Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 89 Black Demon World (Please Order First)

Chapter 89: Black Demon World (Seeking Subscriptions)

After Master and Master's Wife closed their doors for cultivation, Zhou Tianfeng packed his belongings and planned to move to the main peak of Jade Mountain. His senior sister, Lin Wan, accompanied him.

Obviously, Master's Wife had made some compromises with the Sect Leader, but she still had her own plans.

"Junior brother, we don't really need to move and live there. We can stay here. If the two of us fly on our swords, it will only take a few moments to reach the main peak of Jade Mountain. We can make several round trips every day, with plenty of time," Lin Wan said.

Moving there would bring her no benefits, and with the speed of cultivators flying on swords, they could return in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea.

"Sister, I know that, but everything has been arranged by Master. As disciples, how can we disobey his orders?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hmph! Let me tell you, Junior Brother, the Sect Leader doesn't have good intentions towards you. You have to be careful and not fall into her trap," Lin Wan said indignantly.

Now, the biggest threat to him in the entire sect was the Sect Leader. It was really ridiculous that someone several hundred years old would compete with a junior like him.

Looking at his angry senior sister, Zhou Tianfeng felt quite helpless. What can I do? Everything has been arranged by those above.

This is the helplessness of being weak! Although everyone treats me well, I can't make decisions on my own. I have to completely follow others' will.

"Alright, let's set off, Sister. Don't keep the Sect Leader and Master waiting," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay!" Lin Wan nodded, and the two of them flew on their swords towards the main peak of Jade Mountain.

After the two left, a ray of light flashed in Zhou Tianfeng's original room, and a mysterious woman appeared with his second senior brother.

"Miss, this is my fourth junior brother. He should not be the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body, but rather the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, awakened in a different generation," Nie Yingji whispered.

Two hours ago, he and this mysterious woman arrived at the residence of Jade Water Heavenly Palace without attracting anyone's attention. They secretly infiltrated and then the woman put him in an invisible state, observing Zhou Tianfeng all along.

"Your junior brother is extraordinary! I originally thought he was just a gifted Heavenly Rage Battle Body with Acquired Merit, but I didn't expect him to be completely different from what I thought," the mysterious woman said.

"Cough cough! Miss, you said... you said... my junior brother, he is a gifted Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Does that mean he, like me, suddenly obtained some kind of special first-generation physique?" Nie Yingji immediately seized the key issue and asked.

In these few days, this mysterious woman also explained to him what it means to have a "heavenly bestowed physique," and he also came to understand what it means to have a "heavenly bestowed physique."

Generally speaking, if a person makes some small contributions to the world, they may receive rewards and obtain a special type of body refining quality called "Body Refining," as well as "Acquired Merit."

It is possible that if you unintentionally do something that has an unexpected impact on the world, whether it is good or bad, you will receive certain rewards.

According to this mysterious woman, after the birth of some offspring of great divine abilities, if they do not possess a special physique or have excellent aptitude, they will use this method to obtain a "heavenly bestowed physique."

However, the highest level of this "heavenly bestowed physique" is only the limit of a "mortal physique," and it is different from the innate-born physique.

The descendants of this "heavenly bestowed physique" will directly inherit the original first-generation physique, which will gradually weaken over time. However, in terms of power and other aspects, there is not much difference from the first generation.

As for how he obtained the "heavenly bestowed physique," this mysterious woman also provided an answer.

About a few months ago, two faint merits descended upon this Spirit Star, and she observed it from a distance.

Then she tracked it and discovered the person who received these two types of "heavenly bestowed physique" and "Acquired Merit." One was herself, and the other was her junior martial brother.

As for why she and her junior martial brother obtained the "heavenly bestowed physique," the mysterious woman just smiled mysteriously and said she was lucky.

Nie Yingji was completely puzzled.

"This junior martial brother of yours has an extraordinary physique, very, very special. Originally, I was only attracted by the heavenly bestowed merits of you two. I thought it was just an ordinary 'Heavenly Rage Battle Body' and 'Acquired Merit,' but I didn't expect that I underestimated your junior martial brother. This kid has much more potential than you," the mysterious woman said.

"Miss, what do you mean by that? Is there something wrong with my junior martial brother?" Nie Yingji asked.

Naturally, her junior martial brother was indeed blessed with exceptional talent. Previously, she and her master thought he had the "Transforming Poison Spirit Body," but now he has obtained the "Heavenly Rage Battle Body."

