Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 80: Angry State, Adrenaline Explosion

Chapter 80: Furious State, Adrenaline Burst

Jade Luan Peak, two figures, one red and one blue, are constantly crossing and colliding in the sky.

The red figure is Zhou Tianfeng, who has transformed into the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, while the blue figure is his senior sister, Lin Wan.

According to Fairy Shui Yun, in order to completely control the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, one must constantly transform and familiarize oneself with the form of the body.

So Lin Wan became Zhou Tianfeng's sparring partner, helping him control his battle form.

At the beginning, once Zhou Tianfeng underwent the adrenaline transformation, his brain seemed to be instantly overwhelmed by anger, and he could only maintain a trace of rationality.

This also puzzled Zhou Tianfeng! His current Heavenly Rage Battle Body is definitely not as simple as an adrenaline burst. His whole body emits a glow, and the radiance of his body can explain this reason.

But the battle patterns on his face, the Heavenly Rage Domain that can suppress opponents, and various signs of heaven and earth represent the original version of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

It's just that for some reason, it suddenly appeared on his human body, and all these changes should have happened on the night of his Foundation Building, something he completely couldn't understand.

But for Zhou Tianfeng, controlling this furious state is not very difficult.

His brain's activity level has reached an astonishing level, and he can forcefully calm himself down.

With the passage of time, he can now gradually maintain his rationality in battle and not be consumed by anger.

After only a few transformations, he has mastered this ability to transform in anger, and with the help of this powerful state, he has suppressed his senior sister.

Speaking of which, this transformation state is quite powerful. In this state, Zhou Tianfeng's body no longer bears the burden of an adrenaline burst.

Because this is just a transformation in an angry form, and he can stack an adrenaline burst on top of this form. Only in this double-stacked state will his body bear a burden.

This also confirms that Zhou Tianfeng has indeed obtained the Heavenly Rage Battle Body of this world, and it is not some kind of evolution of adrenaline.

Zhou Tianfeng has a vague guess that this world seems to recognize him and has given him an identity.

But what exactly did he do to make this world recognize him and give him an identity proof?

Well, on top of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, he added an adrenaline burst mode. How much more abnormal can his body become?

Lin Wan wields a blue flying sword, creating countless sword shadows attacking Zhou Tianfeng. Dealing with this junior brother, she cannot be careless.

Although this kid's cultivation is only at the mid-stage of Foundation Building, the heavenly and earthly signs produced after transforming into the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, as well as the Heavenly Rage Domain, directly suppress her, who is at the Harmonious Spirit Late Stage.

Zhou Tianfeng's hands turn into countless fist shadows, blocking all of Lin Wan's sword lights, and then with an absolute head-on posture, he suppresses his senior sister.

In the golden-red light, his senior sister gradually loses the battle.

The Heavenly Rage Battle Body is really useful, suitable for battles that are grand and intense, suppressing your opponent with absolute strength.

In a battle that spans a major realm, he didn't exert much effort, and he didn't even use the adrenaline burst.

Zhou Tianfeng rushes out of Lin Wan's sword lights, charges forward, and embraces his senior sister's delicate body with both hands, pressing her down on the ground, ending this somewhat boring battle.

"Let's stop! Your Heavenly Rage Battle Body is too unfair." Lin Wan pushes Zhou Tianfeng away and says.

"But if I don't transform, I probably won't even be able to withstand three moves from Senior Sister!" Zhou Tianfeng smiled and returned to his normal state, releasing the anger from his body.

Recently, he conducted a small test and found that he could not only activate the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, but also enhance it with an adrenaline burst.

In his normal state, without activating the anger, he could still use adrenaline without much strain on his body.

He could freely choose between these two transformation states, but after activating the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and enhancing it with adrenaline, it would put a terrifying strain on his body. He could only maintain this dual-layered state for a little over a minute.

However, in this double-layered state, his dynamic vision, bullet time, and his brain's transcendent-level combat calculation ability became unusable because his brain had to suppress the anger.

Currently, when he activates the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, his attack power and defense are stronger than when he simply uses adrenaline.

But Zhou Tianfeng believed that the growth potential brought by adrenaline, such as dynamic visual capture, bullet time vision, and the transcendent-level combat calculation ability of his brain, would be greater in the future.

After activating the anger, he was indeed powerful, but this power was a blessing from heaven and earth.

However, the adrenaline burst was his own power, and it brought him all-around enhancements.

Especially the dynamic visual capture, bullet time vision, and the brain's overclocked combat calculation ability, these abilities were the true bugs.

"It won't be long before even if you don't activate the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Senior Sister won't be your match," Lin Wan said.

"Hahaha! Then I'll protect Senior Sister from now on," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmph! You're such a smooth talker! Why didn't you agree when Senior Sister asked you to be her partner?" Lin Wan asked.

"Cough cough! I need to think about that," Zhou Tianfeng.

"Hmph! Frosty Tianfeng." Lin Wan narrowed her eyes, formed a blue spell with her hands, and blue spiritual energy flowed around her.

Suddenly, a terrifying cold air mixed with a blizzard enveloped Zhou Tianfeng.

But this kind of small spell had no effect on Zhou Tianfeng at all. With a little effort, he broke free from the hail all over his body.

Now this Senior Sister would even act spoiled towards him. You've really learned a lot from Master's Wife! But I'm not Master Xue Feng. I won't fall for it.

"Senior Sister, when you use spells, the special effects are quite impressive," Zhou Tianfeng said, moving his shoulders.

"What do you mean by special effects?" Lin Wan asked.

"It's the effect of the blue spiritual energy flowing all over your body. It looks quite beautiful, but spells don't affect me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"The effect of blue spiritual energy flowing? Junior Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? When I use spells, it only forms a spell seal in front of me," Lin Wan said, puzzled.

"Uh!" Zhou Tianfeng was confused.

But I clearly saw countless blue lights flowing in your meridians when you used spells!

How could it only form a spell seal in front of you? I could clearly see the flow of spiritual energy in your body!

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