Chapter 51: Getting Ready to Leave

So what exactly is going on? Zhou Tianfeng is a bit speechless. Why do we suddenly have to run away? I've only been in the Blood Shadow Sect for two years, you know?

We've just found a quiet environment where we can develop steadily, and now we have to go into the wilderness with you immediately, Ancestor.

When Third Senior Brother left earlier, didn't you say that the boss was watching over us and everything was fine? How did he get caught in the blink of an eye? And he even revealed the location of our Blood Shadow Sect's headquarters.

"Ancestor, can you please tell me the specific situation?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

So, what exactly happened to First Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother?

"The less you know about this matter, the better. Now, hurry up and pack your things. We will leave immediately tonight," said Blood Shadow Ancestor.

This junior disciple who has just reached the Qi Condensation stage is not convenient for him to say more. You are still growing under the wings of your elders, and it's not yet time for you to take on major responsibilities.

Over a year ago, ever since the Heaven Inspiring Army targeted our Blood Shadow Sect, they have been constantly searching for the exact location of our sect.

The boss has been having a hard time in the Heavenly Universe City. Not to mention expanding our influence in the mortal world, many of our outer disciples have been eliminated.

Many of the outer disciples brought by the boss have died. Naturally, some clues have been exposed. The boss can still handle these things and prevent the Heaven Inspiring Army from getting any leverage, but the trouble lies with Third Junior Brother.

This kid previously attacked several Earthly Fiend-level generals of the Heaven Inspiring Army. After successfully completing the mission, he foolishly attacked a Heavenly Guardian star general.

According to the information sent back by the boss, this kid was coincidentally captured, and our clan's treasure, the Cloud Slashing Portrait, is probably now in the hands of the Heaven Inspiring Army. And now that this Third Junior Brother has been captured, the most dangerous problem arises. The four direct disciples, except for this junior disciple, all know the exact location of the Blood Shadow Sect's headquarters.

Whether or not Third Junior Brother reveals anything, it's a troublesome matter. I must be prepared in advance.

Anyway, the Blood Shadow Sect's headquarters was established by myself several decades ago. We have experienced this guerrilla lifestyle several times.

With me, Blood Shadow Ancestor, present, where can't we establish a decent headquarters? Anywhere can be the Blood Shadow Sect.

All the precious scriptures and treasures of the Blood Shadow Sect are in my hands. I can take them away immediately whenever I want. I can establish a sect anytime, anywhere.

"I will follow your orders, Ancestor," Zhou Tianfeng bowed to Blood Shadow Ancestor and immediately turned back to his room.

The situation seems urgent now that things have come to this point. We have no choice but to leave.

Fortunately, I don't have anything too valuable. It only took a short while for Zhou Tianfeng to finish packing.

It's just a matter of packing up the poisons and powders I've refined. Of course, I also collected some rare poisonous flower and herb seeds.

As for the poisonous flowers, herbs, and cultivated poisonous insects I had planted before, there's nothing I can do about them.

In the main hall of the Blood Shadow Sect, after instructing his disciples, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately summoned his most trusted Second Senior Brother.

"This is the situation."

"Ancestor, is it really necessary?" Second Senior Brother Nie Yingji bowed to Blood Shadow Ancestor and asked.

"Mmm! This matter is imperative. Just follow my instructions and don't ask any more questions." Blood Shadow Ancestor said with his hands behind his back.

"Master! Disciple... I... I implore you to think twice before acting!" Second Senior Brother Nie Yingji hesitated to speak.

"I know what you want to say. There's no need to say more. Just follow my instructions and remember not to make any mistakes." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes, Master. Should we abandon all the outer disciples?" Nie Yingji asked.

"Mmm! Let them dedicate themselves to the Blood Shadow Sect! The sect has sheltered them for many years, and it's time for them to do something for the sect." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

They are just some outer disciples with mixed spiritual roots and low-grade spiritual roots. No matter how hard they cultivate, they won't achieve much in the future.

There are plenty of people outside who want to become disciples if we are willing to accept them.

Yes, Master, your disciple understands." Nie Yingji said.

"Go!" Blood Shadow Ancestor turned and said.

"Mmm!" Nie Yingji bowed to his master and immediately left.

After his second disciple left, Blood Shadow Ancestor took out a sky-blue exquisite bracelet and held it in his hand, gently caressing it. His eyes revealed sadness, sorrow, and a distant look.

"Ah!" Blood Shadow Ancestor let out a long sigh.

After a while, Blood Shadow Ancestor stood up and used a flying sword to transmit some information to a distant entity.

That night, Blood Shadow Ancestor packed up all the scriptures from the third and second floors of the Blood Shadow Sect's library, as well as some law treasures and elixirs collected by the sect.

As for the books on the first floor of the library, Blood Shadow Ancestor did not touch them. They were just miscellaneous items.

"Master, I have cultivated many poisonous flowers, insects, and plants over the past year. Can I take them with me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

My storage law treasure cannot hold living creatures. If you pick the poisonous flowers and plants, you can take them with you, but they can't be stored in the storage space. As for the poisonous insects you raised... we'll talk about it later. They're not particularly rare anyway." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Yes, Master. I have packed my things and can leave at any time." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Mmm! Come with me." Blood Shadow Ancestor led Zhou Tianfeng to the place where the eldest senior brother used to live. There were two figures in the room: Cheng Xiaoyue, the familiar little fox, and his second senior brother Nie Yingji, who was helping Cheng Xiaoyue pack her luggage.

After seeing Blood Shadow Ancestor and Zhou Tianfeng, the two immediately approached.

"Greetings, Master. You've come, Junior Brother."

"Greetings, Ancestor. Junior Martial Uncle."

"Alright, you don't need to be so formal. Have you finished packing? Once you're done, immediately escort the little girl to Snow Domain Spirit Mountain. Her mother has already informed the fox clan, and they will send someone to meet you both." Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

The little girl's mother has already informed the fox clan in advance, and the couple is rushing to Snow Domain Spirit Mountain.

"Reporting to Master, we have finished packing and were about to bid you farewell." Second Senior Brother Nie Yingji said.

(End of this chapter)

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