"Thank you, Uncle Zhou. Island Master!"

Lin Xiuyin bowed down.

Now that he has joined Wangchuan Lake, he is Zhou Xun’s subordinate.

There is order between superiors and inferiors.

You can call Uncle Zhou in private, but naturally you should call the island owner in public!

Zhou Xun nodded with satisfaction and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Lin Xiuyin's hesitant expression.

"Why is there anything else?"

Zhou Xunwen said in a warm voice.

"Xiuyin's cultivation has reached the peak of qi training. It's time to seek foundation building. Now she still lacks foundation building pills,"

"Here are six thousand spirit stones. I want to exchange them with Uncle Lin for one!"

As Lin Xiuyin spoke, she took out sixty middle-grade spiritual stones and offered them to them, with a hint of embarrassment on her face.

Hearing this, Zhou Xun suddenly realized.

It seems that Wang Erniu failed to exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill and her eldest daughter.

But it doesn't matter. He had already told Wang Erniu that if his children, except Wang Shun, were short of foundation-building pills, they could just ask him.

Over the years, Zhou Xun has obtained a lot of materials for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill from the storage bags he traveled to Huai'an and the trophies from killing the Tianyumen monks.

There are as many as five or six furnaces.

With his alchemy skills, he can completely guarantee that each furnace will produce three genuine elixirs.

Therefore, Zhou Xun has no shortage of foundation-building pills.

"So that's what happened, it's easy to talk about!"

Zhou Xun patted his storage bag, took out an exquisite jade bottle, and threw it towards Lin Xiuyin.

"Here is a genuine Foundation Establishment Pill, please take it!"

With that said, he put those spirit stones into his storage bag.

"By the way, since you want to build a foundation, you might as well live on my island in the middle of the lake!"

"The cave in the west is specially left for you to build the foundation. There are a lot of foundation-building classics from the past inside. You can go and study it."

"When it's time to build your foundation, remember to notify me in advance so that I can allocate spiritual energy for you. By then, the concentration of spiritual energy in the cave can be increased to the second level of the best,"

"This will be of great benefit to your breakthrough!"

Zhou Xun smiled.

"Thank you, Uncle Lin!"

"Yiqing, take them there!" Zhou Xun ordered Song Yiqing beside him, and then left.

A month later, a spiritual energy vortex several feet in size rose above Lin Xiuyin's temporary cave.

After half a day, they dispersed.

Lin Xiuyin successfully broke through and was promoted to an early-stage foundation-building monk.

Then, under Zhou Xun's arrangement, he served as Wei Qiuxin's deputy and assisted Wei Qiuxin in handling the affairs of Wangchuanfang.

Wangchuanfang, Qin’s Shop,

More than ten feet deep in the backyard, a secret room several feet in size suddenly appeared.

All kinds of restrictions flickered around the secret room.

A middle-aged man dressed as a shopkeeper, with a medium build and an ordinary appearance, is holding a jade slip and is concentrating on depicting something.

"Master personally initiates, disciples lurk"

Just looking at his appearance, this person is only at the eighth level of Qi training.

What people don't know is that this man's Dantian is restrained and exudes a dense light, covering all the one hundred and eighty-three drops of liquid mana in his Dantian.

After finishing the carving, he left the secret room, returned to the shop, and changed the direction of an ornamental potted plant on the second floor.

Half a day later, a young man wearing a brocade robe and having an extraordinary bearing walked in.

"What do you want to see, guest sir?"

The young man hurriedly came up to greet him.

Seeing this person, the middle-aged man came out.

"Xiao Liu, I will personally entertain this fellow Taoist!"

After speaking, he saluted the fat middle-aged man:

"Fellow Taoist is very generous. I don't know what I want to buy. Please come and sit in the elegant room with me!"

"That's fine!"

The young man readily agreed and then followed the middle-aged shopkeeper into the private room.

As soon as he entered the elegant room, the middle-aged man waved his hand, and the restriction was raised, covering the entire elegant room.

Seeing this, the young man's complexion changed and he hurriedly knelt down and bowed:

"Disciple pays homage to Master!"

Immediately, the two began to spy. The middle-aged man carefully handed the jade slip to the young man and gave a few solemn instructions.

Then the young man left.

"If you still have such needs, please come to my Qin's store!"

Wangchuan Lake,

On both sides of the Jingxin Pavilion, more than a dozen spiritual plants of various colors were planted, and a man in white walked among them.

There are Lingwu tea, Renshui pear, Huangmu peach, Xuanpi plum, etc.

Zhou Xun has planted them one after another over the years.

If guests come over on weekdays, they can just pick it off and taste it, which is quite interesting.

Over the years, Zhou Xun would come here to sit and enjoy the scenery in his spare time.

Sometimes we also cultivate the spiritual plants here.

If it were in the past, he would still make use of the spiritual planting skills passed down to him by Lin Xueying.

But since he learned to cultivate his natal spiritual plant, he had inspiration.

Directly using the essence of the elixir of the Ning Chun Jing to cultivate these planted spiritual plants, the method is simple and crude.

But the results surprised him.

What he didn't expect was that these spiritual plants that absorbed the essence of the elixir could advance faster than any other spiritual plant technique.

In just twenty years, he has cultivated Lingwu Tea, which was originally a first-grade mid-grade tea, to the current second-grade mid-grade tea.

It's a big step up.

The same is true for other Renshui pears and Aoki peaches.

Except for the "Bitter Apricot" that was planted recently, all of them have reached the second level.

Plus the lush Jingxinlian in the lake.

Zhouxun, the island in the middle of the lake, is like a blessed land of immortals.

Zhou Xun took out a first-grade high-grade elixir and immediately ran the "Ningchun Sutra".

Soon a green light point floated out from the elixir, and under Zhou Xun's control, it moved towards the "Bitter Apricot".

Almost instantly, the light spots melted in.

Then the entire "bitter apricot tree" was bathed in a faint green light.

I don't know how long it took before the green light slowly dissipated.

At this time, the leaves of the apricot tree were green and powerful, as smooth as new, and looked extremely energetic.

"According to this progress, I think in another year, I will be promoted to the first level of high-grade!"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly.

Immediately, he picked a huge yellow peach from the yellow peach tree on the side, wiped it on his sleeve, and then took a bite.

Instantly, the aroma of peach filled the entire mouth, and the sweet juice slid down the throat and into the stomach.

Suddenly a surge of spiritual energy rose!

Zhou Xun immediately used the True Spiritual Wood Technique to refine the spiritual energy.

Just this one spiritual peach was enough to save him several days of hard work.

Just when Zhou Xun was about to continue extracting the essence and cultivating other spiritual plants.

A graceful figure walked over barefoot.

Her hair was pulled up high, and she wore a plain gauze skirt that reached just to her ankles, revealing a jade-like pair of feet.

"Husband, this is a letter from Uncle Erniu and Sister Xueying!"

The person who came was none other than Song Yiqing. She was holding two letters and handed them to Zhou Xun.

"Okay, come with me to sit in the pavilion!"

Zhou Xun took the letter and immediately walked to the Jingxin Pavilion nearby.

After the two sat down, Song Yiqing took out a tea set and waved her hand.

He picked a dozen fresh tea leaves from the Lingwu tea tree next to him and put them into the teapot.

Then he took out a bottle of spiritual spring water and poured it slowly.

Then he used his magic technique and started to prepare Lingwu Tea.

Zhou Xun sat aside, opened the letter, and began to read.

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