Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 88 The Helpless Second Senior Brother(, Please Subscribe)

Chapter 88: Helpless Second Senior Brother (Please subscribe)

This Heavenly Universe Dynasty is considered a central dynasty, and it is also prosperous in terms of the number of cultivators. Besides the three major sects, there are also more than ten smaller sects. How did it become a desolate place in your words?

Moreover, from the tone of the woman, it seems like she knows why I suddenly obtained the Extreme Yin Body. Because she mentioned the Heavenly Gifted Extreme Yin Body.

But what is Acquired Merit? He really doesn't know. He has never even heard of the words "merit" and "virtue" before.

"What's wrong? Do you still have questions?"

"Miss, or perhaps, madam, may I ask about your cultivation level?" Nie Yingji wiped the sweat off his forehead and asked.

Just now, it seemed like he heard something extraordinary. In her eyes, anyone who is not a True Immortal is just a person! My goodness, this miss, could it be, could you be a true immortal?

This is a bit too outrageous, isn't it?

In any case, there is a lot of information!

"My cultivation level is not something a mere mortal like you needs to know. If you can cultivate the technique I will give you next, then you will have the qualification to know my name. If you fail to cultivate it, you are useless to me, no different from an ant." The mysterious woman said as she approached Nie Yingji.

"Hmph! In that case, let me experience your skills!" Nie Yingji snorted coldly and released his blood corpse, intending to test the strength of this lifesaving benefactor.

Although this woman speaks with great confidence, Nie Yingji absolutely does not believe that she is a true immortal. At most, her cultivation level is just higher than his.

And her tone of speech is really too aggressive, it's really infuriating!

The woman snorted coldly, and Nie Yingji suddenly fell to the ground as if struck by lightning. The woman's figure suddenly magnified countless times, becoming extremely sacred.

The blood corpse that Nie Yingji released turned into countless blood-colored fragments and disappeared on the spot. With just a cold snort, she killed his proud blood corpse.

"You, you! Why would someone like you come here? Why did you come to me?" Nie Yingji said in disbelief.

Although he had some doubts just now, after being easily defeated like this, even if the other party is not a true immortal, she might be a Heavenly Ascension realm cultivator.

He originally thought that after reaching the Soul Cultivation level, he would be able to become the master here, but he didn't expect to still be controlled by others!

"You don't need to know these things. You just need to heal your injuries and follow me. The more you know, the less benefit it will bring you. If you know too much, it might even bring you harm." The woman said.

"It seems that the miss doesn't have much confidence in my ability to cultivate divine arts. In that case, why not let me go? Find someone else." Nie Yingji said.

"Alright! Since your chances of successfully cultivating are not high, you can leave now. However, I want to tell you that if you take one step out of here, it means giving up an extraordinary opportunity and your own life. I will make you die a miserable death, after all, secrets must be kept, right? Isn't that right?" The woman smirked and said.

"Hahaha! The miss is right. With such a great opportunity in front of me, how can I easily give up? Of course, I have to give it a try." Nie Yingji wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and came to the woman with a smile on his face.

Damn it, if you let me go, I won't even look back and leave. Go to hell with your great opportunity.

But if you kill me immediately after I leave, then it's not worth it.

But if I fail to cultivate, wouldn't it be a fate worse than death?

Really, what kind of Heavenly Gifted Extreme Yin Body is this? I'd rather not have it!

"You are sensible. When the time comes, you and I will go to another place on this Spirit Star and obtain the Heavenly Gifted Heavenly Rage Battle Body." The woman said.

"Since the miss has already chosen me, why bother looking for someone else? It's not too late to find another person after I, the first one, fail, right?" Nie Yingji said.

If I fail to cultivate, it's as good as being dead. The Heavenly Gifted Heavenly Rage Battle Body, not to mention anything else, is much stronger than my Extreme Yin Body in terms of level.

If the other party succeeds before me, then I will be doomed, right? It's always good to have one less competitor.

"You are not the first one I have chosen, and I can't even remember how many I have chosen. I have searched for countless Apex Level physiques in the world, Sun Body, Holy Spirit Body, Innate Dao Body, Profound Yellow Divine Body, Five Elements Supreme Body.

But they all failed. It's just that you have the Heavenly Gifted Extreme Yin Body and the Acquired Merit, so I want you to give it a try. However, I don't have much hope for you. I think the chances are greater for the Heavenly Gifted Heavenly Rage Battle Body." The woman said.