"Let me give you an example. You obtained the 'Extreme Yin Body' bestowed by heaven. Among your descendants, one person will directly inherit the first-generation 'Innate Extreme Yin Body,' while the other descendants will have the second-generation 'Extreme Yin Body.' Afterward, the physique of all your descendants will gradually weaken. But for you, this is like a timely help, a pie falling from the sky. It has turned you from an ordinary person into someone with the opportunity to aspire to the Great Dao, and you will leave a legacy for future generations."

"But for your junior martial brother, this 'Heavenly Rage Battle Body' should only be considered as an embellishment, something that is neither here nor there. His original physique is already very, very special, so special that I cannot see through it," the mysterious woman said.

"." Nie Yingji expressed that he didn't understand much.

But the only thing that can be confirmed is that his junior martial brother, even if he doesn't have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, is still very powerful. Anyway, no matter how you say it, he's more awesome than himself.

"I need to change my plan. Um, what's your name?" the mysterious woman turned and asked.

"Ahem! I am surnamed Nie, named Yingji," Nie Yingji coughed lightly and said.

After all that, it turns out that in her eyes, I'm just a dispensable little person, not even worthy of remembering my name?

I really feel so discouraged!

"Hmm! Nie Yingji, originally I planned to let you and your senior martial brother cultivate the technique I gave you together, to see who can succeed and serve me in the future. If you fail, there will only be a dead end. But now I've changed my mind. I can give you a chance to survive, and even make you a powerful figure in the demonic path," the mysterious woman said.

"Please speak, I won't frown even if I have to go through mountains of knives and seas of fire," Nie Yingji said.

As long as it's not like before, where I would die if I couldn't cultivate her technique, everything else is negotiable.

"Next, I want you to do this, and this, can you do it?" the mysterious woman said.

"This, this! Lady, my lady, you're not joking, right? This, this," Nie Yingji's voice trembled as he spoke, even his legs were shaking, looking at the woman in front of him with an incredulous expression, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

"This is simple for you, and there are great benefits. It can even save your life. You have no reason to refuse, right?" the mysterious woman asked in confusion.

This can be said to be a great opportunity. How could this guy refuse?

"But, but! Lady, not Venerable, Your Majesty, Great Immortal, please forgive me for my shallow cultivation. I can't bear this heavy responsibility," Nie Yingji said with a mournful face.

"If you refuse, I will make your soul scatter, completely annihilated, and never be reincarnated," the mysterious woman's words were accompanied by a terrifying pressure that enveloped Nie Yingji.

In that instant, he felt as if he had lost his soul, stuck in a corner unable to move, even unable to think due to fear and terror.

"I, I agree, Your Majesty, but, but I have only heard of the Ascension Immortal World, I have never heard of the Ascension Black Demon World," Nie Yingji said.

Who is this mysterious woman? He can't understand what she's saying.

She wants him to ascend to a place called the Black Demon World and help her with something. Come on, he has only heard of the Ascension Immortal World, where is this Black Demon World?

"I can't believe you, a practitioner of demonic cultivation, have never heard of it. How do you plan to ascend there in the future?

Are you still planning to ascend to the Immortal World? You, a practitioner of demonic cultivation, want to ascend to the Immortal World?" the mysterious woman said with great disdain.

This Spirit Star is really a garbage place. This guy's demonic cultivation technique is so incomplete that he hasn't even heard of the Black Demon World.

"I really don't know," Nie Yingji said.

"It's okay, you don't know, I'll tell you now. The realm you are currently in is called the Mortal World. Above this realm, there are the Heavenly Monster World, Heavenly Net World, Celestial Immortal World, Black Demon World, Ancient Immortal Domain, and Vast Desolation Domain. In the mortal realm, most cultivators will ascend to these six realms in the future.

But your mortal realm is under the jurisdiction of the Immortal World, so there are mostly cultivators.

I will pass on a technique to you, a Black Demon World technique. Your Extreme Yin Body is very suitable for cultivating the Black Demon World technique. After you ascend, you will start carrying out the tasks I assign to you," the mysterious woman said.

"I understand," Nie Yingji said.

"Hmm! I'm leaving now. What you do next is up to you, but remember, my existence and the technique I gave you must never be known to anyone, otherwise you and everyone who knows about it will die," the mysterious woman said coldly.

"I will remember your teachings, my lady."

The mysterious woman nodded, and with two hand seals, she imprinted a set of techniques called the Profound Heaven Demon Codex into his mind.

"This is the technique I'm passing on to you, and I've also added some insurance. As long as I have a thought, even if you cultivate the Heavenly Demon True Body, you will still die.

In the future, obediently do things for me, and there will be benefits for you," the woman said before disappearing.

After confirming that the woman had left, Nie Yingji sat down on the ground, unable to calm down for a long time.

The next chapter will be 1,500 or 10,000 words, please subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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