Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 87 Blood Monster! Mysterious Woman {Please Subscribe}

Chapter 87: Blood Monster! Mysterious Woman {Subscribe}

When she arrived just now, she saw the thing lying next to Xue Feng. Sensing it, she realized it was a living creature, but it was different. It had Monster Qi and a stench of corpses.

She thought Xue Feng's third disciple had practiced some evil technique, turning into this half-human, half-demon thing! Although it was alive, the strong smell of decay on its body was truly disgusting.

What kind of things are these demonic sects playing with?

"This is different from zombies, Shui Yun. It's a new thing called Blood Monster. It's extremely powerful. It has various Divine Abilities related to blood and its recovery ability is no worse than that of a blood corpse. Moreover, when it doesn't transform, its aura is just like an ordinary person." Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately excitedly introduced the peculiarities of the Blood Monster to Fairy Shui Yun.

How strong is the recovery ability of the Blood Monster? He witnessed it himself. It was beaten to only half a body, with half of its head cut off, but it didn't die. As long as it sucked blood, it instantly recovered.

Only blood corpses possess such terrifying recovery abilities. What's even rarer is that these Blood Monsters can transform into various strange zombies or use their own blood to transform ordinary people or cultivators into their own kind. Although they are inferior to their ancestors, they cannot be underestimated!

Zhou Tianfeng also listened with great interest. This thing called Blood Monster sounded a bit like the vampires or blood-sucking zombies he had seen before transmigrating.

But they are not afraid of sunlight, which is very impressive! However, for some reason, looking at the Blood Monster lying on the ground, Zhou Tianfeng felt that the other party looked familiar.

Have I seen him somewhere?

"You brat, do you feel like you've seen him before?" Blood Shadow Ancestor approached Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

"Uh! Disciple dare not hide it. Indeed, he looks familiar, but disciple can't remember where I've seen him." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Take a closer look." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Zhou Tianfeng approached the Blood Monster, which was tightly bound and sealed, and gently lifted half of the talisman on its head. After seeing its face, his eyes widened.

Damn, isn't this one of the members of the Heaven Inspiring Army that I captured before? No wonder he looks so familiar!

After all this time, it turns out to be this guy. Wait a minute! How did he become like this?

"Hmph! In short, this thing has something to do with you, but the main reason lies with your second senior brother." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Please enlighten me, Master." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"They're here for the sole purpose of wiping your ass, aren't they? Before I leave, I'll have Second Senior Brother wipe your ass for you. Your Second Senior Brother bit the four of them with the newly refined Blood Corpse. Somehow, they turned into these strange creatures with extremely contagious and controlling abilities over zombies, as well as the ability to create zombies." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

This special constitution is exactly what Second Senior Brother has been dreaming of! It possesses an incredibly terrifying regenerative ability.

The ability to control and create zombies is exactly what Second Senior Brother needs, but it's a bit of a pity. The offspring they create are tightly controlled by the four ancestors.

If Second Senior Brother were to be bitten and ingest their blood, their blood would only obey his commands.

But there is still a chance. These four guys don't have any special constitution. Once Second Senior Brother's cultivation reaches the Soul Cultivation level, he can try to possess them.

"Since it was your Second Disciple who refined the Blood Corpse, what does it have to do with Feng'er?" Fairy Shui Yun asked as she approached.

"It's only slightly related. After all, these four guys were tested by Feng'er before. But the key lies in the Blood Corpse that Second Senior Brother refined. Something might have gone wrong with that Blood Corpse," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

After careful study, he concluded that the problem should mainly lie with the Blood Corpse refined by Second Senior Brother. For some unknown reason, it probably underwent a mutation.

"Master is right. This issue should be with Second Senior Brother," Zhou Tianfeng agreed wholeheartedly.

Fuck, the problem is with Second Senior Brother? No, the problem definitely lies with me! I fed them a lot of blood before.

Could it be that my blood caused some problems in their bodies? Coupled with Second Senior Brother's Blood Corpse biting them and infecting them with corpse poison, they turned into a half-human, half-demon thing.

It seems that my blood is more than just precious blood. Besides detoxification, it should have other abilities. I wonder if it will become something like Tang Monk's flesh in the future?

"I plan to give this thing called the Blood Monster to Second Senior Brother. Now I need to go to Snow Domain Spirit Mountain. Second Senior Brother was captured there because he was practicing corpse cultivation and angered the Fox Clan. I have to rescue him," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

In fact, he wanted to pass on the position of Sect Master to the Fourth Disciple, but it's obviously not possible now.

