Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 48 The Evil Sect’S Spells Trick You And Risk Your Life

Chapter 48: Evil Sect Spells = Frustrating and Life-Threatening

Since thoroughly experimenting and understanding his own various issues, Zhou Tianfeng has been living a routine life of cultivation, nurturing poisonous insects, flowers, and plants, as well as going to the library to read. During this time, Zhou Tianfeng began to try learning various spells that he could learn at his current level.

As the saying goes, the more skills one has, the better. Learning a little something is always beneficial. Perhaps one day, he might need some of the spells recorded in the Blood Shadow Sect library.

Among the various spells in the Blood Shadow Sect collection, Zhou Tianfeng quickly found some signature evil spells.

However, after reading them for a while, he frowned. These evil sect spells have significant problems!

First is the Mind Control Spell. As the name suggests, this spell forcefully controls someone's mind. Originally, this spell is a versatile control-type skill.

But it is quite troublesome to cast, and the target of the spell also has certain conditions. First, your cultivation level must be one realm higher than the target. Additionally, the target must be heavily injured, or their mental state must be completely destroyed for the spell to successfully control them.

Once their mind is controlled by this spell, for the next few hours, the target will be like a puppet under your control. The drawback is that they can only understand simple commands from you.

Furthermore, you cannot obtain the target's memories or extract information. These few drawbacks can still be accepted since control-type spells always have some sort of mechanism for judgment; otherwise, this spell would be a set of Divine Level skills.

But the following drawbacks left Zhou Tianfeng speechless.

First is the backlash issue. If this spell fails to control the target, your own mental state will be severely damaged, giving the enemy an opportunity to counterattack.

In simple terms, if you fail to control the target's mind, your own mental state will be severely damaged, leading to your defeat.

Various special defensive Law Treasures, defensive spells, high-level protective amulets, and even the target's level of mental fortitude will all affect the success rate of this spell.

Once you successfully control the target, you cannot stop casting the spell. Instead, you have to continuously consume your own mana to strengthen the spell's control.

If you are even slightly careless, you will suffer from the backlash of this spell. After the casting is over, there will also be some side effects, such as damaging your own soul. You will be weakened for a while. The minimum level requirement for practicing this spell is the Foundation Building Stage.

After reading it, Zhou Tianfeng felt that this Mind Control Spell was simply a useless skill. The conditions for using it are too harsh, and there are various backlash effects and side effects.

If the target is one realm lower than me, I can just kill them directly or capture them. Isn't that better? Besides, this spell cannot extract useful information.

Relatively speaking, the upgraded version of the Soul Searching Spell is more reliable.

It directly controls the target's soul, searches their memories, and can even modify their memories.

But in order to cast the Soul Searching Spell, one's cultivation level must reach the Soul Cultivation stage, and the soul must condense into a Yin God. However, this is currently too early for Zhou Tianfeng.

Next is the Curse Heart Technique: it is a low-level curse method that can be performed by setting up an altar and cursing the enemy. However, if this technique is used against someone with a higher cultivation level, it will backfire and the user will be cursed instead, while the other party will be unaffected.

Furthermore, it is necessary to obtain the target's birthdate and real name, not a pseudonym or title.

It seems that in the future, when going out, one must hide their real name.

In addition, a drop of the target's blood or a strand of their hair is required as a medium. The distance from the target's residence cannot be too far, not exceeding one kilometer, in order to perform the curse.

The effect is only to create a bit of inner demons for the target during their cultivation, causing them a little trouble or disgust.

Of course, you can curse the target every day. Over time, the target will definitely develop inner demons.

However, this is generally unlikely to succeed. Once or twice may be fine, but if you do it three or four times, the other party will definitely notice something is wrong.

Moreover, using curse-type spells harms both heaven and oneself. In the depths of fate, various causes and effects will be incurred. Using such spells to harm the enemy also harms oneself.

Zhou Tianfeng's evaluation of this technique is that it is extremely disgusting, but the cost is a bit high.

Next is the Ghost Expelling Technique: as the name suggests, it is used to command ghosts and evil spirits to attack opponents. It is accompanied by the Ghost Capturing Technique and the Ghost Rearing Technique, which can respectively capture and raise ghost creatures. The method of using ghosts to attack enemies is indeed powerful and can make the opponent defenseless.

However, capturing and raising ghosts in the early stages is a great undertaking. Capturing a suitable ghost is not too difficult, but cultivating that ghost is a major project.

First, you need to find an extremely yin or evil place, and then find some yin and evil treasures. It takes a long time to cultivate an ordinary ghost into a fierce and evil spirit.

That's not all, as the practitioner spends a long time with the ghost creature, enslaving it will deplete their own yang energy, causing their own qi and blood to be insufficient and reducing their most important lifespan.

Practicing this technique will result in a long-term state of lacking qi and blood, extreme weakness, and you must also be on guard against the fierce and evil spirit you have raised, in case it bites you back when it breaks free from your control.

Damn it! These evil techniques are indeed powerful, each one is a necessary tool for killing and harming others, but why do they all have such significant side effects? The power of the spells is mysterious and extremely brutal, but they are not very friendly to the practitioners.

Zhou Tianfeng looked through several other evil sect spells, and they all had the same problems: various shortcomings and usage conditions, and they would also cause damage to oneself. So, are there no reliable evil sect spells?

Zhou Tianfeng left the second floor of the book depository and came to the first floor, intending to find some normal spells from other sects to practice.

It must be said that the Blood Shadow Sect's collection is very extensive. In addition to the demonic and evil spells, they have also included many low-level orthodox elemental spells. These are some basic Five Elements Shielding Techniques that are commonly used by independent cultivators.

For example, Earth Burrowing Technique, Fire Control Technique, Water Control Technique, Wind Expelling Technique, Lightning Attraction Technique, Water Shield Technique, Earth Spikes Technique, and so on... Low-level spells.

Zhou Tianfeng looked through these normal spells and felt that they were more reliable. Although they lacked the mysterious, fierce, and ruthless power of the evil sect spells, they were normal and had no side effects.

Unlike those damn evil sect spells, which are just traps and life-threatening.

Every now and then, there are various backlashes and the consumption of one's own lifespan. I haven't even learned them yet, but I'm already sacrificing half of my life when using them.

Damn it, it's a good thing my body is strong enough to practice poison techniques. Otherwise, this poison technique would also be a damn thing.

(End of this chapter)

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