Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 82 Intolerable Ability (Please Read)

Chapter 82: Intolerable Ability (Seeking to Continue Reading)

"Junior Brother, please stop talking. I have a Returning Yuan Pill here. Take it quickly!" Lin Wan took out a small emerald bottle from her bosom and poured out a pill, feeding it to Zhou Tianfeng.

Then, she activated her own true essence and placed her hand on Zhou Tianfeng's back, adjusting his body.

He was fine just a moment ago, able to instantly learn the sword techniques and spells he had just witnessed. But how did he end up kneeling on the ground in an instant?

Zhou Tianfeng sat cross-legged on the ground for a while before recovering. He slowly opened his slightly sore eyes.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng's eyes were like those of someone who had stayed up for three days and nights binge-watching a drama series. His face was covered in dark circles, and there were fine blood vessels inside his eyeballs.

There was even a slight sense of swelling and pain in his eyes.

"Sister, I'm fine. It's just that copying your spells and techniques earlier consumed a lot of my eyes." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior Brother, what happened to your eyes just now? Sister has never heard of anyone being able to instantly learn the spells released by others through their eyes." Lin Wan helped Zhou Tianfeng sit down and gently massaged his back as she asked.

"Sister, can you promise me one thing?" Zhou Tianfeng pondered for a moment before asking.

"Junior Brother, go ahead! As long as it's not something that would make Sister betray the sect, I will promise you." Lin Wan said.

"It's not that kind of thing. Sister, regarding my eyes and what happened today when I learned your spells, I hope you can keep it a secret. If Master asks, you can tell her, but you must not tell anyone else, not even the Sect Master or the Elders." Zhou Tianfeng held Lin Wan's hand and said.

His eyes now had the ability to transcendently perceive, dynamically capture, and observe the flow of spiritual energy. These abilities were too overpowered. If someone with ill intentions were to discover them, it could be life-threatening.

Having transmigrated for a long time, Zhou Tianfeng was not a cultivation novice in this world. There was a technique called body possession, but the conditions for its use were quite strict.

Moreover, the difficulty of possessing the body of the son of the heavens, who possessed a special body refining quality, was immense.

Firstly, the success rate of possession was low, only fifty percent for ordinary constitutions and less than twenty percent for special constitutions, regardless of cultivation level.

Furthermore, future heavenly tribulations would take extra care of him. The power of heavenly tribulations was several times that of ordinary cultivators, so generally, no one would attempt to possess someone with a special constitution.

But if his eyes were also special in this way, it would be very troublesome.

It was possible that some people would have evil thoughts and want to dig out his eyes and transplant them onto themselves.

Eye transplants and the like were quite feasible in this Immortal Cultivation World.

The risk of possessing someone's body was enormous, and future heavenly tribulations would require even more care.

But stealing your eyes from you should be fine! Although my copying ability and dynamic observation ability require the stimulation of adrenaline and the assistance of a transcendent-level brain, others don't know that! They would think it's just the ability of your eyes, and once I steal it, it will be mine.

So the fewer people who know about this, the better. It's fine if my master and Master's Wife know, Lin Wan knowing is also fine, but Zhou Tianfeng doesn't want it to be revealed to others.

And in the future, when facing enemies, if I copy their moves, it's best not to use them in front of them. Just secretly remember them. If I have to use them in front of others, then I must kill the opponent.

In the future, when I see cultivators fighting, I'll just take a look, learn both sides' abilities, and silently make a fortune. That's the way to go.

After all, I'm just passing by as a spectator.

I don't know the extent of my ability to replicate. Can I replicate any spell? Can I even directly steal someone else's cultivation technique?

"Sister, I understand your concerns! Don't worry! Even our master won't know about this. It will be our little secret, okay?" Lin Wan smiled and reassured, patting her chest.

What kind of thing can bring two people closer? It must be a little secret that only the two of them know!

"Cough cough! Our master knowing about it is not a big deal! And I didn't plan on hiding it from her either," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Do you still not trust me, sister?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that it's fine if our master knows about it!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"No! It's best if our master doesn't know about this. Your ability to steal spells, sword techniques, and secret arts, you better keep it hidden in the future," Lin Wan looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said seriously.


"Your ability is a threat to everyone. Our master won't harm you, but what about our master's master? What about the other elders? The Peak Master? Our master's friends? If anyone reveals this, how will the disciples from other sects view you? You will be a threat to all sects. Just by taking a glance, you can learn the techniques and secrets that other sects have studied for thousands of years. Your existence will shake the foundation of all sects, and this is something that all sects absolutely cannot tolerate," Lin Wan looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said seriously.

Perhaps she was being suspicious, but she had to make her junior brother understand just how incredible and intolerable this ability was for all sects.

"This, this is so serious!" Zhou Tianfeng was stunned by Lin Wan's words.

Damn! Listening to my sister, this ability of mine is indeed intolerable!

Countless generations of inheritance from other sects, countless predecessors who painstakingly researched secret techniques and skills, and I can just learn them with a glance. What are we then?

This is the ultimate freeloading! No one, as long as they are a person, will tolerate it.

If my ability is exposed, it will definitely cause a huge uproar. Sister is right, the fewer people who know about this, the better.

Should I find an opportunity to get rid of my sister? No, no! My sister has been good to me, and she's the one who told me all this. I can't do that.

But! Maybe in the future, after I learn the soul-searching technique, I can secretly erase this memory of my sister without her knowing.

"Junior brother, if you want to steal someone else's techniques and secrets in the future, remember, you must do it secretly, learn secretly, and never expose this ability in front of others," Lin Wan said.

"I understand! This will be the secret between me and sister," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Sister, you're right. The fewer people who know about this, the better! Zhou Tianfeng also decided to keep it hidden from his master, Master's Wife, for now.

"Junior brother, rest assured, I will never reveal your secret to anyone else. I swear on my Dao heart that if I tell anyone other than you about everything that happened today, I will be destroyed in the future calamity, my soul scattered," Lin Wan said seriously.

. Zhou Tianfeng.

Swearing on her Dao heart is not a joke!

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(End of this chapter)

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