Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 59 The Male Disciple Of Jade Water Heavenly Palace (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 59: Disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace (Seeking to Continue Reading)

Surrounded by a group of female disciples, and these beauties were all exceptional in appearance, figure, and temperament. This made Zhou Tianfeng slightly nervous.

However, why did their gazes towards him seem so strange? It seemed very intense!

"Little junior brother, where are you from?" A round-faced beauty boldly approached Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"I am from the Great Yellow Village, in the northwestern province of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty," Zhou Tianfeng politely replied.

Actually, I am from the Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System, and my ancestral home is in Jiangsu, China. But I've said it before, and you wouldn't know anyway.

"Great Yellow Village? Why does the name sound familiar?" Another blue-clad beauty spoke up.

"I remember now, I remember now. It's the place where the epidemic broke out two years ago. It is said that all the villagers there died," a petite girl with a ponytail raised her hand and said.

But before she finished speaking, she was suddenly slapped on the back of her head by a tall girl.

"Ouch, that hurts! Linglong senior sister, why did you hit me?" the ponytailed girl complained.

"You stupid Longluan! Since you know that there was an epidemic there, then you should know that the little junior brother's family died. How can you bring this up? Isn't this rubbing salt on his wounds?" Linglong said.

"Ah! I'm sorry, little junior brother," the ponytailed girl immediately ran to Zhou Tianfeng's side and apologized.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's all in the past, I don't mind," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"How did you become a disciple?"

"How old are you?"

"What kind of woman do you like?"

"Are you married?"

"You silly girl, I just said that the little junior brother's family died from the epidemic. Even if he was married before, he is now a widower." A beauty with a melon seed face and phoenix eyes smiled at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

Well, being a widower means he hasn't been married, right?

Zhou Tianfeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and quietly moved a little further away, wanting to keep some distance from this group of crazy girls.

These women's thought processes are a bit off, and the things they care about are quite unique!

"Alright, alright! You bunch of silly girls, I know what you're thinking. Go back to your rooms and cultivate. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you don't go back to cultivate, I'll let your masters teach you a lesson." In the end, his own master's wife erupted with her aura and scared away these girls.

However, Zhou Tianfeng was more concerned about the sentence his master's wife said afterwards, "This matter has nothing to do with you." Damn, I'm a little scared and excited. So what exactly is this matter?

As the group of young girls dispersed after being frightened by their master's anger, they all looked at Zhou Tianfeng with very enthusiastic eyes.

This made Zhou Tianfeng's heart feel uneasy. Master's wife, I'm really afraid of what they might do to me now. I have a creepy feeling!

After dispersing all the overly enthusiastic female disciples, Fairy Shui Yun finally brought Zhou Tianfeng to a grand hall.

"Were you scared by those crazy girls just now? Don't be afraid, they rarely see male disciples, so they got a little excited," Fairy Shui Yun seemed to sense that Zhou Tianfeng was feeling guilty, so she spoke up.

"Master's Wife! May I ask, are there no male disciples in Jade Water Heavenly Palace? Why, why..." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Why are these senior sisters so enthusiastic towards you?" Fairy Shui Yun smiled and looked at Zhou Tianfeng, asking.

"Master's Wife, what is going on?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Hahaha! Well, under normal circumstances, Jade Water Heavenly Palace absolutely does not accept male disciples, even if they possess a Supreme Grade Spirit Root. They are all rejected, as this is a rule set by our founding ancestor.

However, our founding ancestor also stipulated that under certain special conditions, Jade Water Heavenly Palace can make an exception and accept male disciples into the sect, granting them the status of direct disciples upon entering." Fairy Shui Yun smiled and said.

"What are the conditions, Master's Wife?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Wow, does this mean it's a country of women? A sect full of women.

If they were to accept a male disciple, wouldn't everyone in the world be clamoring to get in? Who wouldn't want to stay in a country of women?

"To become a male disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, there is only one condition: possessing the special Body Refining quality of the first generation. It cannot be a descendant or a weakened version awakened in a later generation. Only such an extraordinary genius can directly join Jade Water Heavenly Palace and become a male direct disciple of our sect." Fairy Shui Yun looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a playful expression.

You brat, you perfectly meet this condition! You can't run away from it.

Damn, this condition fits me perfectly! But the criteria for accepting male disciples is indeed extremely strict. It must be the first generation's Innate special Body Refining quality, a true extraordinary genius!

The founding ancestor has great insight, knowing how to be flexible. As long as such disciples are accepted into the sect, their future rise is inevitable.

"Now you understand why those girls are so enthusiastic about you, right? Just after joining the sect, you can become the highest-ranking direct disciple and possess the legendary special physique. In the future, you can even cultivate the Heavenly Dao Foundation, with limitless prospects. Naturally, they are all envious of you and want to be your Dao companions." Fairy Shui Yun said.

The first generation's Innate special physique can give birth to special physiques in later generations, and it's a 100% chance.

Although those girls don't know what physique Zhou Tianfeng has, it doesn't prevent them from taking the initiative.

As long as it's the Innate special Body Refining quality, there is no weakness.

"As a disciple with shallow cultivation, I don't consider these matters for now," Zhou Tianfeng said.

No wonder they are so enthusiastic. Being a special physique holder is already extraordinary, and it can be passed down to future generations. Plus, having the status of a direct disciple is truly attractive!

"Feng'er, we still have one more thing to do. If you want to become a male direct disciple in our sect, you need to accompany me to meet the sect leader and have your special physique checked to see if it is the first generation's Innate Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

So, to prevent others from noticing any flaws, you need to cultivate our Jade Water Heavenly Palace's cultivation method. But rest assured, our sect's technique directly points to the True Immortal Great Dao, far superior to your Blood Shadow Sect's technique." Fairy Shui Yun said.

First, let you cultivate our sect's technique. As for your Blood Shadow Sect's technique, forget about it! It can only reach the level of Immortal Transformation at most, so there's no need to cultivate it.

"." Zhou Tianfeng.

Why do I feel like this Master's Wife wants me to truly join Jade Water Heavenly Palace? I have to cultivate their scriptures. But if it's really better than the Blood Shadow technique, then Zhou Tianfeng is more than willing.

"Understood, Master's Wife," Zhou Tianfeng said.

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(End of this chapter)

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