Chapter 61: Peak Master Ming Yanshang

Fairy Shui Yun looked at the several sword lights flying in the distance, her expression changing. This kid caused quite a commotion. The Sect Master and the other Peak Masters must have rushed over upon hearing such a disturbance.

However! This kid being able to build the Heavenly Dao Foundation on his own, she could understand. After all, this kid himself is a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and it's even a High Grade one, almost reaching the Supreme Grade. All the conditions for building the Heavenly Dao Foundation are met.

But the terrifying phenomenon that was triggered, she never expected it. To produce such a terrifying phenomenon, it must be one of the most apex-level special body refining qualities, which can only occur during the Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.

The Transforming Poison Spirit Body can only be considered average among all the special body qualities. Compared to those apex-level geniuses, there is still a gap in physique. This kid shouldn't be able to trigger such a terrifying phenomenon relying solely on the Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

Could it be... the Heavenly Rage Battle Body? But that's not right. Xue Feng, that bastard, clearly told her before that it was just a second-generation inherited awakening of the Fury Body, definitely not the first-generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

He should not have made a mistake about something as shocking as the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

But if it's not the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, then things become even more strange. What kind of physique can trigger such a terrifying phenomenon in the world?

He looked like a small sun, emitting such dazzling radiance.

While Fairy Shui Yun was pondering Zhou Tianfeng, several sword lights also arrived and landed beside her.

There were six women, each dressed differently. The leader was wearing a green long dress, with a phoenix coronet on her head and a purple-red palace dress draped over her. She had an oval face, phoenix eyes, willow leaf eyebrows, and a fiery cloud pattern on her forehead.

In terms of appearance, this woman was even more beautiful than Fairy Shui Yun. Shui Yun had a gentle beauty, while this woman exuded a fiery and enchanting charm from head to toe.

This woman was none other than the current Sect Master of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, the master of Jade Heaven Peak, Ming Yanshang. She had reached the Immortal Transformation level of cultivation, possessed a Supreme Grade Spirit Root, and had an Innate Fire Spirit Body. In terms of talent and cultivation, she surpassed Fairy Shui Yun.

Ming Yanshang entered the sect several decades later than Shui Yun, but her cultivation far surpassed everyone of the same generation. She was truly a peerless genius.

Even several Elders were not as strong as her. It was said that she was about to break through to the Immortal Transformation realm.

The other five people were:

Peak Master Yu Yueting of Heavenly Spirit Peak, at the Transcending Mortality level of cultivation.

Peak Master Lan Yuexin of Soaring Waterfall Peak, at the Transcending Mortality level of cultivation.

Peak Master Lian Xingyu of Cloud Wing Peak, at the Transcending Mortality level of cultivation.

Peak Master Yun Zhaohong of Radiant Dawn Peak, at the Transcending Mortality level of cultivation.

Peak Master Xiao Yunqi of Heavenly Jade Peak, at the Transcending Mortality level of cultivation.

Several decades ago, Jade Water Heavenly Palace, including the Sect Master, underwent a complete rotation of all the peak masters. So in this generation, they were all disciples of the same generation, with an age difference of no more than 100 years.


"Younger sister."

"Younger sister."

"Younger sister."


After the group landed, they glanced at Zhou Tianfeng in the sky, then all turned their gaze towards Fairy Shui Yun.

"Greetings, Sect Master, and senior sisters." Fairy Shui Yun greeted them.

It's not my fault about Xue Feng. They came too quickly.

"Sister, what's going on here? How did such a big commotion occur? Fortunately, we have the protective array guarding us, otherwise people dozens of miles away would be able to see it." Cloud Wing Peak Peak Master Lian Xingyu said.

"Shui Yun, you better confess honestly," said Heavenly Spirit Peak Peak Master Yu Yueting.

"Oh my, where did you find this treasure, Senior Sister? I'm so envious. How about giving it to me, your younger sister? I still don't have a decent disciple," said Sect Master Ming Yanshang, his eyes shining.

"Get lost, who said you're the Sect Master? Act like one," Shui Yun said.

"Hmph! Senior Sister is biased. You don't care about your little sister anymore," Ming Yanshang said, pretending to be coquettish.

"We're all hundreds of years old, stop fooling around," Fairy Shui Yun said helplessly.

Among all the senior sisters, she had the best relationship with Shui Yun, so they often joked with each other.

"Senior Sister, where did you find this disciple? Their talent is so good that it caused a phenomenon in the heavens and earth. This is the most apex level phenomenon that can only be produced by the highest grade body refining talent," said Radiant Dawn Peak Peak Master Yun Zhaohong.

"I found them accidentally this time. I thought they had a Transforming Poison Spirit Body," Fairy Shui Yun said.

I was just as surprised as all of you. Who could have imagined that this kid could cause such a terrifying phenomenon and bring all of you here together?

"I reported this to Senior Sister. She said she found a disciple with a special body refining talent, the legendary first generation Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and they also have a high-grade spiritual root. Our sect can make an exception and accept them as a disciple. But it seems like Senior Sister has been hiding something," Ming Yanshang's eyes flickered as he looked at Shui Yun, smiling ambiguously.

A Transforming Poison Spirit Body cannot cause such a terrifying phenomenon. To cause such a phenomenon, one must have a Profound Heaven Sacred Body, Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Innate Five Spirit Body, Innate Dao Body, the legendary Immortal Spirit Root, or Chaos Body.

A Transforming Poison Spirit Body, heh! It's absolutely impossible to produce such a terrifying phenomenon.

"Maybe I was mistaken," Fairy Shui Yun said.

It must be that bastard Xue Feng who made a mistake. Screw his Transforming Poison Spirit Body. If a Transforming Poison Spirit Body had such terrifying power, I wouldn't share the same surname as him.

"Isn't this great? After thousands of years, we finally have a male disciple in Jade Water Heavenly Palace."

"Yes, yes! A male disciple, hehe! We'll take good care of him."

"Haha, great! Let's all love him together."

"That's right! From now on, he's the precious baby of Jade Water Heavenly Palace."

"This kid does have a masculine aura."

"Get lost! Aren't you ashamed? You're all hundreds of years old. Are you still interested in my disciple? You're his senior martial uncles and martial aunts," Fairy Shui Yun scolded.

She knew the personalities of these senior sisters too well. They all appeared dignified and virtuous in front of disciples and outsiders.

But in reality, they were all gossiping like crazy. When they were young, they loved discussing which sect had the most outstanding male disciples, who was the most handsome, and other similar topics. They would go crazy, scaring people away.

Come on! Even the youngest among them is over 400 years old. Are you really going to look at my disciple with such hungry eyes? Are you not embarrassed?

As the saying goes, "A woman's charm reaches its peak at three thousand years." Hahaha.

"Go away, you're not even three thousand years old."

"Alright, alright! Let's all be virtuous and not let this kid see. Otherwise, he'll be scared. He's waking up," Ming Yanshang said.

As soon as the Sect Master spoke, all the gossiping ladies instantly turned back into their icy and aloof selves, like snow beauties.

And Zhou Tianfeng finished his cultivation and slowly descended from the sky.

"Cough, cough! Good disciple, come here. Have you met your senior martial uncles and martial aunts?" Fairy Shui Yun cleared her throat and spoke.

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(End of this chapter)

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