Chapter 78: Real or Fake?

Blood Shadow Ancestor's plan was extremely successful. After releasing the Blood Monster Race member he had completely controlled, he easily attracted the attention of the Heaven Inspiring Army and exposed the other hidden Blood Monsters.

All the members of the Blood Monster Race and the Four Great Ancestors were confused. What was going on? Why did they suddenly expose themselves to the Heaven Inspiring Army?

Not only that, the exposed member of the Heaven Inspiring Army also revealed most of the Blood Monster Race's abilities. They appeared to be just like Perfected Beings, but they had to feed on blood and couldn't eat regular food.

They could create and control zombies, and they could transform ordinary people into their own kind through blood. These terrifying abilities immediately attracted the wrath of the Heaven Inspiring Army.

The Four Great Ancestors didn't hesitate and immediately ordered all the Blood Monster Race members to scatter and prepare to escape from the capital.

They were the most powerful members of the Blood Monster Race, but even so, their transformed combat power was at most on par with the Harmonious Spirit realm.

However, in the Heaven Inspiring Army, the Harmonious Spirit realm could only serve as Heavenly Guardian Generals, let alone the fact that the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals were all at the level of Soul Cultivation, not to mention the terrifying Three Evil Stars.

The Four Great Ancestors chose to flee directly.

For a while, hundreds of exposed Blood Monster Race members began to evacuate from the capital, and countless members of the Heaven Inspiring Army began to chase and intercept them.

Three Big Dipper Seven Star Generals were dispatched to besiege the Four Ancestors of the Blood Monster Race.

"You can fight all you want. By the time you're done, I will have already rescued the person," Blood Shadow Ancestor sneered and casually killed a member of the Heaven Inspiring Army.

Afterwards, he quickly used the soul-searching technique on this member of the Heaven Inspiring Army to find the information he wanted.

There was no time to waste! Taking advantage of this opportunity, he must rescue his third disciple.

Along the way, he did not attack any soldiers of the Heaven Inspiring Army. Instead, he disguised himself as a member of the Heaven Inspiring Army, using the technique of shape-shifting to change his appearance and secretly infiltrate.

After arriving at the entrance of the prison cell, Blood Shadow Ancestor looked at his third disciple and frowned.

At this moment, his third disciple looked extremely weak, covered in marks from torture. He had been beaten to the point of his flesh being torn apart.

"I'm sorry for what you've been through," Blood Shadow Ancestor sighed and opened the prison door, standing in front of his third disciple.

It was quite surprising that he was able to easily rescue his third disciple. According to reason, this kid shouldn't have been imprisoned so carelessly, considering his background as a direct disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect and his identity as the key to the Cloud Slashing Portrait.

It was just an ordinary prison cell, with not even a few guards, as if they were just guarding an ordinary prisoner.

This made Blood Shadow Ancestor feel a sense of unreality. Could there be a deception among all this?

Blood Shadow Ancestor checked Tong Lei again, wanting to see if there were any tracking formations.

But after checking, Blood Shadow Ancestor's brow furrowed. This wasn't his third disciple. Although they looked exactly the same, this wasn't his third disciple!

Blood Shadow Ancestor examined the person's face in front of him and didn't find anything suspicious. There was no disguise or skin-changing operation. This was his original face.

But his cultivation level didn't match! His own third disciple was already at the Foundation Building Late Stage, and could enter the Harmonious Spirit realm at any time.

But the cultivation level of this person is only at the mid-stage of Foundation Building. Although he was beaten badly, there doesn't seem to be any tampering with his cultivation, and there are no signs of being crippled.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the cultivation technique he practices is definitely not something from the Blood Shadow Sect. Although he looks exactly the same, he is definitely not their third disciple.

So who is this kid? Blood Shadow Ancestor activated his mana and forcibly awakened the person in front of him.

"Cough cough! I, I really am not, I really am not, you've got it wrong." As soon as this person woke up, he began to panic and shout.

"Speak! Who are you? Why were you imprisoned by the Heaven Inspiring Army?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"I, I am just an ordinary independent cultivator. I haven't joined any sect. I really am not a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect, Tong Lei. I also don't know anything about the Cloud Slashing Portrait. I beg you, sirs, to investigate clearly!" The man said in extreme fear.

"Why were you captured? And why did you end up like this?" Blood Shadow Ancestor lifted the man up and asked.

"I really am not, I really am not, sirs, please investigate clearly! I really am not a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect!" The man said, foaming at the mouth and convulsing on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately understood what was going on. This kid had been subjected to the Soul Searching Technique multiple times and his mind had been damaged.

Now it can be confirmed that he is not the third disciple. But what's the deal with his face? Why does he look exactly like the third disciple?

If he is not the third disciple, then where is the real third disciple? How did the specific location of the Blood Shadow Sect get exposed, allowing the people from the Heaven Inspiring Army to know?

Blood Shadow Ancestor once again used the Soul Searching Technique on the man in front of him, but this guy's soul had been repeatedly searched and tormented by the Heaven Inspiring Army, both mentally and physically.

He was on the verge of collapse, and Blood Shadow Ancestor didn't get any useful information. The man died right then and there, still shouting that he wasn't the one.

Blood Shadow Ancestor's face turned pale, without any hesitation, he immediately left the prison of the Heaven Inspiring Army.

At the beginning, the Heaven Inspiring Army must have thought that this guy was their third disciple and tortured him in various ways. It was only after using the Soul Searching Technique several times that they realized they had captured the wrong person, which is why their confinement of their supposed third disciple was so hasty.

So where did the real third disciple go? This situation is quite strange! And why does this guy's face look exactly like the third disciple?

Both the Heaven Inspiring Army and himself were deceived. He thought that the Heaven Inspiring Army had captured his third disciple, while the Heaven Inspiring Army thought they had captured the key to the Cloud Slashing Portrait.

In the end, both sides were deceived. Could it be that a third party force had abducted his third disciple?

Was this fake made to confuse the situation? But if he is a fake, then he shouldn't know the specific situation of the Blood Shadow Sect, right?

How did the specific location of the Blood Shadow Sect get exposed?

With a heavy suspicion, Blood Shadow Ancestor left the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty. This time, his plan to rescue his third disciple had completely failed.

At this moment, two flying swords flew in the sky, carrying messages. Blood Shadow Ancestor opened them and read.

One was from Fairy Shui Yun, inquiring about his recent situation and saying that there was something to discuss, asking him to return quickly.

The other one was from his eldest disciple, saying that there was an important matter and asking him to immediately go to Snow Domain Spirit Mountain.

Please continue reading, sob, I lost track of the story.

(End of this chapter)

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