since Zhou Tianfeng captured these four Heaven Inspiring Army members, and he has finally figured out some of the situation and can breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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