Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 70 The External Forces, The Reason Why The Sect Is Strong (Please Vote For Me, Please Read)

Chapter 70: The Influence of the Outer Sect and the Reason for the Sect's Strength (Seeking Monthly Votes, Seeking Continued Reading)

After Zhou Tianfeng left, Fairy Shui Yun pinched her nose and used the Wind Control technique, creating a gust of fairy wind in the room.

The foul smell of corpses, as well as the malevolent and Yin energy in the room, were completely swept away. Afterward, she lit a few sticks of sandalwood to remove the odor.

Although it was a bit ugly and had a strong smell!

But it had to be said that this zombie had great potential.

Just by staying in her boudoir for a short while, it left behind such a heavy malevolent, Yin, and corpse energy.

If this zombie were to be tempered with poison, it would indeed be a formidable force. Of course, this was only in comparison to the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. As for the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, it was nothing.

"It would be wise to keep this kid away from the things of the Blood Shadow Sect in the future. What kind of rubbish sorcery is this! Xue Feng is always researching these things, no wonder he's aging so quickly. He won't be allowed to practice in the future," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Researching poison techniques, curses, and other dark arts, enslaving ghosts, evil spirits, and zombies. It would be strange if it didn't shorten your lifespan.

It would be better to focus on cultivating the orthodox Great Dao.

Hopefully, the Sect Master will resolve things quickly. After Xue Feng, that old man, returns, give him a surprise.

But Fairy Shui Yun couldn't understand that compared to their Jade Water Heavenly Palace, a Transcendent Level sect, the small Blood Shadow Sect could only produce these dark arts.

The two were not on the same level at all.

After Zhou Tianfeng came out, he immediately rushed back to his room because along the way, he received flirtatious glances from a group of senior sisters.

If he hadn't run fast, he would have been captured by these fairies.

"Young Junior Brother is back. Did Master have any instructions?" As soon as Zhou Tianfeng entered the room, Lin Wan stood at the door with a smile.

"Sister Lin, Master asked you to take me to allocate a medicinal field. Here is the token Master gave me." After Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, he handed the jade token given by Master's Wife to Lin Wan.

Lin Wan smiled, extended her delicate jade hand, lightly touched Zhou Tianfeng's hand, and then took the jade token.

This Senior Sister Lin seems to have ill intentions towards me too! Damn, is it easy for me?

"Follow me, Zhou. As a direct disciple, you can allocate a good medicinal field, and there will be an outer sect disciple specifically assigned to take care of it for you. You just need to come and collect the Spirit Medicine when it matures. Or if you don't want to come, you can have the outer sect disciple collect it for you and deliver it," Lin Wan said.

"Sister, you misunderstood. I should choose a more remote location for this medicinal field. Because what I'm planting is not Spirit Medicine, but poisonous flowers and plants," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Planting poisonous flowers and plants? That makes sense. You are a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and medicine and poison are not separate. It's fine to plant some poisonous flowers and plants. Let's go! I have a medicinal field in mind that should be suitable for you," Lin Wan pondered for a moment and said.

"Then I'll trouble Senior Sister."

"Don't mention it! Junior Brother, you just reached the Foundation Building stage and don't have a suitable flying sword yet, right? Come here and hold onto Sister's waist, I'll fly you over," Lin Wan released a water-blue immortal sword and said to Zhou Tianfeng.

"In that case, I'll trouble Senior Sister."

Zhou Tianfeng didn't hold back either and hugged his senior sister's slender waist. Since you're not being polite, senior sister, then I won't be polite either. Zhou Tianfeng deliberately moved his hands slightly higher.

Lin Wan's delicate body trembled slightly, she turned her head and gave Zhou Tianfeng a glance, then smiled faintly. With Zhou Tianfeng, they turned into a green rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

In just a moment, the two arrived at the foot of a mountain. There were several thatched cottages here, and a young boy who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old was taking care of this place.

"Sister! Jade Water Heavenly Palace doesn't have male disciples, why?" Zhou Tianfeng looked at the young boy in front of him and asked.

"There are no male disciples among the inner disciples, elite disciples, and direct disciples, but it doesn't mean there are no outer disciples!" Lin Wan said.

Damn, I thought I was the only man in this big sect. It turns out there are other men! Why are you all staring at me like wolves and tigers!

"Generally, men with High Grade spiritual roots won't choose to become disciples of our sect. They would go to other major sects where they can obtain more cultivation resources than our sect.

However, some disciples with Low Grade and Middle Grade spiritual roots may choose to become disciples of our sect because the treatment is basically the same in any sect for those with Middle Grade and Low Grade spiritual roots.

They have to start as miscellaneous disciples, become outer disciples after Qi Condensation, and become guest disciples after reaching the Harmonious Spirit realm.

After reaching the Soul Cultivation level, they can become guest elders, and all matters of the outer sect are handled by several guest elders.

Our Jade Water Heavenly Palace is not a nunnery, and the seven emotions and six desires are not forbidden within the sect. It's just that it's difficult to marry a female disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace. However, several guest elders are the husbands of several Peak Masters!" Lin Wan said.

"Sister, is joining our sect the only way to marry a female disciple of our sect?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Of course not. There are two ways to marry a disciple of our sect. Firstly, our female disciples can marry outside, but it requires a generous betrothal gift and an examination of character, cultivation level, and background. Only those with excellent character, excellent cultivation, and abundant wealth can marry our female disciples.

If you want to marry into our sect, you need to have a cultivation level above the Soul Cultivation realm and become a guest elder.

If your cultivation level is in the Harmonious Spirit realm, we need to investigate your background first. If there are no problems, you can become a guest disciple.

The second way is to join our sect from a young age and start as a miscellaneous disciple. See if any senior sister or junior sister will look at you differently in the future." Lin Wan said.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng couldn't help but praise, "Impressive! It's really impressive!"

This business is quite profitable! Each female disciple can bring in a steady stream of wealth.

And the second method is actually equivalent to marrying into Jade Water Heavenly Palace. If an ordinary genius is really interested in a disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, they would definitely choose the first method and take the person away directly. But if you don't have much capital, then you can only settle for the second method.

Joining Jade Water Heavenly Palace is also a very profitable deal for some Independent Cultivators with decent strength. After all, it's good to seek shade under a big tree.

And those disciples who joined Jade Water Heavenly Palace from a young age don't have to be miscellaneous outer disciples for their whole lives. They can upgrade to become guest disciples or guest elders, and even marry Peak Masters.

Having a backing, having cultivation resources, and getting a wife upon joining, this is definitely a huge temptation.

It must be said that a sect can become powerful for a reason. Your sect's policies must be good.

(End of this chapter)

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