Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 58 The Lord Of A Peak (Please Collect Monthly Tickets To Follow Up)

Chapter 58: The Master of Jade Luan Peak (Seeking Monthly Votes, Collections, and Continued Reading)

It must be said that after witnessing the grandeur of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace's sect, Zhou Tianfeng had the idea of defecting.

Wait, no, how can I call it defection? After all, she is my Master's Wife. It's completely reasonable for me to seek refuge with my Master's Wife!

Damn it, I'm so envious. I really want to just lie down and relax.

Unfortunately, I can only stay here for half a year. After that, I have to follow my cheap Master on a journey to the ends of the earth.

Fairy Shui Yun had no idea about Zhou Tianfeng's thoughts at this moment. If she knew, she would definitely wholeheartedly support it.

Because her original intention was to bring these master and disciple over together. Her current thoughts are different from when she was young. When she was young, she wanted Xue Feng to elope with her.

In the end, due to various reasons within the sect, she chose to stay in the sect and only secretly met with Xue Feng a few times.

But ever since Xue Feng became the new Blood Shadow Ancestor, they rarely saw each other. They hadn't seen each other for over 200 years.

But now that they were both over 500 years old, Shui Yun had figured it out. Xue Feng, what's the point of your Blood Shadow Sect? Just wait for me to take you in!

Let's start by taking in your disciple.

Fairy Shui Yun flew on her sword with Zhou Tianfeng towards the third peak from the left.

"Do you see it? This is your Master's Wife's Jade Luan Peak. Everything on top is under the control of your Master's Wife," Fairy Shui Yun said proudly.

"Master's Wife is truly amazing! Master's Wife, as an elder of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, can each elder independently control a peak?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Of course not. In our Jade Water Heavenly Palace, if you want to independently control a peak and become the master of a peak, taking in disciples and managing them, first, you must be a disciple cultivated by this peak. Otherwise, unless the lineage of this peak is completely severed, it's basically impossible for other peaks to interfere.

Second, in terms of talent and cultivation level, you must be the best among your peers, at least at the Transcending Mortality Late Stage. Only then can you assume the position of the master of a peak.

As for other disciples at the level of Soul Cultivation and Transcending Mortality, they can only serve as ordinary elders under your command.

Third, the previous Peak Master intended to pass the position to you. If these three conditions are met, you can become the master of a peak.

In my lineage, there is only one senior brother and my master who serve as the Grand Elders together, but they don't really handle matters. They are usually in seclusion.

My senior sisters are all cultivators at the level of Soul Cultivation and can only serve as ordinary elders.

So, the position of the master of this peak falls on you, Master's Wife. The term for a Transcending Mortality peak master is five hundred years. I have just taken on the position of Peak Master for a few decades. If nothing unexpected happens, I will be in charge here for the next 500 years," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Among the disciples of their generation, she was the best in terms of talent and cultivation level.

Her spiritual root was a Supreme Grade Spirit Root, and because of the sect's care, she had also become a Heavenly Dao Foundation Builder. She broke through to the Transcending Mortality level in just over 300 years of cultivation.

And in another hundred years, she reached the Transcending Mortality Late Stage. With this, she could easily cultivate to the level of Immortal Transformation in the future.

"Master's Wife, how are the disciples of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace divided?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"From top to bottom, they are divided into Sect Master, Peak Master, Grand Elders, Elders, Guest Elders, Direct Disciples, Elite Disciples, Inner Disciples, and Outer Disciples. However, in general, although the Grand Elders are below the Sect Master and Peak Master in terms of status, their words must be obeyed by the Sect Master and Peak Master," Fairy Shui Yun explained.

"Master's Wife, I want to ask, how many disciples does the Jade Water Heavenly Palace have in total?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Well, let me count. Among our nine peaks, seven have Peak Masters. But the number of disciples varies. Our lineage is considered average, with over five hundred disciples. The other peaks have over a thousand disciples, while the least has just over a hundred. So, there are probably around five to six thousand disciples in total," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Wow, there are only 200 disciples in my Blood Shadow Sect's outer sect, with only four direct disciples. The gap is really too big!

"Are the Peak Masters of the two peaks vacant? Or has the lineage been broken?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What are you thinking? Our Jade Water Heavenly Palace is very powerful. Our sect has been passed down for tens of thousands of years without any interruption.

Those two peaks are used for the training of our disciples. They are planted with a large number of spiritual herbs and spirit medicine, and they also raise some low-level demonic beasts and spirit beasts.

Usually, some disciples go there to train, pick spirit medicine for alchemy, or hunt demonic beasts and tame spirit beasts. We elders also occasionally go there to take care of things. If the spirit medicine is running low, we sow some seeds to grow more.

Then this area is closed off for several decades or even hundreds of years, allowing the spirit medicine to grow, and then the disciples can go there to train and pick them.

The same goes for the demonic beasts. Sometimes we catch some low-level or middle-level demonic beasts and release them there. Both peaks have spirit medicine, but one peak raises demonic beasts while the other raises spirit beasts. They are all protected by powerful barriers and can only be opened with the elder's token." Fairy Shui Yun said.

"What's the difference between demonic beasts and spirit beasts?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Demonic beasts are cruel and bloodthirsty, with little intelligence. Spirit beasts generally have high wisdom and are not as aggressive. They also have a more gentle temperament." Fairy Shui Yun said.

Wow, the outer disciples of the Blood Shadow Sect have to go deep into the mountains to catch demonic beasts, but you guys can just raise them in batches.

And you even cultivate spirit medicine on the two peaks specifically for the disciples to pick. Damn, you guys are really rich and powerful!

Zhou Tianfeng wanted to ask more questions, but there was no time. Fairy Shui Yun had already brought him to their destination.

After a series of light and shadow changes, Fairy Shui Yun landed with Zhou Tianfeng on a spacious square, where there were hundreds of female disciples dressed in beautiful palace attire.

Upon seeing Fairy Shui Yun, they all bowed and saluted, then collectively looked at Zhou Tianfeng with curiosity.

Their gaze made Zhou Tianfeng feel very uncomfortable, as if they were looking at a national treasure giant panda.

"Master, who is this young man?" As soon as they landed, a female disciple ran over and asked.

"He is my newly accepted direct disciple," Fairy Shui Yun said.

As soon as these words came out, all the female disciples collectively fell into an excited state, their mouths wide open, looking at Zhou Tianfeng with astonishment.

A group of female disciples gathered together and started discussing Zhou Tianfeng.

"Master's newly accepted direct disciple?"

"Is it true or not? Doesn't our sect forbid the recruitment of male disciples?"

"It's not that we can't recruit male disciples, it's just that there are certain conditions."

"What conditions?"


"Then he must be the legendary..."

"If he is really a male disciple and a direct disciple, then it's probably true."

"So amazing! So envious! He can become a direct disciple as soon as he comes up the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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