Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 68 The Spiritual Root Of Self-Growth (Please Support Me By Monthly Ticket)

Chapter 68: The Root of Self-Growth (Seeking Monthly Votes)

"It's such a pity. We were hoping that this little junior brother would invite us to have a taste and share a bit, but he ended up eating everything himself," a female disciple in white clothes said.

Although they were inner disciples, they rarely had the opportunity to taste such high-level spirit food. They could only have a small taste during major festivals and sect celebrations.

They had originally hoped that the new junior brother would share some with them. But it turns out he didn't even consider inviting them.

"This junior brother really has no sense of propriety!" a female disciple muttered, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Alright! You should know what kind of physique our junior brother has. The legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body, combined with the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, his talent is terrifyingly high.

But at the same time, the consumption of cultivation resources is also terrifyingly high. These spirit foods don't seem to be enough for him to eat. You should know that the cultivation resources consumed in the early stages of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body are tens of times that of an ordinary person, and it will only become more terrifying in the future," Lin Wan said from the side.

"Wan'er, are you speaking up for him now? Don't tell me you want to marry him and become his wife?" a female disciple came up to Lin Wan, asking with a mischievous smile.

"I do want to, but there are quite a few people in our sect who have their eyes on this junior brother!" Lin Wan touched her chin and smiled.

"As the saying goes, the one who is closer to the water's edge gets the moon first. Wan'er, you have the advantage of time and place."

"That's right, in the future, Wan'er, you can take care of the junior brother's daily life and find an opportunity to win him over, right?"

"Hehe! Junior brother only drank half of the Green Dew Wine. The rest of you can have it!" Lin Wan didn't answer the words of the junior sisters, but smiled and said.

"Green Dew Wine? Haha! It's rare that we can have a share." Several female disciples happily took away the remaining Green Dew Wine that Zhou Tianfeng had left.

Watching the junior sisters leave, Lin Wan shook her head. They were all still immature little girls!

But it's becoming more and more interesting! With this junior brother, the previously desolate Jade Water Heavenly Palace is gradually becoming lively.

Zhou Tianfeng came to the door of his master's room and respectfully said, "Disciple Zhou Tianfeng requests an audience with Master."

"Come in!" Fairy Shui Yun's voice came from inside the room.

Zhou Tianfeng heard this and pushed the door open and walked in.

"Little Feng is here? Did you sleep well last night? That girl Wan'er didn't bully you, did she?" Seeing Zhou Tianfeng come in, Fairy Shui Yun smiled and asked.

"Master's Wife is joking. That sister Wan'er almost swallowed me alive!" Zhou Tianfeng said with a bitter smile.

If it weren't for his good self-control, he would have been done for.

"Hahaha! Did Wan'er tease you? That girl is usually very dignified. How could she want to swallow you?" Fairy Shui Yun laughed and said.

It's rare for Jade Water Heavenly Palace to have a male direct disciple. It's no wonder those girls are going crazy!

"..." Zhou Tianfeng.

So, I'm the only one who gets hurt?

"Alright! Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about the main issue! Last night, I and the Sect Master, as well as several Peak Masters, have confirmed that you are indeed the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body, plus the Transforming Poison Spirit Body."

"Heavenly Rage Battle Body? Are you sure, Master's Wife? I'm just an ordinary awakening of the Fury Body!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Come on, that's just an adrenaline rush, not the Heavenly Rage Battle Body!

However, the state last night was indeed a bit strange.

"It can't be wrong, it can only be said that Xue Feng's old thing has poor eyesight! Heavenly Rage Battle Mark, Heavenly Rage Domain, and the ability to borrow the power of heaven and earth, these characteristics are all manifestations of the first generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body," Fairy Shui Yun said with great certainty.

My master didn't make a mistake! My adrenaline-fueled state is just a sign of the awakening of the ordinary Fury Body.

But something strange happened last night when I was building my foundation. I don't know what happened, but there seemed to be a slight problem with my adrenaline-fueled state.

Damn it! After continuous training, I finally managed to activate the adrenaline state normally.

But now, it's like being sent back to square one with just one move.

"And Xue Feng didn't just make a mistake in this aspect, you little brat is not a High Grade Spirit Root at all, but a Supreme Grade Spirit Root," Fairy Shui Yun said.

She was angry when she mentioned this. Xue Feng, you bastard, if you had told me earlier! Do I have to be so passive now?

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng was shocked!

Supreme Grade Spirit Root! Are you kidding me? When I first transmigrated here, I didn't have any spiritual roots at all because the spiritual energy environment almost killed me. Later, I gradually adapted to this environment.

And when I first started practicing, my senior brother said I had a Middle Grade Spirit Root, but later Blood Shadow Ancestor told me that I had a High Grade Spirit Root, and that my spiritual root was somewhat special. But now, my Master's Wife says it's a Supreme Grade Spirit Root!

After putting all the clues together, Zhou Tianfeng's brain instantly gave him an accurate answer: his spiritual root can grow on its own.

This can also explain why his absorption of spiritual energy is getting faster and why his body is becoming more fond of the spiritual energy environment.

It is very likely that his body has evolved an organ that can absorb spiritual energy, and this new organ is what these cultivators call a spiritual root.

His spiritual root can grow on its own. Blood Shadow Ancestor, his master, should know about this.

But does Master's Wife have the same speculation?

"Master's Wife! Master probably didn't deliberately hide it from you," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The fact that the spiritual root can grow on its own is too shocking! Will my spiritual root grow to become a Heavenly Spirit Root in the future, or even the legendary Immortal Spirit Root?

The fewer people who know about a spiritual root that can grow on its own, the better!

"Hmph! You're his disciple, of course, you would speak up for him," Fairy Shui Yun said angrily.

Xue Feng, that old bastard, dared to deceive me. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. When he comes back, I'll definitely beat him up.

"..." Zhou Tianfeng.

Master, you should be able to handle it. Women just need to be appeased. At most, I'll let her have a couple of punches to vent her anger.

"Alright! Let's not talk about that heartless person. Let's talk about how to develop your special physique!"

"Disciple is all ears."

"First, let's talk about the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. It's simple, just let you take poison and practice poison techniques! Later, you can take my token and let Wan'er take you to the medicine field to get a good piece of spiritual land. Then you can plant some poisonous flowers and plants. After planting, you can ask the outer disciples to take care of them on a daily basis," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Wow, I don't even need to personally take care of planting poisonous flowers and plants?

The outer disciples can do a lot of work.

Everyone, please vote.

(End of this chapter)

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