Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 79 Blood Monster Ancestor Vs Big Dipper General

Chapter 79: Blood Monster Ancestor vs. Big Dipper Seven Star

Recently, Shui Yun has been frequently communicating with him through flying swords, usually updating him on the situation of his disciples and expressing his lovesickness.

This time, the flying sword communication was about Zhou Tianfeng encountering some issues in his cultivation and needing to discuss it with him.

Blood Shadow Ancestor put this matter aside and opened another flying sword communication.

After reading this message, Blood Shadow Ancestor's face changed drastically.

In the letter, the eldest brother said that the second brother was refining a new type of zombie in the Fox Clan's territory, Snow Domain Spirit Mountain. This has angered the Fox Clan, and now the second junior brother has been captured by them. Blood Shadow Ancestor can only mediate from the sidelines and hopes that the master will come as soon as possible to rescue the second junior brother together.

Something's not right. Although the second brother's temperament is not as steady as the eldest brother's, he is still very cautious and would never actively provoke the Fox Clan in Snow Domain Spirit Mountain.

As for offending the Fox Clan by refining zombies, that's even more impossible. The second brother has just refined his own blood corpse.

In the short term, he wouldn't think about refining corpses again, and even if he did, he wouldn't do it within the Fox Clan's territory, right?

How could he offend the Fox Clan because of this? Blood Shadow Ancestor always felt that the eldest brother was hiding something from him.

While Blood Shadow Ancestor was contemplating, a sound of fighting came from a distance. Upon hearing the movement, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately concealed his aura and quietly approached.

At this moment, two people were battling in the sky. One was wearing silver armor and wielding a golden spear.

The other was wearing the ordinary armor of the upper-level soldiers of the Heaven Inspiring Army, with disheveled hair, green eyes, and sharp teeth, emitting strange screams.

One person was one of the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals of the Heaven Inspiring Army, while the other, judging from his appearance, should be the so-called ancestor of the Blood Monster Race!

The two were constantly fighting in the sky, but the Blood Monster Ancestor was already at the end of his strength.

At this moment, Bai Zhan was filled with fear. He fought with all his might, but the other party just smiled and effortlessly blocked all his attacks.

In his transformed state, being able to fight a Big Dipper Seven Star General to this extent was already his limit.

But it seemed like the other party didn't even consider this a real battle, just playing with him like a cat playing with a mouse.

Moreover, the golden spear used by this Big Dipper Seven Star General was an extremely powerful weapon, causing even greater damage to him.

Realizing that he was no match for the other party, Bai Zhan tried to escape several times during the battle, but he was instantly caught up by the silver-armored general and forced to continue fighting.

It seemed like the other party wanted to test his limits. Each attack wouldn't kill him, but it forced him to exert all his strength to defend.

"If you want to kill me, just do it. Why humiliate me like this?"

"Hehe! Humiliate you? You're overthinking it. I just wanted to see how capable you, this Blood Monster, really are." The silver-armored general said mockingly.

"Damn it! Let me show you my power!" Bai Zhan roared in anger.

Damn it, they had only just gained control of their power a few months ago and hadn't fully familiarized themselves with this immense power. If they could fully master it and grow, even the Three Evil Stars would die at their hands.

The silver-armored general seemed to have had enough fun and snorted. With a step in the sky, he came to Bai Zhan's side, grabbed his left wrist, and twisted it forcefully. With a crisp sound, Bai Zhan's entire arm was twisted into a twisted shape.

"Ah!" Bai Zhan immediately let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

The gap in strength between the two sides was too great. When the silver-armored Big Dipper Star General became slightly serious, Bai Zhan instantly lost.

General Silver Armor smiled and pushed Bai Zhan away with one hand, then swiftly appeared in front of Bai Zhan like lightning, instantly punching him in the abdomen.

Bai Zhan's stomach churned, his eyes filled with stars. He swung his golden spear fiercely, slamming it onto Bai Zhan's back, shattering his entire spine.

Bai Zhan's towering figure plummeted downward, experiencing a perfect free fall from high altitude, intimately meeting the ground.

He fell to the ground, his head bleeding, unable to get up for a while.

General Silver Armor approached the fallen Bai Zhan and placed a foot on his face.

"So this is the power of the Blood Monster Race's ancestor? Is this all you've got? Any Heavenly Guardian General could handle you easily. I can't believe I have to personally deal with you," he said.

Bai Zhan roared in anger, using all his strength to grab the foot of General Silver Armor and throw it away.

But General Silver Armor quickly flipped in the sky and landed steadily on the ground.

"Your recovery ability is not bad, and you have great strength. Even after I broke your spine, you recovered so quickly. It's a pity your cultivation is lacking," General Silver Armor, also known as Big Dipper, said with a smile.

In just a few breaths, the hideous wounds on Bai Zhan's body began to slowly heal. Even his broken spine recovered, making him appear as if he hadn't been injured at all.

"If you want to obtain this kind of power, I can make it happen. Besides the need to consume blood, our clan has no other shortcomings," Bai Zhan said.

Since he couldn't win by force, he could only try to entice him.

"Hahaha! With your power, I, as a general, am not interested. Becoming a blood-sucking monster for survival? No thanks! I've had enough fun, it's time to send you on your way," General Silver Armor, also known as Big Dipper, sneered.

His golden spear turned into a streak of light, piercing through Bai Zhan's body. First, it created a basin-sized hole in his chest, then continued tearing through his body.

Bai Zhan's internal organs disappeared in an instant, even half of his brain and one arm were shattered by the golden spear. His maimed body collapsed to the ground.

"This time, will you die?" General Silver Armor coldly snorted.

Aren't you supposed to have strong recovery ability? I tore your entire body apart, even cutting off half of your brain. Let's see if you can still survive.

However, reality quickly slapped General Silver Armor in the face. Even though half of his brain was gone and his entire body disappeared, leaving only one arm and shoulder, Bai Zhan was still alive.

He stared fiercely at General Silver Armor with his remaining eye.

"He's not dead yet?"

Not only was he not dead, but Bai Zhan's broken and indomitable body began to slowly recover. His half of a face started regenerating, although at a slower pace.

Blood Shadow Ancestor, who was watching from the side, was also shocked. Such strong vitality! He wasn't killed even after being beaten like this? And he's still recovering.

Damn it, this, this is a true monster, right?

It seems that this Blood Monster ancestor is completely different from ordinary Blood Monsters! I should capture him alive and study him.

Blood Shadow Ancestor sneered, concealing his aura, and quietly circled behind General Silver Armor.

As a powerful figure in the demonic path, it's normal for me to sneak attack a junior from behind.

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(End of this chapter)

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