The Third Disciple is missing, and Second Senior Brother is fully focused on studying corpse cultivation, so he has no interest in becoming the Sect Master. Only the eldest can handle this responsibility.

The eldest has a more stable personality and the help of the Fox Clan's wife's family, so becoming the Blood Shadow Sect's Sect Master is not a problem.

"Master, do you need the disciple's help with Second Senior Brother's situation?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What help can you offer? If you go, you'll only end up being captured by the Fox Clan. Seeing your Heavenly Rage Battle Body, they would be envious." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"So you should go to your senior disciple first. Handle things there and then come back, right?"

"Yes! I must go there."

"I think we can delay this matter. After you break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, we can go with more confidence. If you, at the level of Soul Cultivation, go there, the Fox Clan of Snow Domain Spirit Mountain won't be convinced." Fairy Shui Yun said.

"But Second Senior Brother probably can't wait that long. He has already been captured." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Do you think it's useful for you to go now? The Fox Clan also has experts at the Immortal Transformation realm. Listen to me, come back with me honestly. After you break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, I'll accompany you there." Fairy Shui Yun said.

For some reason, she had a feeling that Xue Feng absolutely must not go. If Xue Feng went, something would happen that she would regret for the rest of her life.

"Master, what Master's Wife said is right. There's no rush to save Second Senior Brother. If you go now, the Fox Clan might turn their anger towards you. Wait until you break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, then go with Master's Wife." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He felt that something was not right. Second Senior Brother's character was still very stable. It seemed like there was a conspiracy behind offending the Fox Clan by refining zombies.

"But what if something happens to your Second Senior Brother? What will we do then?"

"I trust Big Senior Brother. He can protect Second Senior Brother. If Big Senior Brother can't, then even if you go, Master, it would be in vain." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright, what you all said makes sense. Let's put this matter aside for now. Let's go, Shui Yun. I'll go with you to meet your master and the sect leader." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged. Just follow me." Fairy Shui Yun said.

In a dark cave, Nie Yingji suddenly woke up.

"Haha, narrowly escaping death, there will be good fortune to come. Boss, you never expected this, did you? Just wait for me. Once I've healed, I will tear you into a thousand pieces."

"Mhm! Mhm! This girl doesn't care who you want to tear into pieces, but since you've woken up, come over here immediately." A cold voice entered Nie Yingji's ears.

"Who are you? Thank you for saving my life." Nie Yingji got up, shook her head, and bowed to the mysterious woman in front of her.

This was a woman with long, dark blue hair and a perfect figure wearing peculiar battle armor.

But strangely, this woman's face seemed to be covered in a layer of mist, making it impossible for Nie Yingji to see clearly.

"Forget it, I saved you for a reason. If it weren't for your Extreme Yin Body bestowed by heaven and your faint Acquired Merit, I wouldn't have bothered saving a mere mortal like you." The woman said.

Mere mortal? What does she mean? My cultivation is at the Soul Cultivation realm, I'm definitely a skilled expert! How did I become a mere mortal in her eyes?

"I won't say thank you for your great kindness, but since you saved me, I am deeply grateful. I will repay you in the future. But at least I am at the Soul Cultivation realm, how did I become a mere mortal in your eyes?" Nie Yingji stood up and said.

This woman's cultivation was indeed much higher than her own, but to look down on her like this was a bit too much!

"Hehe! Hahaha! It's really funny. You're not even a True Immortal. In front of me, unless you've already become an immortal through cultivation, you're just a mere mortal. If it weren't for your Extreme Yin Body bestowed by heaven and your faint Acquired Merit, I wouldn't even bother with you!" The woman said.

Extreme Yin Body and Acquired Merit? Nie Yingji understood what the Extreme Yin Body was, but where did this Acquired Merit come from?

"I'm asking you, have you done anything recently?" The woman asked.

"Well, miss, I really don't understand what you're talking about." Nie Yingji said helplessly.

"Never mind, it's not important. Right now, I need your help with something. I don't know if you're willing to do it." The woman said.

Please go on, miss."

"I want you to try cultivating a technique. If you can successfully cultivate it, then you will be qualified to help me."

"What technique is it? What do you want me to help you with?" Nie Yingji asked.

"For now, I won't tell you. Come with me now. We're going to meet another person. Both of you will cultivate this technique together and see who can succeed."

"Who is the other person?"

"Someone like you, who also possesses Acquired Merit and the Heavenly Rage Battle Body bestowed by heaven." If it weren't for you two having these special constitutions and Acquired Merit, I wouldn't have come to this godforsaken place.

There will be another three thousand-word update later. This completes the ninth thousand-word chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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