Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 50 Blood Shadow Ancestor’S Guidance (Please Vote For Me)

Chapter 50: Guidance from the Blood Shadow Ancestor (Seeking Monthly Votes)

"What does Master mean?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Could there be something wrong with my cultivation method?

"These low-level Five Elements spells are usually just for scaring ordinary people when practiced by independent cultivators. As my direct disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect, why are you practicing these? Are you planning to use these low-level Five Elements spells against enemies? What's your intention?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"Master, it seems like there are some problems with the spells of the Blood Shadow Sect, so I wanted to practice the Five Elements spells from other sects," Zhou Tianfeng scratched his head and explained.

I also want to learn the signature spells of the Blood Shadow Sect! But can you see if those spells of the Blood Shadow Sect are something that humans can practice?

"Enough, I know what you want to say. You fool," Blood Shadow Ancestor appeared in front of Zhou Tianfeng in an instant and slapped him down to the ground.

You just find the side effects of the Blood Shadow Sect's spells too severe, right? But with your current cultivation level, you won't even be able to access the more advanced spells of the Blood Shadow Sect!

But the problem is, that's not what I want to say!

Rubbing his head, Zhou Tianfeng got up with an innocent expression, feeling speechless as he looked at his cheap Master.

"You idiot, you still haven't figured out what I want to say? Let me show you how trashy the low-level Five Elements Escape Technique you're practicing is." Blood Shadow Ancestor raised his sleeve and shook his arm, releasing a burly corpse with a green face and fangs.

"This is the lowest-level corpse puppet of our Blood Shadow Sect. Use the few Five Elements spells you just learned to attack it and see the effect." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"?? Master! Can I ask where you just took this corpse puppet from?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at Blood Shadow Ancestor's sleeve and asked.

"This is a storage Law Treasure. It can hold Law Treasures, elixirs, miscellaneous items, and even lifeless corpse puppets. I can give you one, but you can only use it when you reach the Foundation Building Stage." The cunning Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately knew what Zhou Tianfeng was thinking.

This fool wants a storage Law Treasure? I can easily make one for you. Whether it's a storage bag, a storage ring, or a storage bracelet, I can make them for you. But you have to be able to use them!

"Master, give me a storage Law Treasure with a larger storage space," Zhou Tianfeng said.

That's the standard item for cultivating immortals.

"Stop talking nonsense and use the Five Elements spells you just learned to attack that corpse puppet, quickly," Blood Shadow Ancestor said impatiently.

"Alright, Master," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I also want to test the practical effect. Zhou Tianfeng went to the center of the open space, formed a hand seal, and a flaming tongue directly entwined the green-faced corpse puppet.

However, in just an instant, the corpse puppet roared and broke free from the fire snake, rushing towards Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng then used a giant fire spear, which hit the corpse puppet, but its effect could only be described as scraping, not even burning the bronze armor worn by the corpse puppet.

As for the earth wall spell, fire screen spell, and water screen spell that Zhou Tianfeng displayed, the corpse puppet easily destroyed them with a wave of its hand.

As for the earth spike water and water flow spell, the corpse puppet showed complete indifference. Whether it was attacking or defending, Zhou Tianfeng's newly learned Five Elements spells had no effect on the corpse puppet.

And this corpse puppet's attacks on Zhou Tianfeng were extremely fierce, with no mercy in its moves, forcing Zhou Tianfeng into a corner.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Tianfeng let out a furious roar. His eyes turned red, veins bulged all over his body, and his heart started pounding, directly triggering the adrenaline mode.

Raising his fist, he charged towards the approaching corpse puppet, turning into a blur and instantly appearing in front of it. His fist struck the chest of the corpse puppet, and with a crack, the bronze chest armor shattered.

Then, Zhou Tianfeng's punch did not weaken. He directly smashed the chest of the corpse puppet, instantly sending it flying. The corpse puppet, pierced through the heart by Zhou Tianfeng's strike, lay on the ground twitching twice before becoming motionless.

". Zhou Tianfeng stood in place, releasing himself from the adrenaline burst state. He looked at his fist, then glanced at the fallen corpse puppet on the ground.

The Five Elements spell used against the enemy, the most powerful fire control technique, seemed less effective than when he activated the adrenaline mode.

The Five Elements spell he had just released had no effect on this corpse puppet at all, but after activating the adrenaline burst mode, he could knock down the opponent with just one punch. What the hell was this?

Zhou Tianfeng suddenly understood the meaning of Blood Shadow Ancestor. Damn Five Elements spells, they were really useless!

"Hmph! You greedy kid, do you understand now? This kind of low-level Five Elements spell can't even deal with my Blood Shadow Sect's lowest-level corpse puppet.

What's the use of learning it? Moreover, you have the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, cultivating poison techniques is the right path for you. And with the enhancement of your anger, you will definitely follow the path of poison techniques and anger in the future. Why waste time learning these laborious and thankless Five Elements spells?

With just one swing of your poisoned knife, you can instantly kill someone. Even if they escape, being poisoned by you is a matter of life and death. It's much more powerful than controlling fire and water. After activating your anger, your physical strength will increase exponentially! Are you still thinking of using these low-level spells to fight against others?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

This stupid disciple, if learning these low-level Five Elements spells were useful, I would have made you learn them long ago. Why did I keep having you cultivate poison techniques?

Hearing Blood Shadow Ancestor's words, Zhou Tianfeng was speechless. Okay! He had practiced the Five Elements spells for a month, and they were really useless!

Was I born to be a warrior? Spell attacks are not suitable for me, or should I hide in the distance and use poison?

"Hmph! Instead of learning these, you should go and learn how to refine corpse puppets from your second senior brother. Don't waste your time learning these useless things anymore," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

These low-level Five Elements spells are common outside. Only some independent cultivators and martial artists would learn them to deceive ordinary mortals.

"Understood, Master." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"As long as you understand. Remember, your own cultivation is the most important, and you can only use what suits you. Now go pack your things and prepare to leave with me," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Leave? Master, why do we need to pack and leave?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"You don't need to ask too much. Hurry up and pack your things!" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, has something happened?"

"Sigh! I received news that your third senior brother has been captured. The letter from our leader and his wife revealed the exact location of our Blood Shadow Sect, which has been discovered by the Heaven Inspiring Army. We have to leave now," Blood Shadow Ancestor said helplessly.

". Zhou Tianfeng.

So, are we running away?

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(End of this chapter)

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