Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 63 Heavenly Rage Battle Mark, Heavenly Rage Domain, The Power Of Heaven And Earth

Chapter 63: Heavenly Rage Battle Mark, Heavenly Rage Domain, the Might of Heaven and Earth

Zhou Tianfeng was a bit speechless upon hearing this. Alright, they want me to unleash my adrenaline again? Bring it on, who's afraid of who?

He had previously experienced this state in front of Blood Shadow Ancestor and the little fox. At that time, both of them agreed that he was a descendant of the Fury Awakening.

Back then, he needed drugs to stimulate this adrenaline state, but after more than a year had passed, Zhou Tianfeng could now enter this adrenaline state directly through excitement or anger.

He no longer needed any drug assistance. He could enter the adrenaline state anytime, anywhere.

"Reporting to the Sect Master, when I enter the Fury state, it puts some burden on my body and cannot be sustained for too long," Zhou Tianfeng said.

One or two minutes is fine, but if you want to watch for too long, it won't work.

"Understood, I'm not asking you to do anything, just let us see. Hurry up," Ming Yanshang said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded, took a deep breath, and began to imagine something that would make him extremely angry in his mind.

In just an instant, a tremendous anger filled Zhou Tianfeng's mind. This extremely powerful anger almost made him lose his sanity.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

A violent heartbeat resounded, and Zhou Tianfeng's blood began to boil. A terrifying heat energy erupted from his body.

It's different, completely different from when I entered the adrenaline state before.

An unimaginable terrifying power was continuously emerging. His entire body, every cell, was boiling.

"Ah! Roar!" Zhou Tianfeng let out a deafening roar, creating a huge shockwave. He seemed like a primordial beast.

The surrounding flowers, grass, and small trees were all blown into the air. The power of this roar was like a tornado.

Zhou Tianfeng himself began to undergo drastic changes. His height increased by more than ten centimeters, and his whole body became more robust and powerful.

His eyes gradually turned crimson, and two red stripes appeared at the corners of his eyes. Then, his entire face started bleeding red, with strange flame-like patterns.

A faint red mist began to emanate from his body. Within this mist, a hint of golden light could be seen.

The surrounding environment also underwent drastic changes. A golden-red light burst out from Zhou Tianfeng's body, quickly enveloping the Sect Master, Master's Wife, and several other Peak Masters, forming a red barrier.

"This... this is the Heavenly Rage Battle Mark! There's no mistake, this kid is a true Heavenly Rage Battle Body, a first-generation Innate Fury Body."

"Amazing! This red barrier is actually suppressing our cultivation. It's faint, but it's definitely suppressing us."

"It is indeed suppressing our cultivation. However, this kid's cultivation is too low compared to ours. Otherwise, we would be completely suppressed."

"This is the true Heavenly Rage Battle Body, possessing the Heavenly Rage Domain. Within this domain, unless someone has the same Apex Level special physique as this kid, their cultivation will be suppressed."

"It's truly terrifying! We are all Perfected Beings at the Transcending Mortality realm, and the Sect Master is an Earth Immortal at the Immortal Transformation level. Yet, this kid's domain can actually affect us." Although it's not significant, it does have an impact.

"Ah!" Zhou Tianfeng felt that the anger in his mind could no longer be contained. Right now, all he wanted was to fight! Fight! Fight!

With a roar, Zhou Tianfeng turned into a blood-red shadow and appeared in front of the Sect Master, Ming Yanshang, throwing a punch at him.

"Oh no, it seems like this kid is completely controlled by anger."

"No worries, it's a good opportunity to test his strength." Ming Yanshang said nonchalantly.

You have the most Apex Level special physique, but I'm not bad either. I also have the Supreme Grade Spirit Root and the Innate Fire Spirit Body, and my cultivation level is Immortal Transformation.

Zhou Tianfeng's punch seemed to carry the might of heaven and earth, but it was effortlessly caught by the sect leader Ming Yanshang with a finger as white as jade.

A terrifying aura erupted around the two of them.

Such great strength! It even made my finger ache a little. What a little monster! We are three whole realms apart!

Is this the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body? Truly worthy of being a physique capable of slaughtering immortals.

After erupting with the Fury Body, his attacks also contained the might of heaven and earth. Furthermore, he had the Heavenly Rage Domain to suppress his opponents, and the Heavenly Rage Battle Mark to greatly enhance his strength.

The power of this punch would seriously injure an ordinary Harmonious Spirit cultivator.

The first punch was ineffective, but Zhou Tianfeng was not discouraged. He swiftly appeared behind the sect leader, intending to launch a sneak attack.

However, Ming Yanshang was faster than him. With just a finger, he effortlessly blocked Zhou Tianfeng's storm-like attacks.

"Leader, quickly knock him out. His Fury Body cannot be activated for too long, otherwise it will harm his body," Fairy Shui Yun anxiously said.

"Mm!" Ming Yanshang nodded and swiftly appeared behind Zhou Tianfeng, delivering a chop to his neck.

Instantly, Zhou Tianfeng was struck as if by lightning, and he immediately reverted from his Fury Body transformation. All the changes on his body, the Heavenly Rage Battle Mark, the might of heaven and earth, and the Heavenly Rage Domain, disappeared. He collapsed to the ground unconscious.

"Indeed, it is the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Haha, we've struck gold this time."

"Yes, yes, once this kid is cultivated, he will definitely become our sect's Transcendent Level pillar."

"Sister, let's teach this disciple together in the future!" Ming Yanshang smiled and said.

". Fairy Shui Yun, Xue Feng, hold on!

If this really is the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, then this surprise is truly immense!

If it were just a joke between sisters about finding a Dao companion before, I wouldn't have paid much attention to it.

But now, I should seriously consider making this kid my future Dao companion. After all, as long as the owner of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body doesn't fall, they can definitely become an immortal in the future.

Previously, she had never sought a Dao companion because with her talent, she could definitely Ascend to the Immortal World. Finding a Dao companion with mediocre talent would only be a burden for her. Could this kid be a gift from heaven?

As for the issue of age, she is only 400 years old this year, which is still very young for a cultivator at the Immortal Transformation level.

As long as the two of them become immortals together in the future, then in ten thousand years, a million years, I will only be slightly older than him.

Sister! Sister! Little sister won't be polite anymore. It's better to benefit me, your junior sister, than those little girls.

But I absolutely can't let sister discover my intentions, otherwise she will definitely explode in anger.

I have to secretly make my move. I'll frequently call him over in the future and say it's to guide his cultivation.

As a senior martial uncle, it's normal to provide personal guidance. Hehe!

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(End of this chapter)

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