Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 62 Is It Heavenly Rage Battle Body (Please Vote For Me To Follow Up)

Chapter 62: Is it the Heavenly Rage Battle Body? (Please vote for monthly tickets to continue reading)

Zhou Tianfeng stopped his cultivation and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw seven stunning beauties, each with their own unique charm, like spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, forming a breathtaking scenery.

Including his Master's Wife, the seven beauties stood together, creating a magnificent sight.

These girls were all extremely aloof, like ice and snow beauties, but one of them, dressed in a purple-red palace gown with a flame pattern on her head, gave Zhou Tianfeng the feeling of a rose blooming in fire. This girl was incredibly beautiful!

Her figure was perfect, her curves were all in the right places, and her attire was exceptionally stylish.

No, now is not the time to think about these things. What is happening to me? Why is my whole body glowing, and why are there so many beautiful girls here?

Only now did Zhou Tianfeng realize that his whole body seemed to emit a purplish-red light, making him look like a miniature sun.

When he was cultivating just now, Zhou Tianfeng knew that he had built his Heavenly Dao Foundation, and his body seemed to have undergone even more miraculous changes. However, he hadn't had time to carefully examine what exactly had happened.

It seems like Master's Wife wants me to meet the senior disciples. The high-ranking members of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace have arrived, and I can't reveal any flaws.

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to Master and senior disciples." Zhou Tianfeng quickly adjusted his mindset and knelt down to speak.

Etiquette must be observed. In front of these people, he must address Master's Wife as Master. This was agreed upon between the two of them beforehand.

"Master, this kid was secretly sizing you up just now," Heavenly Jade Peak Peak Master Xiao Yunqi transmitted his voice.

"I saw it too. This kid's eyes were constantly wandering on the Master," Cloud Wing Peak Peak Master Lian Xingyu transmitted her voice.

"Does he like this type of Master?"

"Hahaha! I told you our Master has an irresistible charm."

Maintaining their cold demeanor, the women started chatting among themselves. Of course, Zhou Tianfeng couldn't hear their conversation because they were using a secret transmission method that only cultivators above the Soul Cultivation level could use.

"Good disciple, let me introduce you to these elders. This is the Master, Ming Yanshang, and this is..." Fairy Shui Yun introduced the other Peak Masters to Zhou Tianfeng one by one.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare to be negligent and went forward to pay his respects to each of them.

"You are Zhou Tianfeng, from now on, we'll call you Xiaofeng! I am Ming Yanshang, the current Master of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace," Ming Yanshang spoke.

"Don't scare him too much. He will be our little treasure in the future, so be a little gentler," Heavenly Spirit Peak Peak Master Yu Yueting transmitted her voice.

"I know, I know. You also let me maintain the dignity of the Master a little bit," Ming Yanshang said.

"First, ask him about his special physique. It's absolutely impossible for the Transforming Poison Spirit Body to be so heaven-defying."

"Yes, ask about his physique first, find out what kind of special physique he has."

"But his whole body is shining with a golden-red light, it's quite beautiful."

"Tell him to put away this Divine Ability, it's dazzling."

"I understand," Ming Yanshang transmitted her voice.

"Disciple pays respects to the Master and senior disciples," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Rise and speak!"

Zhou Tianfeng heard this and then got up.

Ming Yanshang gracefully approached Zhou Tianfeng and placed her delicate jade hand on his pulse.

A powerful and fiery true essence, like flames, entered Zhou Tianfeng's body and began to circulate through his limbs and meridians.

The cells that had just been stimulated by Zhou Tianfeng were also calmed by this energy, and the dazzling golden light on Zhou Tianfeng gradually dissipated.

"Sister, how could you be mistaken? This kid clearly has a Supreme Grade Spirit Root! How did you say he has a High Grade Spirit Root?" Ming Yanshang transmitted her voice to Fairy Shui Yun.

After examining Zhou Tianfeng's internal condition, she also discovered that he had a Supreme Grade Spirit Root, not the High Grade Spirit Root that Shui Yun had mentioned before.

Upon hearing this, Fairy Shui Yun was instantly confused. A Supreme Grade Spirit Root? How is that possible? When they first met, she had thoroughly investigated this kid. Although he was much stronger than a High Grade Spirit Root, he hadn't reached the level of a Supreme Grade Spirit Root!

Fairy Shui Yun furrowed her brows and approached Zhou Tianfeng, placing her hand on his pulse to examine his spiritual roots. After a moment, her expression changed.

Indeed, it was a Supreme Grade Spirit Root. Strange, why was this kid a High Grade Spirit Root when she examined him over a month ago?

Although he had an extremely powerful High Grade Spirit Root, it was definitely not at the level of a Supreme Grade Spirit Root. What's going on?

In an instant, Fairy Shui Yun understood that Xue Feng, that bastard, must be hiding something from her.

Xue Feng, you're done for. After I return, I will make you suffer.

Originally, I felt a bit guilty for taking your disciple, but now, I have every reason to claim him.

Thinking of Blood Shadow Ancestor's various behaviors, Fairy Shui Yun immediately made the connection.

No wonder you thought this kid could turn the tables. If he only had a normal Transforming Poison Spirit Body and a High Grade Spirit Root, he would only be temporarily impressive.

But to surpass the top three sects and even the Transcendent Level sects like Jade Water Heavenly Palace, that would be impossible.

However, if he had a Supreme Grade Spirit Root and an extremely extraordinary physique, it would be possible.

Xue Feng said this kid had an awakened Furious Body across generations. He was trying to deceive me, right? This kid might actually be the legendary first generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

In an instant, Fairy Shui Yun imagined everything.

And she never considered whether Blood Shadow Ancestor might be completely unaware of this.

"Sister, this kid might be the first generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body." Fairy Shui Yun informed Ming Yanshang of her discovery.

"Heavenly Rage Battle Body! Is it true? If it is, we're in luck." Ming Yanshang's face was filled with joy as she transmitted her voice.

The legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body, a physique capable of killing immortals.

"I ask you, what kind of special physique do you have? Do you know?" Ming Yanshang asked.

Zhou Tianfeng was taken aback. Damn, this question again. Can't we change the topic? I don't have any special physique, I'm just a human.

"I have an awakened Furious Body passed down through generations, as well as an Innate Transforming Poison Spirit Body," Zhou Tianfeng said.

No way? Could it be that they mistook the golden-red light emitted by my body for something else?

"Then activate your Furious Body state and let the Sect Master see." If you want to know if you have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, just activate your Furious Body state.

Asking for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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