"May I ask, what happened to those, those who failed?" Nie Yingji asked.

"What else can we do? The cultivation I want you to practice is an unparalleled divine skill. If you fail to cultivate it, you will naturally explode and die. So you must work hard! If you can't succeed, it's a dead end, and there's no need for me to intervene," the woman said.

This...this...won't I be doomed to die? So many Apex Level Body Refining techniques cannot be cultivated. Are you kidding me by asking me to practice them?

Damn it, why don't you just go find that Heavenly Rage Battle Body? Why come to me? I thought only the Extreme Yin Body could practice this divine skill!

To be honest, Nie Yingji suddenly felt that being an ordinary Mortal Physique was pretty good. Let that Extreme Yin Body go to hell! Heavenly Lord, how about giving me back my Mortal Physique?

"Miss, why not give me a way out?"

"Didn't I give you a way out? As long as you cultivate the divine skill, you will naturally survive," the mysterious woman said.

"In that case, I can only repay your lifesaving grace with my life. But before that, can you let me send a flying sword message to my sect to report my safety? Don't worry, there won't be any information about you in it," Nie Yingji said.

He might not have a chance to seek revenge for his boss, but he must inform his master. Otherwise, his boss might do something outrageous.

With his boss's personality, he would definitely find a way to deceive their master. His senior brother had become completely obsessed with this special Body Refining technique.

And if the Fox Clan were to attack, his master's life would be in great danger!

"No need, you will soon meet your master. The person I'm looking for is by his side," the mysterious woman said.

Why does everything have to involve my master? What did my small Blood Shadow Sect do to attract such a powerful person like you?

"Rest and recover well. I'll give you three days. After three days, we will set off."

In these past few days, something big happened in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. The outer sect suddenly announced the addition of a new honorary elder, and this newly added honorary elder, after breaking through to the Transcending Mortality realm, would also marry the Jade Luan Peak Master, Fairy Shui Yun.

This matter caused quite a stir in the outer sect.

Three days ago, Fairy Shui Yun and Xue Feng paid a visit to the Elder Yan Hongxue and the Sect Master Ming Yanshang. After that, his master, the Blood Shadow Ancestor, became an honorary elder of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

"Master, you should think positively. We have more than enough cultivation resources now, and you and Master's Wife have also achieved success in your relationship. Why not be happy?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Disciple, here, you and I are still dependent on others!" Although his disciple was a direct disciple, this was still the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

This was a sect controlled by women. In the future, when he ascended to the Immortal World, he would also be subject to the elders of the Immortal World. He didn't dare to think about the Ascension Immortal World before, but now he was absolutely certain that his disciple would ascend to become an immortal.

"Master, the elders have been very kind to me. That's enough. I don't care about anything else," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Now that his strength was still weak, it was the time when he needed protection. Why think so much? It's good to enjoy the shade under a big tree.

"Tomorrow, Master's Wife and I will officially enter seclusion. If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask the Sect Master, Ming Yanshang! I have met her, and she will definitely take good care of you," the Blood Shadow Ancestor said meaningfully.

Isn't that right? Some things had already been settled between Fairy Shui Yun and her. When the Sect Master summoned him, she was very polite. He didn't expect his disciple to be so fortunate.

"Master, please don't tease me." Zhou Tianfeng said helplessly.

"You focus on your cultivation. In less than ten years, I will definitely break through to the Transcending Mortality realm and rescue your second senior brother," Xue Feng said. (From now on, call me Xue Feng. There is no more Blood Shadow Ancestor.)

After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Zhou Tianfeng, his Master's Wife, Fairy Shui Yun, pushed open the door and walked in.

"Are you done talking? If you're done, hurry up and go into seclusion with me. Break through to the Transcending Mortality realm as soon as possible, and also save your second disciple. Do you want me to arrange an honorary position for your second disciple?" Fairy Shui Yun said.

"No need, the second disciple still needs to assist the boss in inheriting our Blood Shadow Sect!" Xue Feng rolled his eyes and said.

This woman, does she really want to wipe out their Blood Shadow Sect? At least leave me a way out, won't you?

"Alright, let him inherit your Blood Shadow Sect," Fairy Shui Yun said.

If you're not willing, I don't care. A guy who plays with zombies, so disgusting.

Early the next morning, the Blood Shadow Ancestor and Fairy Shui Yun entered seclusion together to prepare to break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, and also to help his master refine an Apex Level Law Treasure.

Today's update is complete with ten thousand two hundred words. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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