Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 86 Elder Xue Feng, The Guest Of Heavenly Palace {Please Order First}

Chapter 86: Elder of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace

Upon hearing these words, Xue Feng's face turned pale.

This is trouble, big trouble. If such a terrifying phenomenon in the heavens and earth is truly triggered, it will definitely alarm the higher-ups of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

The scale and strength of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Blood Shadow Ancestor knows it better than anyone else. It was when he fell in love with Shui Yun back then.

At that time, Xue Feng was full of ambition. He even wanted to take Shui Yun out of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and make her his wife, the mistress of the Blood Shadow Sect.

But after learning about the power of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately extinguished this idea.

This is not just a matter of disparity. Not to mention anything else, any casual outer disciple or ordinary elder from the inner sect can fight Blood Shadow Ancestor on equal footing.

Not to mention the sect master, the peak masters, and the elders in the sect. Even the lowest cultivation level among them is at the Transcending Mortality level. Dealing with them is a piece of cake.

It's completely impossible to fight against them.

How did it come to this? How did it come to this? Feng'er, Feng'er's situation has actually been discovered by the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

This! This! How can I still take him away?

"Shui Yun, what exactly is going on? Please tell me quickly," Xue Feng anxiously asked.

"Hmph! Right after Feng'er's Foundation Building, it immediately triggered a terrifying phenomenon in the heavens and earth. The sect master and several other peak masters were attracted to it. Then, we all discovered this legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body together.

At that time, I had no choice but to say that he was my newly accepted disciple. Fortunately, I managed to keep this kid and didn't expose his identity as a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"That's good, that's good. We can't delay this matter. Feng'er, you quickly follow me and leave this place of trouble," Blood Shadow Ancestor breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Shui Yun managed to bring the person out. He was afraid that the Jade Water Heavenly Palace would take him away directly.

There's no time to waste. He should leave immediately with his disciple. Otherwise, he probably won't be able to leave at all.

Zhou Tianfeng stood aside and smiled helplessly. This master really assumes things. It's not a matter of whether I can leave or not now, but whether you can leave or not.

"You heartless person, you want to take him away, but what about me? The matter of this kid's Heavenly Rage Battle Body has already been reported to the sect master. If my disciple suddenly disappears, what am I supposed to do?" Fairy Shui Yun stared and said.

Now this old man wants to take the person away. Do you even care about me?

"Uh! How about this, Shui Yun, why don't you leave with me? How about the two of us wandering the world?" Xue Feng hesitated for a moment and asked.

Just now, he was a little anxious. It's not good to leave like this. Shui Yun might be severely punished by the sect, and it would be very serious.

"Xue Feng! Xue Feng! Are you getting more confused as you get older? Or are you pretending not to understand? Let me go with you, do you think we can go far? Don't you know the power of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace? Any random elder from the upper sect, do you think we can stop them?" Fairy Shui Yun retorted.

And isn't my intention clear enough? The higher-ups of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace already know about this kid. Do you think they won't know if I bring him out to see you?

"Shui Yun, just tell me the current situation. What should we do now?" Xue Feng said.

"The matter of this child was known to the higher-ups that very night. You should also be aware of it. You can't protect this child. You should understand the importance of a Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Moreover, your Blood Shadow Sect is no more. It's better to let this child stay in our sect!" Fairy Shui Yun spoke up.

"No way!" Blood Shadow Ancestor became anxious on the spot. If he hands over Zhou Tianfeng, isn't that asking for his own life?

Even if he disappears with this disciple for a hundred years, when this kid grows up completely, he can come out again.

"Can you not hand him over? Our Spirit Star is just a branch. If we really lose this Heavenly Rage Battle Body, there might be experts of the Rising Dawn realm coming over. Even if you hide at the ends of the earth, it won't help," Shui Yun mercilessly shattered Blood Shadow Ancestor's illusion.

Can you really hide? Don't say you're just at the Soul Cultivation realm. Even if you reach the Transcending Mortality realm, you still won't be able to hide.

"What should we do now? Shui Yun, since you came to see me and brought this child with you, you must have already thought of a solution, right? Tell me, I can hold on," Xue Feng sighed helplessly and said.

If he dares to take the person away today, the next day the army of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace will come and attack. There's no room for negotiation in this matter at all!

This child, this child, how could he be the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body? It's really troublesome!

"Luckily, you have some conscience. His matter has been reported to the higher-ups, and I have received many rewards, including a Spirit Medicine that can help you break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, as well as a Spirit Medicine that can help you break through to the Immortal Transformation realm.

