Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 60 Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, Human Body Glow

Chapter 60: Heavenly Dao Foundation Building, Radiant Body

Zhou Tianfeng could see it now. This Master's Wife seemed to be planning to encroach on his master's territory. She definitely wanted to bring him into her sect.

But if he did that, it would mean severing ties with his master! Initially, Zhou Tianfeng had intended to refuse the Master's Wife.

But after careful consideration, he agreed to the Master's Wife's proposal to modify his cultivation technique for three reasons.

Firstly, as the Master's Wife said, the cultivation technique of the Blood Shadow Sect only reached the level of Immortal Transformation. His goal, however, was to become an immortal.

Therefore, the cultivation technique of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, which could directly lead to becoming a True Immortal, was what he truly needed. Moreover, by cultivating the Jade Water Heavenly Technique, his future Poison Blade could still be used without any conflicts.

Secondly, he was currently living under someone else's roof, so he had to lower his head. Although his relationship with the Master's Wife seemed very good on the surface, if he said something to offend her, his days would definitely be difficult.

As for the third point, Zhou Tianfeng could tell that his master and the Master's Wife had deep feelings for each other. The Master's Wife would definitely not take away her master's disciple without a good reason. She must have some deeper considerations and plans.

"Good! Since you agree, I will now teach you our sect's cultivation technique, the Jade Water Art. This technique is the core cultivation method of our sect, practiced by both outer disciples and the sect leader. All our spells and sword techniques are based on this technique in order to be fully utilized. You must cultivate it well," Fairy Shui Yun said.

The plan went smoother than expected. This kid didn't resist or show any reluctance, immediately agreeing to her request.

"Yes, Master's Wife." When she was about to pass on the cultivation technique, it suddenly became "Master's Wife." This Master's Wife really intended to encroach on her master's territory!

However, Zhou Tianfeng still respectfully addressed Shui Yun as "Master's Wife" and did not call her "Master," as there were certain boundaries that needed to be respected.

But Fairy Shui Yun didn't pay much attention to these small details about Zhou Tianfeng.

She immediately transmitted the cultivation techniques of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace's Body Tempering, Qi Condensation, and Foundation Building stages to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Alright, these are the cultivation techniques for the first three stages of our sect. How much have you memorized?" Fairy Shui Yun asked.

"Yes! Master's Wife, I have memorized all of them," Zhou Tianfeng replied.

"You've memorized all of them? Then recite them to me," Fairy Shui Yun said with a furrowed brow.

He memorized them all just by hearing them once? Was that really true? It took her more than half a month to memorize all these cultivation techniques back then.

"Dantian filled with Qi, governing and circulating, following the meridians, circulating through the Zhou Tian, unobstructed and integrated, gathering divine radiance, reaching the Heavenly Heart, entering the mud pill, descending to the Qi acupoints..." Zhou Tianfeng began reciting the cultivation techniques of the first three stages of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace that the Master's Wife had taught him, word for word.

Are you kidding me? My memory is at the Transcendent Level now. Let me show you the power of the human brain.

"Hmm, not bad. Take this bottle of Spirit Jade Pill for your cultivation. It can increase the spiritual energy in your body. You have one month to convert all the true essence in your body and achieve Heavenly Dao Foundation Building," Fairy Shui Yun said.

It wasn't that she didn't want to give Zhou Tianfeng more time, but because accepting a male direct disciple had to be reported to the sect leader. If she brought Zhou Tianfeng over now, his Blood Shadow cultivation technique would definitely be recognized by the sect leader. So she could buy herself a month's time by claiming that she had just taken in a new male direct disciple who was currently in seclusion for Foundation Building. This way, she could at least conceal it for a month.

And this one month would be Zhou Tianfeng's breakthrough time.

"Master's Wife, rest assured. I will definitely achieve Foundation Building Stage within one month," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Fairy Shui Yun nodded in satisfaction and led Zhou Tianfeng to a quiet room, which would be his place of seclusion for the next month.

Time flew by, and the month quickly passed. Zhou Tianfeng successfully replaced his Blood Shadow Heart Technique with the Jade Water Art.

This night held great significance for Zhou Tianfeng, as it was the last day of the one-month period.

With determination, Zhou Tianfeng aimed to make a breakthrough to the Foundation Building Stage.

Once successful, he would truly become a Heavenly Dao Foundation Builder, a true peerless genius in this world.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Tianfeng sat cross-legged on the bed, activating the Jade Water Art within his body. He began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth frantically. With his eyes closed and his true essence circulating rapidly within him, Zhou Tianfeng felt the dense spiritual energy of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace far surpassing that of the Snow Blood Shadow Sect, at least several times more abundant.

During this month, Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation speed and absorption rate of spiritual energy were several times faster than that of the Blood Shadow Sect.

Within his dantian, his Qi Sea, which was already filled, trembled slightly under the baptism of the powerful spiritual energy.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng immediately took out the spirit jade pill given by Fairy Shui Yun and swallowed it in one gulp. The pill melted in his mouth, and a massive spiritual power began to cleanse his body, stimulating his cells. Zhou Tianfeng felt his entire body trembling, and every cell within him was sublimating.

His body rejoiced. If previously his body had only passively received and adapted to the power of spiritual energy, then this time, his body truly became the favored child of spiritual energy.

It's time. Zhou Tianfeng's heart sank as he cleared his mind of all distractions and began his formal breakthrough into the Foundation Building Stage.

In the next instant, the True Qi within Zhou Tianfeng's body surged like a vast ocean, rushing towards his Qi Sea.

Boom! Rumble!

As soon as it made contact with his Qi Sea, a deafening roar erupted. However, Zhou Tianfeng continued to circulate the True Qi within his body, repeatedly colliding with his Qi Sea.

Changes also began to occur on the surface of Zhou Tianfeng's body. His body gradually emitted a faint glow, and he underwent a tremendous transformation.

Time passed second by second. Zhou Tianfeng's sweat dripped from his forehead, wetting his clothes, until finally, at a certain moment...

Boom! Boom!

Centered around Zhou Tianfeng, a massive radiance nearly dozens of meters in size erupted, shooting up into the sky. The surrounding trees and flowers trembled at this moment.

Zhou Tianfeng soared into the air, his entire body bursting with a dazzling golden-red light, illuminating the starry sky of Jade Luan Peak.

Zhou Tianfeng appeared like a red sun, shining brightly.

"This! This is a heavenly phenomenon! It's actually a heavenly phenomenon! How is this possible?" Fairy Shui Yun exclaimed in astonishment as she looked at Zhou Tianfeng in the sky.

Such a terrifying phenomenon naturally alarmed many people, and countless sword lights swarmed towards the scene.

As for the phenomenon of human body radiance, if you don't understand, you can search it on Baidu. Human body radiance refers to the phenomenon where the human body emits light. This phenomenon gradually caught the attention of many scientists in the 20th century, and they successively explored and studied the phenomenon of "human body radiance." Scientists from various countries are trying to apply the research on "human body radiance" to many fields such as health care, disease treatment, sports, and criminal investigation.

Chinese name: 人体光性质生物现象

Discoverer: Japanese scientist

Scientific applications: health care, disease treatment, sports, criminal investigation

Observation instruments: gas discharge visualization, visual manifestation in a dark box

Reason: secondary radiation emitted by the human body and fluorescence produced by air ionization

(End of this chapter)

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