Chapter 81: My Eyes Saw

"But senior sister, I clearly saw spiritual energy flowing in your body!" Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

"..." Lin Wan.

What on earth is my stupid junior brother talking about? Seeing the flow of spiritual energy in my meridians, do you have X-ray vision?

I'm wearing clothes, and you're saying you saw spiritual energy flowing in my body. What do you mean by that?

Lin Wan instantly crossed her arms and looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a vigilant expression. Is he peeping?

No, no, no! It can't be that. X-ray vision is impossible! My junior brother couldn't possibly see through me.

At this moment, Lin Wan fell into a frenzy of imagination. Her face first turned slightly red with shyness, then filled with anger, staring at Zhou Tianfeng with a murderous gaze.

"Senior sister! Are you okay? Maybe I made a mistake." What's going on with senior sister?

One moment she's looking at me with an extremely shy gaze, and the next she's shooting fire from her eyes, looking at me with a murderous intent?

"Tell me! Can you see through things?" Lin Wan suddenly approached Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"Senior sister, can we speak based on facts? I didn't say anything! Don't worry, I definitely can't see through." Zhou Tianfeng said helplessly.

Hearing this, Lin Wan finally relaxed. Thank goodness, it seems like I was overthinking. I knew it, how could X-ray vision exist?

"Senior sister, can you use the incantation again? Any one will do." Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

"Okay! Fire Spirit Curse!" Lin Wan formed a crimson incantation and released it in front of Zhou Tianfeng.

While his senior sister was performing the incantation, Zhou Tianfeng indeed saw the trajectory of spiritual energy flowing in the visual meridians.

But this time, it was the trajectory of red spiritual energy. It seems that each type of spiritual energy has a different color, but the specific appearance is not very clear to him. It would be great if his visual ability was stronger.

Wait, he could enhance his visual capture ability.

Suddenly, Zhou Tianfeng thought of something and entered an adrenaline rush mode. Adrenaline mode is not just about fighting, it has many other functions as well.

This time, when he looked again, Zhou Tianfeng found that his senior sister's movements in performing the incantation had slowed down. He could easily capture every gesture she made.

Moreover, the spiritual energy flowing in her meridians now appeared even more clearly in front of Zhou Tianfeng's eyes. He could even see the entire meridian map of his senior sister's body.

Using his almost abnormal dynamic vision, bullet time, Zhou Tianfeng memorized all the incantations performed by Lin Wan.

Then, he let the spiritual energy in his body flow along the same route and quickly rehearsed the incantation gestures captured by his dynamic vision in his mind through brain calculations countless times.

"Alright, junior brother, this is the fire-based incantation," Lin Wan said.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng's eyes had actually turned a deep blue color, and all the spiritual energy in his body had been mobilized to his eyes.

Imitating his senior sister's appearance, Zhou Tianfeng formed the same incantation and, following the flow of spiritual energy in his senior sister's meridians, directly performed a fire-based incantation.

"Fire Spirit Curse."

It was almost identical to the Fire Spirit Curse performed by his senior sister, both in terms of power and appearance.

"This, this junior brother, you, you, you learned it after just one look. I haven't even taught you how to use the incantation yet," Lin Wan widened her eyes in disbelief.

Did I make a mistake? Did I make a mistake? He only watched it once, and he learned it? I haven't even told him the incantation for the spell yet. Without relying on the technique, how can he mobilize the spiritual energy in his body?

How did he learn it? Did he learn the Fire Spirit Spell before?

"Sister, please use another spell," Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

His own speculation was correct. By capturing the flow of spiritual energy in the meridians of his body, and then using a distorted dynamic vision to replicate the opponent's technique, he could make his brain operate at an overclocked speed.

This way, he could successfully replicate the opponent's ultimate move. Since spells can be replicated.

So, if Sister uses other secret techniques, or even in the future when facing enemies from other sects, as long as he sees it in this way, can he instantly learn it?

"Good! Wind Leaf Dance! Thunder Flash, Falling Leaves Rustle," Lin Wan continued without any pause, displaying three elemental spells in succession.

At the moment she completed the casting, Zhou Tianfeng also used the same spells, imitating her perfectly.

His speed was only half a beat slower than his own! What's even more terrifying is that the power is exactly the same as his own.

This! This junior brother! He really learned it in an instant. He just hesitated for a moment earlier, and now he used it right after I finished casting.

Lin Wan's mouth was slightly open, looking at Zhou Tianfeng in disbelief. What kind of monstrous talent is this?

"Sister, use a sword technique," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Oh! Okay, okay." At this moment, Lin Wan felt somewhat numb and sluggish.

She used a simple Feihua Sword Technique, and her flying sword turned pink, turning into a sky full of blossoms.

This move was the basic sword technique of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. When displayed, it was magnificent, and the flying sword was like blooming flowers, killing the enemy invisibly.

"Feihua Sword Technique." On the other side, Zhou Tianfeng also used his own flying sword to successfully display the same move, but the petals he displayed were green.

"Yunxian Sword Technique."

"Yunxian Sword Technique."

"Changhe Sunset."

"Changhe Sunset."

In an instant, two sets of sword techniques were displayed, and Zhou Tianfeng still displayed the same techniques at a slightly slower speed than her.

Less than the time it takes for an incense stick to burn! Just by watching her use it once, the Immortal Law and the sword technique, this kid, this kid actually learned it instantly.

Lin Wan had an impulse to cry. This is too unfair, too unfair. It took her several years to learn these things, but this junior brother, does he only need to take a glance?

"Hahaha!" In a normal state, I can vaguely see the flow of spiritual energy in the opponent's body, but after activating adrenaline, my eyes' dynamic vision can perfectly capture it.

Then, by overclocking my brain, I can quickly learn the opponent's moves.

Zhou Tianfeng was in high spirits, but suddenly his whole body trembled, and he directly exited the adrenaline burst mode.

Then he knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, even his eyes felt a sharp pain.

"Junior brother, junior brother, what's wrong with you?" Lin Wan hurriedly ran over to support Zhou Tianfeng, asking with great concern.

"Cough, cough! I'm fine, just a little tired. I'll be fine after resting for a while." The burden on his body was still quite heavy. This ability to replicate the opponent's moves was even more exhausting than the combat mode.

End of chapter.

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