Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 84 Golden Beam Dragon Lock (Please Read)

Chapter 84: Golden Dragon Lock (Seeking to Continue Reading)

Upon hearing these words, Zhou Tianfeng's body trembled. It had been over five months, and finally, Master, you have returned.

However, things didn't go exactly as you expected. There may have been a slight deviation, and unexpected events combined together, sometimes resulting in unforeseen circumstances.

Surprises always come so quickly. I hope you can accept them, Master.

"What's wrong? Junior Brother, do you have something to tell me?" Seeing Zhou Tianfeng suddenly freeze, Lin Wan asked in confusion.

"I'm fine, Senior Sister. Just now, Master contacted me and said he wants to see my recent cultivation progress, so he asked me to go over," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Master wants to assess your cultivation? Should I accompany you?" Lin Wan asked.

Usually, Master would entrust the cultivation tasks of this junior brother to her. Why would he suddenly want to assess him himself?

"That's not necessary. It's just a check on my cultivation progress, nothing major," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Lin Wan always felt that this junior brother had something hidden from her. There must be some secret between him and Master that couldn't be revealed.

It was her woman's intuition telling her so.

"In that case, when will you be back, Junior Brother? I'll prepare dinner, and we can eat together when you return. A few days ago, an outer disciple brought back a large Ice Winged Carp from the Beiming Sea. It's delicious and full of spiritual energy. You must try it," Lin Wan said.

Zhou Tianfeng loved food with abundant spiritual energy, and Lin Wan knew that. So, she used her sect contribution to exchange for this Ice Winged Carp.

The spiritual energy contained in this Ice Winged Carp was dozens of times that of ordinary Jade Water Heavenly Palace bred spiritual creatures. Junior Brother should really enjoy it.

"You don't have to wait for me for dinner tonight, Senior Sister. I estimate that I'll be staying for two or three days," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Trying to persuade his Master? He didn't know how long it would take, and his Master couldn't directly enter the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. He had to go out with Master's Wife, so he definitely wouldn't be able to come back tonight.

"Alright, then I'll have them seal it up and deliver it in three days. We must eat it together, Junior Brother," Lin Wan said.

"Okay, Senior Sister, rest assured. I'll definitely be back within three days," Zhou Tianfeng said, then he drove his flying sword and turned into a stream of light, flying towards Master's Wife's residence.

"Master's Wife, I'm here. Where is Master now? Should we go pick him up?" As soon as he entered, Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"No rush, no rush. I just received his flying sword transmission as well. Your Master will be able to reach the vicinity of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace tonight. We'll go pick him up tonight," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"Master's Wife, do you have a plan?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Don't worry, this matter has already been discussed with the Elder and the Sect Master. As long as I bring your Master back and make him agree, everything will be fine," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Zhou Tianfeng was speechless. Binding his own Master? Did they really have to be so violent about it?

"Feng'er, take a look. This is a Law Treasure I borrowed from your Master's Senior Uncle." Fairy Shui Yun held up a golden rope with a dragon head embedded in it and said.

"Master's Wife, what... what is this?" My goodness! Master's Wife, are you really this playful?

You're giving him such a grand gift as soon as he returns! The decoration on this whip is quite luxurious, with a dragon head and a golden color throughout. It looks much more beautiful than the blood-red whip you gave him last time.

Master's Wife indeed has some kind of special hobby. No wonder a righteous disciple would fall in love with an old demon from the demonic path.

In his heart, Zhou Tianfeng silently mourned for his master for three seconds. Master, this whip doesn't have any spikes, so it should be more aesthetically pleasing and resistant.

Fairy Shui Yun is unaware of Zhou Tianfeng's thoughts. If she knew, she would definitely seize this kid and give him a good whipping.

"Let me tell you, this is a good treasure called the Golden Dragon Binding Lock. It's a good tool for capturing people. Once it binds you, even if you're a high-level expert at the Immortal Transformation stage, you won't be able to break free." Fairy Shui Yun shook the Golden Dragon Binding Lock in her hand and said.

Originally, this was a Law Treasure that only the sect leader could use. Just in case, she borrowed it for her own use.

Although she could handle Xue Feng herself without much problem, it wouldn't be good if she injured him. With this treasure, she could instantly capture Xue Feng.

"Master's Wife, he... he is only at the peak of Soul Cultivation. Is it necessary for you to use a Law Treasure meant for dealing with Immortal Transformation level cultivators against him?" Zhou Tianfeng whispered on the side.

Master's Wife, based on your posture, it seems like you're not going to negotiate and persuade the master, but rather plan to directly capture him and bring him back?

"Cough cough! It's none of your business, anyway, tonight you will witness my performance as Master's Wife." Fairy Shui Yun said.

"Master's Wife, I will help persuade him a few words."

"Good boy Feng'er, alright, tidy up and come down the mountain with me. Let's go meet your master." Fairy Shui Yun said.

"Disciple obeys." Zhou Tianfeng said.

On a desolate mountain a hundred miles away, Blood Shadow Ancestor was waiting for his disciple and old lover with his spoils of war.

Beside him, a figure bound tightly with ropes and covered in talismans lay on the ground, motionless.

On that day, during the final battle between the Blood Monster Race Ancestor and the Big Dipper Seven Star General, he quietly circled behind the general and launched a surprise attack, severely injuring him. He left the general half-dead.

Then, with only half of his body and one arm left, the Blood Monster Ancestor took advantage of the opportunity when the Big Dipper Star General was heavily injured, jumped up, pounced on his neck, and bit down.

In just a few breaths of time, the Big Dipper Star General was sucked dry and turned into a dried corpse. Then, the Blood Monster's body quickly recovered, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough to the Soul Cultivation stage in terms of strength.

Blood Shadow Ancestor didn't dare to be careless and immediately used a calming spell to seal the general's body. Then, he used the Blood Shadow Sect's secret technique, the Soul Binding Curse, to control the Primordial Spirit, temporarily suppressing the Blood Monster Ancestor.

As for the Big Dipper Star General who had been sucked dry, Blood Shadow Ancestor didn't let him go either. He was a Supreme Grade corpse refining material, which he would bring back to his second-in-command.

This time, he didn't come to take Zhou Tianfeng away because his eldest disciple had sent a message saying that his second-in-command had been captured by the Fox Clan and asked him to hurry over for a rescue.

This little disciple would have to trouble Shui Yun to take care of him for a while longer! Really, how should he approach this later?

Just as Xue Feng was contemplating, two sword lights descended from the sky. It was his lover, Fairy Shui Yun, and his disciple, Zhou Tianfeng.

"Shui Yun, I..."

"You heartless person, you dare to deceive me." As soon as they met, his Master's Wife unleashed her skills, taking the initiative.

(This is the last free chapter of this book. It will be updated at 12 o'clock on Wednesday with thousands of words. Welcome everyone to subscribe. You don't have to wait tonight, you can go to bed early.)

(End of this chapter)

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