Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 69 Poison Blade, Poison Corpse (Please Read, Please Vote)

Chapter 69: Poison Blade, Poison Corpse (Seeking more chapters, seeking monthly votes)

"Master's Wife: It's no problem for me to take care of those poisonous flowers and plants myself," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Some things are better done personally. By planting poisonous flowers and plants, one can have a clearer understanding of their growth habits.

"Hmm! If you only had the Transforming Poison Spirit Body and not the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, then I wouldn't interfere. It would be appropriate for you to cultivate spirit flowers, spirit grass, or poisonous flowers and plants on your own. But since you have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, the situation is different," Fairy Shui Yun smiled and said.

"What do you mean, Master's Wife?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"If you only have the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, then the best cultivation method would naturally be the path of poison techniques. Besides, medicine and poison have always been closely related. Master's Wife can also find some medical books for you to study," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"Then, Master's Wife, why can't I do it after obtaining the Heavenly Rage Battle Body?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Feng'er, you have to understand that the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is not just a hundred times stronger than the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. Although both are special Body Refining qualities, one is in the heavens and the other is on the earth. Your future focus should naturally be on the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

The Transforming Poison Spirit Body has become secondary. A person's energy is limited, and you cannot master the Heavenly Rage Battle Body while cultivating the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. Remember, greed leads to no progress," Fairy Shui Yun said.

The Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Transforming Poison Spirit Body are completely different paths of development. If you want to cultivate both, you must focus on one and cultivate the other as a secondary. And the one you should focus on is definitely the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

So, you're worried that your energy is limited!

But, Master's Wife, you probably don't know that I have the most powerful brain!

"Master's Wife, when my master left, he gave me two Law Treasures that require the Transforming Poison Spirit Body to unleash their power," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Oh! What treasures did Xue Feng leave for you?" Fairy Shui Yun asked with interest.

"One is the weapon of the previous generation Blood Shadow Ancestor, called the Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade. It is a kind of blade tempered with a hundred kinds of potent poison, capable of invisibly injuring enemies," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I know about this poison blade, but to put it plainly, this thing can only deal with cultivators below the Immortal Transformation realm. One strike can be fatal. But against beings above the Immortal Transformation realm, it's not very effective.

After reaching the Immortal Transformation level, the entire body of a cultivator begins to transform into an Immortal Physique.

In terms of the level of life, it is not the same as ordinary cultivators or mortals at all. Even if there were 100 or 200 kinds of potent poison, it wouldn't harm a cultivator at the Immortal Transformation level," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Damn it! Didn't my master say that the Blood Shadow Ancestor at that time was not afraid of cultivators at the Immortal Transformation realm and relied on the power of this poison blade? Could it be a joke?

"Did your master tell you that the Blood Shadow Ancestor of that generation was not afraid of cultivators at the Immortal Transformation realm and relied on the power of this poison blade?" Fairy Shui Yun seemed to have guessed what Zhou Tianfeng was thinking and asked.

"My master did say that even cultivators at the Immortal Transformation realm didn't dare to provoke the Blood Shadow Ancestor at that time."

"Hahaha! That's hilarious! Master's Wife, let me tell you now, your master was fooling you. If you don't believe it, refine this Hundred Poison Slashing Immortal Blade successfully and then go find the Sect Master to test it. Not afraid of cultivators at the Immortal Transformation realm? Hahaha!" Fairy Shui Yun burst into laughter.

Cultivators at the Immortal Transformation realm are already halfway into the Immortal Dao. Which one of them isn't a thousand-year-old monster? If they are only a few hundred years old, they are even more terrifying geniuses.

For example, the current Sect Master of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Ming Yanshang, is a genius at the Immortal Transformation realm who is only over four hundred years old. Generally, Immortal Transformation cultivators who have lived for over a thousand years are not necessarily opponents of my junior sister.

Damn it! Master, you're fooling me. But if I add my own highly toxic mutated blood virus, I wonder if it will have any effect on cultivators in the Immortal Transformation realm?

"However, if you can find this rare and unique poison, it can also pose a threat to cultivators in the Immortal Transformation realm. But such a poison is extremely rare in the world!"

"Master's Wife: My current cultivation is only at the Foundation Building Stage! I think this Law Treasure, if refined, should be very powerful," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Can't I use it against cultivators at the Soul Cultivation or Harmonious Spirit level?

And when it comes to rare and unique poisons, who can compare to the things inside my body? Those are the truths that have been derived from countless experiments!

By the way, I wonder what the situation is with the four Heaven Inspiring Army members now that you're gone?

"If you develop your Heavenly Rage Battle Body well, you can challenge cultivators at the Foundation Building Stage even if you're only at the Foundation Building Stage. Beating someone at the Harmonious Spirit stage should be no problem at all," Fairy Shui Yun said.

But if I can refine the Poison Blade, it might be able to kill experts at the Soul Cultivation or even Transcending Mortality level. Moreover, I still have my ultimate move!

Being able to secretly shoot arrows from a distance, why would I want to transform into a berserker and engage in close combat?

"Master's Wife, I will only spend one hour a day practicing poison techniques and medical skills. The rest of the time will be devoted to developing my Heavenly Rage Battle Body. What do you think?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright! As long as it doesn't delay the cultivation of your Heavenly Rage Battle Body. And what is the second treasure?" Fairy Shui Yun asked.

"The second treasure is an iron-armored corpse made by Second Senior Brother. I plan to poison it and turn it into a Poisonous Armor Corpse," Zhou Tianfeng said, releasing the iron-armored corpse left by Second Senior Brother. Immediately, a pungent smell of decay filled the entire room, accompanied by a chilling wind and a dense aura of death.

"Get rid of it! Ugh! You released this thing. Take it out of Yao Mountain immediately and find a place where no one is around to dispose of it. It's really unlucky. Why play with zombies? It's so disgusting," Fairy Shui Yun said, covering her nose and disgustedly expressing her disdain.

"Uh, okay." Zhou Tianfeng immediately collected his zombie upon hearing this.

Really, zombies have no rights!

"You can refine the Poison Blade, Master's Wife, I can tolerate it. But as for that zombie thing, you better keep it as far away from Master's Wife as possible. If I ever see that thing, it's disgusting! It's annoying! If you dare to touch this thing again in the future, I'll break your legs."

Why would you play with something so disgusting? What use does it have?

Once your Heavenly Rage Battle Body reaches a certain level, won't you just punch and destroy any zombie?

"Don't worry, Master's Wife. I'll find a place to bury this thing right away," Zhou Tianfeng said with a dry laugh.

Forget it, after poisoning it, I'll give it back to Second Senior Brother!

"Hurry up and get rid of it! Seriously! It's making my place stink. Take my token and let Wan'er go to the Medicine Field to collect medicine. I need to clean up the room. It's really disgusting. Ugh!" Fairy Shui Yun threw a token at Zhou Tianfeng and kicked him out.

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(End of this chapter)

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