Your current strength has reached the peak of Soul Cultivation. As long as you take these Spirit Medicines, you will be able to break through to the Transcending Mortality realm within ten years.

When you reach the peak of the Transcending Mortality realm, you can take the Spirit Medicine to break through to the Immortal Transformation realm. As long as you can overcome the Heavenly Tribulation, you will become an Earth Immortal in the Immortal Transformation realm," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"What is the price? What are the conditions?" Blood Shadow Ancestor asked.

"This kid will join my sect and receive the protection of my sect. His cultivation resources and techniques will all be taken care of by my sect. As for you, Xue Feng, we have had a relationship for so many years, and it's time for us to make it official.

This child is an opportunity. I have already discussed it with the higher-ups. You can change your identity and join my sect as an external elder. After you break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, we can get married," Fairy Shui Yun said, blushing slightly.

Blood Shadow Ancestor stood still for a while, pointing at Fairy Shui Yun without saying a word.

"Shui Yun, you! I... sigh!" What else could he say? Shui Yun has already done this perfectly. Otherwise, he, she, and this child would all be in danger.

Seeing Blood Shadow Ancestor hesitate, Fairy Shui Yun immediately scolded Xue Feng, pointing at him and saying, "You heartless person, are you not agreeing? You should know that if I reported this child alone, I would have received much more than this.

For you, I gave up the most apex-level Law Treasure, gave up cultivation resources. Do you know that with my talent, breaking through to the Immortal Transformation realm is only a matter of time? I could easily ask for a Spirit Medicine to break through to the Rising Dawn realm, but I chose to give you a Spirit Medicine for the Immortal Transformation realm.

I begged and pleaded to get the sect to agree to your position as an external elder, and I even got them to agree to our marriage. Can't we spend the next thousand years together?

What else do you want? Are you not agreeing?"

"Shui Yun, I... I know you're doing this for my own good, I know this is the best solution, but I... I can't swallow this anger! Feng'er is my disciple, and now I have to give him to someone else," Blood Shadow Ancestor said, his eyes turning red.

I discovered this disciple, but now he's being given away to someone else. How can I bear this?

"Who said he will be given to someone else? On the surface, he is my disciple. After you become an external elder, it's legitimate for us to teach him together. You will still be his master," Fairy Shui Yun said.

That's good, that's good. It's smoother than I imagined. This old man didn't resist too much.

"But, but, my Blood Shadow Sect's lineage will be cut off!" Xue Feng said.

Shui Yun rolled her eyes directly. What lineage does your Blood Shadow Sect have? From its founding until now, there hasn't been a single Ascension. The highest cultivation level is only an Immortal Transformation realm founder.

On the other hand, our sect has recorded Ascension cultivators, and we have a presence in the Immortal World.

"I apologize to the past Blood Shadow Sect masters!"

"What is there to apologize for? Don't you still have three disciples? Just choose one of them to inherit the Blood Shadow Sect. And when this disciple of yours grows up, with the cultivation of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, he will definitely become an extraordinary powerhouse. At that time, just promote him a little, and the Blood Shadow Sect will be ten times or a hundred times stronger than it is now," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Upon hearing this, Blood Shadow Ancestor's eyes lit up. He hadn't thought of this before. Yes, he still has a few disciples. The third one can't be saved for now, but the first and second can be chosen as successors!

With the cultivation resources of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Feng'er will definitely become a formidable force. By then, just promote him a little, and the Blood Shadow Sect can thrive on this Spirit Star.

"Alright, Shui Yun, I agree to this. We have had a relationship for so many years, and it's time for it to have a result," Xue Feng said.

Shui Yun has done enough for him. He owes this woman too much.

Being an external elder here, accompanying the person he loves, is not a bad thing.

"That's good. Alright, come with me up the mountain. I will take you to meet the sect master and the elders," Fairy Shui Yun said with a brilliant smile.

"Wait, Shui Yun, my second disciple has encountered some trouble recently. Give me a few months to handle this matter, and I will also pass on the position of Blood Shadow Sect master to the eldest, letting the second assist him," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Oh, is there a problem with your recent operation? I thought the person lying over there was your third disciple," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"Cough! This is not my third disciple. I captured him on the way. Shui Yun, you don't know, there is a strange thing called the Blood Monster appearing in the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, and this is the ancestor of the Blood Monster Race," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Alright, alright, I don't care about this kind of thing. I could smell the stench of corpses from this guy even from a distance," Fairy Shui Yun said, frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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