Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 83 Heart-To-Heart Talk And Consideration (Please Vote For Me! Please Read More)

Chapter 83: Opening Up, Considering (Seeking Monthly Votes! Seeking Continued Reading)

Zhou Tianfeng was somewhat speechless. As the saying goes, it is most difficult to accept the favor of a beautiful woman. Well, let's take it step by step!

At least for now, he could be certain that his senior sister would never betray him. With her strong sense of righteousness, she would never go back on her word unless she no longer wished to live.

Of course, there was one possibility that could make his senior sister break her promise, and that was if he completely took advantage of her and then ran away.

But Zhou Tianfeng absolutely would not engage in such scumbag behavior. Instead, he wanted to form a Daoist couple with his senior sister. He did have some concerns, but it wasn't because she wasn't good-looking or didn't match him in some way.

It was because he and the Heavenly Human Race in this world had some fundamental differences, to the point where they weren't even the same species.

If they were just attracted to each other, that wouldn't be a problem. After all, they looked the same, and their respective organs were compatible in size.

But whether they could have offspring was another matter. Zhou Tianfeng specifically looked up information in the Blood Shadow Sect and even some records from the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

He obtained many answers he wanted to pursue.

Combining the records of this world and his Transcendent Level brain's thinking, he came up with three possibilities.

The first possibility was that they absolutely could not have offspring, no matter how similar they were in all aspects. No matter how hard they tried, it would be impossible to have children.

The second possibility was that Zhou Tianfeng could have offspring with human women in this world. However, the child born could be either a pure human or a pure Human Race, but they would inherit some of Zhou Tianfeng's physical characteristics.

Why? Because this world was an Immortal Cultivation World, and there were no restrictions on species in terms of reproduction.

The Human Race, Monster Race, Demon Race, and even other strange races, and even true immortals, could all have offspring.

Everything in this world was built on the foundation of spiritual energy. Possessing spiritual energy was the means for different races to communicate with each other. Zhou Tianfeng's body had already adapted to spiritual energy and had become favored by it to some extent.

So this speculation and assumption were completely feasible.

Moreover, these mixed-blood offspring of the Human Race would retain the appearance of humans and some special abilities from other races. At least I look exactly the same as you humans, and I even have a human character.

So it was very likely to give birth to a mixed-blood human child, which was the result Zhou Tianfeng most wanted to see.

And mixed-blood children, no matter the setting, were always very powerful, you know?

Next was the third possibility. For some unknown reason, Zhou Tianfeng inexplicably gained recognition from this world and obtained the Heavenly Rage Battle Body of this world.

It was equivalent to having an identification card of this world.

Zhou Tianfeng and the human women of this world could possibly give birth to pure Human Race descendants, and these descendants would inherit his Heavenly Rage Battle Body characteristics. However, it was very likely that they would have nothing related to humans.

The first result was the one Zhou Tianfeng least wanted to see. If that were the case, he would be the loneliest existence in this world. However, this result was also the least likely possibility.

After all, the foundation of this world is spiritual energy, a supernatural power, and my body has successfully adapted to this Transcendent Level energy.

"I believe you, senior sister," Zhou Tianfeng nodded.

"Okay, let me help you back to your room to rest. For the next few days, just take care of the medicinal field. Don't engage in any combat-related cultivation for now," Lin Wan said with a sweet smile, helping Zhou Tianfeng up and flying back to their residence on their swords.

From that day on, their relationship clearly became much closer. After Zhou Tianfeng's condition improved, the two secretly went to the back mountain together. Using his ability to replicate, Zhou Tianfeng learned all of Lin Wan's techniques and spells.

Things in the medicinal field also went smoothly. Wang Xiaobao was a very clever kid. He took good care of his poisonous flowers and plants, and many of them had already grown.

This kid also understood that after removing the poisonous parts, these poisonous flowers and plants became valuable Spirit Medicine. Compared to growing ordinary fruits and vegetables, the profit was much higher.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't need any of these things. He could use them to enhance his cultivation or exchange them for cultivation resources with other outer disciples. Taking care of this medicinal field was a great opportunity.

"Mr. Zhou, Xiaobao has learned everything you taught him. I will take good care of your poisonous flowers and plants," Wang Xiaobao said.

"Not bad, Xiaobao. Here are some new seeds of poisonous flowers and plants. You can plant them here. After you break through to the Qi Condensation stage, you can start breeding poisonous insects for me," Zhou Tianfeng nodded in satisfaction, handing Wang Xiaobao some seeds of poisonous flowers and plants to continue planting.

After these poisonous flowers and plants matured, removing the poisonous parts would allow this kid to easily advance to the Qi Condensation stage. By then, he could take care of the attracted poisonous insects.

Among the second batch of seeds, Zhou Tianfeng gave a few flowers that could attract poisonous insects. However, to capture these poisonous insects, one must have at least reached the Qi Condensation stage.

"Rest assured, Mr. Zhou. Xiaobao won't let you down. Just wait and see. When the poisonous insects are attracted, I will take good care of them," Wang Xiaobao knelt in front of Zhou Tianfeng, expressing his gratitude.

If it weren't for meeting this Mr. Zhou, he wouldn't even have had the chance to reach the Foundation Building stage. His highest achievement would have been just an outer disciple.

But after meeting Zhou Tianfeng, he felt that he could now consider becoming a guest disciple or even a guest elder.

He really hoped that the other party would make an exception and accept him as a disciple. That way, he could become an official disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

"Alright, take good care of these poisonous flowers and plants. I will come by when I have time," Zhou Tianfeng patted Wang Xiaobao's head and left on his sword.

How could he not understand the other party's thoughts? As a direct male disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, although he had the qualifications to accept disciples, his cultivation had to reach the Soul Cultivation level or above.

Otherwise, he would just be misleading others.

And if he were to accept disciples, he could only accept female disciples. Male disciples had to meet certain special conditions. After all, rules couldn't be broken.

This kid, Zhou Tianfeng could at most accept him as a named disciple, allowing him to become an outer disciple, and in the future, a guest disciple or even a guest elder.

Back in his room, after chatting with Lin Wan for a while, Zhou Tianfeng received a message from his master.

"Come quickly, your master has returned."

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(End of this chapter)

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